MTL - The God of Sky & Earth-Chapter 3 : I don't mind abolishing you!

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Immediately behind Su Yi, a 17-year-old boy appeared, and the **** face was quite handsome, with a black long black hair and a pair of narrow eyes under the long eyebrow. The exquisite light makes people dare not look down, there is a breath of breath behind them, obviously it is just the person who has just shot.

" Su Wei, what are you doing! "

Wang Fatzi originally planned to bite his teeth and put his hand on it. When he looked at the boy in front of him, he suddenly changed his face.

Su Yi got up and looked at the young boy's gaze in front of him. The cold light under the wide robe quietly converges.

This young Su Yi naturally knows that the familiar one can no longer be familiar with it. He is the adopted son of Su Yuntian, the old man, and changed from Su to Su.

Therefore, this Su Wei is still a cousin of Su Yi, and since childhood, he seems to be extraordinary.

Judging from the momentum that has just been shot, Su Wei has already set foot on the foundation to succeed in the Yuan Dynasty.

This kind of heavenly posture, the entire city is absolutely rare.

Looking at Su Yi, Su Wei’s mouth was slightly twitching, and the palm of the hand just clenched slightly, and this kid was able to avoid his shot.

In Su Wei’s imagination, if this kid just died in his hands, it can be said that it’s a missed hand, and even if it is to be severely punished, it’s worth it.

After all, he Su Wei is now the first person among the Su family juniors, and is the future and hope of the Su family.

But the scourge is still not dead. He really insisted on it for three years. This is the result that Su Wei does not want to see.

As the long-term grandson of the Su family, Su Wei always felt that he should be the heir to the Su family.

But because he is only a foster child, in the eyes of the majority of the old people in the Su family, even if his mother is also a Su family, his heavenly posture is far beyond this scourge from an early age, but his status is still not as good as the scourge.

Especially in the heart of the old man, this scourge has plagued the great disaster, and the father has to protect him at any cost, which shows the weight of his weight!

Originally thought that this scourge would be dead in that place for three years. I didn’t expect this disaster to be a big hit, but it was really alive and coming back.

These three years are the best three years for Su Wei. He is already the first person among the Su family, but he is more and more worried.

Because Su Wei is very clear, once this evil is back, his position in the Su family and everything he has now will gradually disappear like a mirror.

Even if he tries to fight for the Su family in the future, he may eventually fall into the hands of this scourge.

How could all not let him burn in the fire, he could not match the waste of a Su family.

In the long narrow eyes, the chilling anger emerged, but then Su Wei slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and the pretty face was hung with a smile.

Looking at Su Yi, Su Wei did not leave traces, with a smile, said: " three years no see, Su Yi Tangdi is finally back, the big disaster is not dead, afraid that there must be a blessing, just for the brother itching, Moved the heart of the discussion, it seems that Su Yitang's skill has also improved a lot, but also ask the cousin not to blame for the brothers! "

" Su Wei, you are learning, it is clear that you want to kill Su Yi. " Wang Fatzi sinking, angry.

At this moment, Su Yi also sorted out the wide robes of the cockroaches, and slightly raised them. It was a faint reply to Su Wei: " It doesn't matter. "

" Oh, that's good, it seems that they just had Su Baihan, they are white to go to the city gate, I heard that Mo is not a few of them are blocking the Suyi cousin at the gate of the city, with the strength of Su Yitang, naturally it will not be positive The conflict has long since sneaked into the city. Although it can't be hanged on the face, it is better than sending a life, let alone "

Su Wei looked at Su Yi, his face was slightly awkward, and the sarcasm on his face had never been hidden.

The voice paused a little, and Su Wei looked at Su Yi with a smile and laughed. He continued: " What's more, Su Yi's cousin has no face, and the dignity of the entire Su family is almost lost by you. "

Su Yi took a sigh of relief, and the person who came here was not good. If even this thing could not be dealt with, then his past life would be a white life, and this life is not as good as early birth.

The corner of the mouth slightly rose, Su Yi looked at Su Wei, seemingly helpless, said faintly: " You just wanted to kill me, but unfortunately lost, you want to become the heir of the Su family, excusable, but You can rely on your own ability to fight for it. You have to say that your current behavior makes me unhappy and looks naive. This is not a big scene. I am afraid that I will not be recognized by Su’s family. "

Listening to Su Yi’s words, this unrelenting direct insinuation is tantamount to clarifying everything.

The smile that Su Wei’s face squeezed out also slowly converged, and his face became blue and red.

Su Wei originally thought that in the three years of the wild demon forest, even if the scourge is not lucky, it will be tortured to the stagnation, and the tail is wandering and the back is already Sujiazu.

But Su Wei did not think that this scourge is still like the general flying arrogance three years ago, or this does not put him in the eye.

At the moment, Su Wei’s face sank, and the scorpion flickered in the cold. Dao: & quot; Su Yi, you have nothing but the old man. On Tianzi, you are equal to waste. The whole city does not know you. Su Yi, just a useless evil that relies on the help of the Su family, what qualifications do you have in comparison with me! "

" Su Wei, don't overdo it! "

Wang Fatzi shouted, looking at Su Wei, but it was obviously taboo.

Wang Fatzi, he is too clear, Su Wei is now the leading figure among the Su family juniors. Long time ago, he rumored that he had successfully built the foundation to the Yuan Soul. He would not be an opponent.

In the face of Wang Fatzi, Su Wei turned a deaf ear and did not pay attention to it. His eyes only focused on Su Yi.

" It seems that you are very hard, three years ago, you are respectful in front of me, I have not been in these three years, your courage is a lot bigger. " Su Yi said slightly, the look is very indifferent, as if he did not care about Su Wei.

I have to say that Su Yi’s words are like a needle that stung Su Wei’s heart.

Three years ago, he did not build a base to the soul of the Yuan, although this scourge is only a waste, but after all, with the protection of the old man, is the heir to the Su family name, he did not dare to offend.

But now it is different. This scourge is now being shouted by everyone in the entire city. I have successfully built the foundation to the Yuan Soul Mirror and become the first person among my peers. There are many Su people who value it.

The killing in the eyes gradually poured out, the breath of the body was fluctuating, the fists were tightly gripped, and Su Wei moved to kill.

" is the young master Su Yi, really Su Yi is coming back! "

"And Miss Su Wei. "

This movement caused the attention of the guards in front of the Sujia Gate, and someone came in.

Su Wei's eyes glanced, and then the teeth were bitten, and the smug eyes in the narrow eyes were already restrained and became cold.

Slightly lifted, his face reveals some cold colors of Su Sen, Su Wei visually sees Su Yi, said: & quot; Su Yi, three years, everything has changed, now you, although still alive, but like It's a useless waste dog, and I'm not the same as before. You are still in trouble. If you are lucky, you can rely on the protection of Su's family. You can hide and hide like a dog for the rest of your life. If you are good, two days later, the younger children of Su’s family will compete in the family for several places to participate in the selection of the Holy Mountain. If you are also there, I don’t mind disposing of you on the spot, no one can protect them at that time. You, of course, with the strength of your waste, let alone the qualifications that are not qualified, and even less courage to play! "

As the voice fell, Su Wei turned and left, and today there is no chance to get rid of this waste, and it is not too late to find opportunities later.

"Master Su Wei. "

On the face of the Su family guards who came to the scene, Su Wei looked gloomy and never thought about it.

Looking at Su Wei's back, Su Yi's mouth smudged a faint smile, and the unsatisfied voice came out, saying: & quot; to tell the truth, just because you have just built a base to step into the soul mirror and not long I am afraid that it is not enough to abolish me. After two days, I will give you a chance as you wish! "

Listening to the indifferent words behind him, Su Wei’s footsteps were not stagnation, and he secretly smoked his face.

Originally thought that his last warning words were enough to make this waste be a tail-carrying person. He had thought that this waste would not be put in his eyes as always.

" After two days, no one can save you! "

Su Wei gripped the palm of his hand, his eyes gushing out of the cold, and then stepped into the Su family to leave.

" Young Master Su Yi, really you! "

The guards at the entrance of several Sujiamen arrived in front of Su Yi, seemingly polite, but did not salute, and there are many gaps with Su Wei's attitude.

Looking at Su Yi, who seems to be in a state of ruin at the moment, these guards have some secret disdain. This evil is really not leaving the Su family. Although it is still coming back, it is so unbearable, it is not as good as the meal on the street. Where to go.

For these guards' eyes, Su Yi looked in his eyes and smiled, but he never ignored it.

"Su Yi, you will not really plan to fight with Su Wei in two days, have you already built the foundation to the Yuan Dynasty? "

Wang Fatzi came to Su Yi's front, his face was slightly condensed, and he was surprised.

Wang Fatzi knows that Su Yi’s Tianzi is not even as good as him. In the past three years, he did not know how many medicinal herbs and supplements he took. In the past three years, he has not suffered much in the guise of his own personal supervision. The base of the base, is this kid not only survived in the wild demon forest in the past three years, but also succeeded in building the foundation to the soul of the soul.


Su Yi shook his head, some awkward, said: " no. "

Wen Yan, Wang Fatzi is not strange. He has not practiced in the past three years, and he has not yet reached the point of building a foundation. If this guy arrives at the Yuan Soul Mirror, it will be too shocking.