MTL - The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady-Chapter 2672 Resurrection Array (2)

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The perfect match of the sky is extremely tacit, the undead masters are not their opponents at all, a large number of undead masters rushed forward, want to block the attack of these two magical, but waiting for them only the death in the blink of an eye.

One by one, the undead mage fell, and the face of the heavens showed a distorted smile. The killing made him boil, and the thick magic filled his body. He raised his hand and crushed the disclosure of a necromancer. The laughter overflowed from his mouth.

The undead mage in charge of the command shivered in endless fear. He endured the inner fear and led several undead masters to draw up the resurrection.

This is the task assigned to them by the ancestors of the undead. Even if the whole army is over, they will complete the resurrection before they die!

The Resurrection Faction is too important for this battle. All the undead masters of the undead are concentrated here. Only by opening the Resurrection Faction, can they have a hope of victory.

The Necromancers silently fell into the pool of blood, and they did not make a whining until they died. They did not want to bring a horror to their companions because of their death. They died silently, and the stacked bodies were like hills. .

More and more necromancers fell, and under the double blow of the celestial shadows, they became fragile. Tens of thousands of undead mages were slaughtered in the blink of an eye, leaving only the last few hundred. Trembling on the ground, the deadly figure of the undead.

Can not retreat, can not retreat.

The shadow of death is shrouded in the body of the Necromancer, and they can even feel that the shadow of the sky has slowly approached.

"Hey, these dead souls are not infected by human beings. They can't even escape. They are still guarding such a broken squad and expecting to fight back?" The sky took the dust on the hands, the undead did not have blood, and killed so many undead. Master, he did not get a slight misunderstanding on his body, a beautiful smile on his handsome face.

This time, I returned to the bright continent. The madness of mankind made the devils very surprised. Nowadays, even the timid undead are so abnormal.

However, how can that be? In the end, is it not to die in the hands of their Mozu?

Heaven and the polar shadow exchanged a look, step by step, close to the undead mage who was desperately on the ground to draw the Faction.

The long, slender legs were lifted up, and one foot smashed and revealed the undead master of the squad on the ground. The crisp bone cracks made him feel comfortable.

The dead Necromancer still holds the pen used to draw the statute in his hand.

A loud scream broke out on this land, and the Necromancers gave up their resistance. They exposed their backs to the two maddening demons, burying their heads and praying that they could give them more It takes a minute to live, even if it is more than a second, let them fill in some of the tactics.

For the first time, the undead felt the generals of death so clearly, and the fear made them tremble and could barely hold the pen in their hands.

Just in the shadow of the sky, ready to send the rest of the group of undead masters to the moment before the death abyss, when the two sounds are crisp, the two arrows are nailed to the feet of the heavens and the extreme shadows, blocking They are moving on.

“It’s not a polite thing to bother someone else’s work.” The screaming sound suddenly sounded.

Two handsome and straight figures appeared in front of the sky.

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