MTL - The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady-Chapter 2687 Blue Wave Prison (1)

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Shen Yanxiao and Donnazhi will hold the shadow of the sky, and in the other direction of the battlefield, the war has spread completely.

Yang Xi with the incarnation of the Eight Wings Golden Dragon's Peas and Sui Emperor launched a fight, Qi Xia battle ghosts, Yaksha and Miluo, Yan Yu with the charm Ji, Shen Siyu and the demon blade, the blue seal glass against the black scorpion, the elf king Night Demon, Meng Meng on the bloody, Yan Yan battle tomb, Dragon God against the war...

The fierce battle started in front of the door that never fell!

Among all the coalition's lineups, Yan Yan's strength is the weakest, followed by Meng Mengqi.

Yan Yan’s eyes are blind and she can’t look around with her eyes. She can only spread her perception to the maximum extent, and use the perceived everything to depict the battlefield in her own mind.

Tomb was looking at the girl who smelled the mermaid. This is obviously a humanoid fish. It seems that her age is not big. Her breath is much weaker than other people on the battlefield.

Such a fragile opponent makes the tomb untouchable.

He just wanted to kill the fragile little mermaid and kill other people.

With a fierce attack, I went straight to the face.

I felt the strong magic of the face only to have the trident in my hand in front of me.

A loud bang, the attack of the tomb was taken down by the Poseidon trident, but the aftermath still let the Yan Yan, who had no combat experience, rushed out.

The petite face fell heavily on the ground, and the mouth tasted a hint of blood.

"It's really hard to beat." Tomb was frowning at the mermaid that he had hit and flew out. He was really not interested in spending such a waste of time. He gave up the face and turned to the blue against the black scorpion. The glass went away.

The human devil has a familiar atmosphere.

Yan Yan only felt that she was falling apart, and she stood up and felt that the magic attacking her had begun to leave.

Can't let him go!

Yan Yan’s heart jumped.

Before the war, Yan Yan was going to deal with a magical man with Yan Yu, but the death of Li Xiaowei made this plan completely destroyed, and Yan Yan had to deal with it alone.

Yan Yan has always known that she is too weak compared with other people, but Shen Yanxiao has already handed over the task of dealing with the magic will, and if the tomb is to attack other people, then others are in danger. ! Yan Yan was completely shaken. Suddenly, she felt a familiar wave of water fluctuations...

"Bibo Hai Prison!" Yan Yan Heran his hands in the hands of the Trident, the blue water filled the sea trident, with the spread of the light, the sound of the tide suddenly sounded.

The tomb that was preparing to sneak into the blue-clad glass suddenly noticed a strange look. He subconsciously turned around and a deep blue wave of water was rushing toward him.

The mermaid is the favor of the sea. Their strength comes from the water. There is a moat in the sun. The Yanyan finally mobilizes the water in the moat and launches the attack of the mermaid!

The tomb did not think that the mermaid on the land could have any attack power. When the water surged, he did not react.

The blue waves poured down, and the crystal clear water flow formed a translucent dungeon around the tomb!

Yan Yan's hands clasped the Poseidon trident, exhausted the strength of the whole body, maintaining the strength of the watertight.

She has no fighting power, but she doesn't want to be tired!