MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 2 Deficient

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哟 "Oh, it's not heaven and earth, it's very early today."

Like every day's opening remarks, the crowd laughed a lot, and the people who just came in followed to coax and announced that a happy day had begun.

The Hebrew brothers have always been diligent, but they worship the strong in the Mengjia Empire, like they can only be the clowns in the eyes of others, the object of ridicule.

Zou Liang smiled slightly, nodded kindly, and had to counsel without counseling. Whoever left them without money and power is not aristocracy. They have no strength, and they do not have arrogant capital. It is also a value for entertainment.

Zou Liang smiled, and Ernest followed with a smirk. Heaven and earth are both stupid, also called heaven and earth deficiency. A simple mind is not so developed, and a simple limb is not so developed. If it was not the old bear who adopted them People provided a lifetime service for the War Academy, and they could not enter here.

Zou Liang is clear, extremely clear, but subconsciously thinks that they are talking about Arthur, has nothing to do with himself, and does not have much feeling in his heart.

The War College is not fighting all day. Each profession is divided into theoretical courses and actual combat courses. It is quite delicate. The Mengjia Empire also has thousands of years of history. It is divided and combined. It has a high degree of civilization, and the law is relatively complete. The combination of secular power is quite good.

The theory class started. Ernest listened hard with his big eyes and listened very carefully, so that Zou Liang felt that his eyes were so wide and his eyes would fall out, but he knew very well that this guy He couldn't understand anything. Although the Bear Bears are the six major empire races, they are relatively weak-headed, but they have strong fighting ability and strong fertility. As allies of the Tiger Tigers, they can maintain this status.

Zou Liang turned his eyes around. What the teacher Fox said above had nothing to do with him. There were a lot of beauties in the classroom. At first Zou Liang was worried about the dinosaurs here and there, but on the contrary, from the perspective of the opposite sex, this is heaven.

The Fox Fox girl's spirit show, the Snake Snake girl's enchanting, the Leopard Leopard girl's hot body, and so on are simply the happy world of men.

For Zou Liang, who was a very mansion in the previous life, and fragile in this life, he can only experience eye addiction. The beautiful women will not look at him. Even if they look at it, they are skipped directly.

The time in the morning was very fast. Take a look at the west and look at the east. After taking a nap, you will soon pass. In fact, it is full of happiness.

I am content with Changle.

"Brother, let's go training in the afternoon." Ernest stuffed his food with a big mouth, and his meal was so large that he lost all of Zou Liang's appetite.

"I've given you this one too. Brother will go to the library in the afternoon. Go for it yourself."

Perhaps the only relative in this lonely world, Zou Liang also has a very good opinion of Ernest, not to mention that Ernest respects him very much, even if others don't treat him as a person.

"It's all useless to me, and I have to let my brother go to work." Ernest scratched his head, but still swept away the food on Wang's plate.

Zou Liang smiled helplessly. Maybe it ’s true happiness like Ernest. It ’s optimistic about everything and no worries. Arthur is a stranger of the Bill family. He is so persistent and thinks about himself. Inferior to him, what has been attached in previous lives?

It seems that after the college entrance examination, life is liberated. The only thing that can sustain it is games. Unfortunately, my professionalism and ability in games are of no use in this world. I knew it would be better to be a cook and learn mechanical engineering. Why did n’t God remind me when he was in college.

Zou Liang came to the library dazzlingly. There was no use for his seat. Students coming and going took him as a dead thing and ignored it. Sometimes, Zou Liang really wanted them to tease him. Just say a few words to help pass the time.

"Hello, where is the herbal book?"

Zou Liang is lying on a boring face, and a soft voice comes from his ears. The Ruibotu rabbits are so soft and polite, they will definitely not be the style of the arrogant six.

Most of the Tutu clan belong to non-combat occupations. They are relatively weak in the empire, but there is no shortage of wealthy businessmen. However, in the Mengjia Empire, the size of the sound is determined by the strength of the fighting strength, and money is not enough.

Zou Liang fiercely looked up, beauties!

Among the orc beauties, the rabbit's body is spitting. In fact, it is true. Zou Liang almost sprayed. The rabbit's eyebrows are quite pretty in front of her. This majesty is enough to make people shudder. It ’s okay to read all the movies.

"Look what you see, say it quickly." A roar, immediately awakened Zou Liang from fantasy, a Bier, but their brother is the shame of the Bier in the college. When the major races competed, the Hebrew brothers often Will be taken out to attack the Bill clan, so the same clan will not wait to see them.

"Right, just turn left."

Zou Liang was not angry. The rabbit beauty frowned, but still nodded politely to thank, but the Bill's strong man was a little self-interested.

Although the Mengjia Empire worshiped strength, it was not so easy to bully men and women. After all, the beast loves every one of his people. As long as it creates problems, it is also good to live safely and securely.

Obviously, this strong man of the Bibe tribe was very interested in chasing the past, and Zou Liang shook his head, and continued to doze off. He might return to his world when he fell asleep. This is a dream.

When the sun went down, Zou Liang began to organize the library, and had to say that it was really messy here, "Grandma, don't these savages know how to put it back after reading the book!"

Zou Liang also has a headache. I really want to put a note on each bookshelf like the previous life, to ease myself a little workload.

When I walked to the area of ​​herbal illustrations, I saw that no one had left.

"This classmate, the library is closed, and you can come again tomorrow." Maybe it was very quiet. Zou Liang, who had a meaning, used his own world tone.

Back turned and looked at Bill's "celebrity" who was not humble and a little bit depressed, it was the rabbit girl.

"Sorry, can you give me five minutes, it will be all right."

"Okay, it will take me a while to clean up, just leave before closing." Zou Liang nodded with a smile ~ ~ and went to his own business. For beauty, appreciation and appreciation, it is a life adjustment. He is not a idiot yet.

The rabbit rabbit girl was a little surprised, but she didn't care, and concentrated on copying the required information.

However, Zou Liang did not leave until Zou Liang left, and Zou Liang was not unreasonable. At least after he came here, he remembered the second name Ai Weier, a cute rabbit girl.

I returned to the dormitory, and Ernest had already returned, but he was lying down and was hurt. Somehow Zou Liang could not help but became angry.

"The **** hit you again by studying!"

"Brother, I am weak, I will work hard."

"Mum pulls a dam, these guys are really **** dry!" Zou Liang is really angry. In his memory, Ernest has been beaten like this more than once.

He doesn't want to provoke anyone, but how can anyone find fault, this world is really cheap!

Zou Liang's sudden swearing was in Mandarin, and Ernest was bewildered, of course, knowing that his brother was angry for him.

"Wait a while, I will bandage you."

Zou Liang will still be able to do basic medical treatment. In fact, even if he does not use Ernest's resilience, this kind of skin trauma wo n’t take long. Just looking at his nose and eyes swollen, Zou Liang cannot help getting angry Just go up.

Suddenly, Zou Liang froze. Did he ... really enter the role?

(Next change, around 5 pm, the new book asks for a recommendation!)