MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-Chapter 11 Initial reinforcement

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When I heard the words of Zhang Wei, the gaze that looked at him on the 37th began to condense, and the tone asked with some uncertainty. "How do you know the existence of this crystal?"

Zhang Wei naturally wouldn’t say much. He nodded lightly and replied, "I was forced to be rushed by a few zombies when I came out. It happened that I had just bought the hand-made knives I had just bought. They. Occasionally, I cut off the neck of one of the zombies and accidentally found this thing you called Yuanjing in the back neck.

I left my mind, because I found a pentagon crystal behind every dead zombie neck. I can find such innocent crystals from such a disgusting thing as zombies. I feel that the existence of this crystal must have Its usefulness was taken out and thrown into the backpack to stay with you. ”

On the thirty-seventh face, there was a slight inconspicuous surprise, but he was well concealed. He shook his head and smiled. "I found it by chance? I can't think of your luck and courage far beyond my imagination." The price of the goods on the first day of the new era, plus your discount, is really a bit painful at the thought of giving you such a low price.

But the rules are the rules, and you deserve it, then you can look at the list of goods you can pick. ”

Boom! boom! boom!

I saw the hands of the thirty-seven hands gathered together, the little stars between the two began to line up regularly, and shot a glare of light, quickly and frequently scanned on Zhang Wei.

When these strange rays stop moving, what is mapped in Zhang Yan's eyes is the list of systems that he is familiar with.

The familiar system sounded lightly in the ears of Zhang Hao.

"Drip! Drop! Drop!"

"Businessman's Authority Identification: No. 001, Trainee Merchant."

"Transaction time: the first day of the Epic era."

"Offer: Merchant No. 001, the first transaction of the era of general goods, superimposed enjoy a discount of 50% off."

"The goods within the authority, the price, has been automatically generated."

A series of sounds seemed to be the scorpio in Zhang Wei's ear. Originally, according to his authority, he could enjoy a 50% discount on the transaction of general goods. He quickly checked it.

Things are still those things that are two or three, and the introduction has not changed. It’s just that the price has changed a lot. Zhang Wei’s heart is completely happy.

"A five kilogram of dry food with one kilogram of water, necessary for survival, one first-order elemental crystal per hundred units, and the remaining 10,000 units."

"The first-order agile medicinal agent increases the speed and flexibility of adult by 0.2 times. The upper limit of 10 units loses its effect, and one first-order element crystal per unit, and the remaining 10 units."

"First-order power pharmacy, increase the power and explosive power of 0.2 times of adult power, the upper limit of 10 units loses the effect, 1 first-order elemental crystal per unit, and the remaining 10 units."

"First-order steel weapons and armor, you can freely choose the type of weapon, one first-order element crystal for every ten units, and the remaining 10 units."

I want to know that when Zhang Wei saw this list, the price was ten times that of the present. Just like the agile pharmacy, Zhang Hao worked hard for a month of fifty first-order crystals, but only for five. Units. There is only one voice in Zhang Xin’s heart.

All have to buy it!

But he knows that there is still one of the most heavyweight things that he hasn't seen yet. If that thing is also a discount, then he has to take it down if he doesn't buy anything else, let alone waste precious crystals in the early days of the epoch. Those things like the food weapons that the world originally had.

Sight sweeps into the corner of the list, and sure enough, that thing is still there!

Seeing the above simple description, Zhang Wei’s breathing began to rush. The words were like Pandora’s magic box, which deeply attracted Zhang’s eye and had an irresistible temptation.

"Second-order evolutionary agents can make first-order humans have a greater chance of evolving to second-order, 80 first-order elemental crystals per unit, and the remaining 1 unit."

When Zhang Wei saw the price of 800 first-order crystals of this pharmacy, he was completely dumbfounded. He felt that the epoch businessman must be poor and crazy, and he would set such a high price.

However, a few months later, when an ordinary person in South China evolved to the second order, he directly swept all the strengths of his area. All agents including Zhang Wei realized the value of this evolutionary agent. What, but when they waited for a month to buy it, they found that they had risen wildly to a price they could not expect.

Seeing Zhang’s fanatical gaze, on the 37th, he was shocked by the numbers above, patiently persuading him, “Don’t look at the above things expensive, but its actual value is not something you can imagine. And you should kill A few mega-evolved first-order eliminators, buying those pharmacies to strengthen themselves is definitely worth the money, and like other food, steel weapons, you can also prepare some."

When I heard the words on the 37th, Zhang Yan’s eyes suddenly shot a fine light. From the mountaineering bag behind him, he found out a bag with all the crystals. He said with a stunned look on the 37th. I want it."

It took a few seconds to complete, and the thirty-seventh responded. The aristocratic temperament was not maintained. Some excitedly looked at Zhang Wei and asked, "Ten two second-order Yuanjing? Did you actually kill the first-level knockout during the ten-time debugging period?"

"Yeah, there are more monsters around my house, and I will solve them together.

On the 37th, the remaining Yuan Jing bought 10 units of agile pharmacy, twice the speed and flexibility of adults. As for this evolutionary agent, since it is the most expensive, it must have his uniqueness.

Here are ten second-order crystals, you can check it out. ”

Zhang Haofu replied without changing his color. He handed the bag of Yuan Yuanjing in his hand and wanted to get things quickly.

It seems that Zhang Yi’s luck was completely convinced. On the 37th, he smiled helplessly. The blue robes waved and crossed an elegant arc in the air. A bag of Yuanjing in Zhang’s hands was not in the blink of an eye. fly.

At the same time, the size of the two stars in front of Zhang Wei was reduced again, turning into two streams of light and flying into his ring.

"Check and check things, if there is nothing wrong, I will send you out."

On the 37th, a pair of painful appearance seemed to be that I did not want to see Zhang Wei. After urging, I turned around and stopped looking at him.

Upon seeing it, Zhang Hao quickly sank his thoughts on the surface of the ring and began to observe the changes in the space inside the ring. Sure enough, in the corner of the ring space, ten small glass tubes filled with light red liquid surrounded by a larger, blue liquid, were quietly lying on the periphery of the Zhangye ring in the area where the eclipse was placed.

Zhang Xin’s mind was moving, and the tube of blue liquid appeared on his right palm in an instant, and the whole person shivered with excitement.

This thing actually went to his own hands, but the success rate of the second-order evolution is to see the accumulation of the first-order evolution of the user, let alone the current Zhang Wei is not even a single step. Ordinary humans can't take it at all.

He then carefully called the second-order evolutionary pharmacy in his hand back into the ring, and then transferred the ten test tubes with the first-order agile pharmacy, asking with an inquiring look to the 37th, "I can Use this agile potion to go out here again? Let me try the effect, otherwise it will be troublesome if I am surrounded by those things when I go out."

"It is logically not allowed, but this is your first transaction, and it is also appropriate for you to inspect the goods."

Seeing the thirty-seventh turn back, made a gesture of please, Zhang Yi said nothing to unscrew the plug of the test tube, directly into a tube and a tube into the mouth. The liquid in each tube was only 50 ml, and Zhang Zhang drank all the bottles directly.

Ten bottles of agile medicine all went down only a second, and Zhang Wei clearly felt that a warm heat flow was constantly turning in his stomach, and this feeling of heat gradually spread to his limbs. Hundreds of miles. Only five seconds later, a long-lost light inspiration came out of Zhang Jian’s body.

It’s a ten-unit agile potion, which is twice the speed of adult outbreaks!

Just as Zhang Hao was so excited that he tried to find out how much he had improved, the thirty-seventh was so cold that some hairiness sounded in his ear, as if he had poured a cold water on him.

"No. 001, remember your trainee agent business task, try to earn ten gold leaves in six months. If not, the extra gold leaves will be recovered, there will be no reward, and if it is missing, then use Yuan Jing, which is deducted, is not something you can imagine."

"If even Yuan Jing is not enough, the merchant ring in your hand will automatically capture your life.

So don't think about avoiding it.

Also, the failure to accumulate three missions will automatically deprive you of the identity of the agent, of course, if you are still alive. ”

Remember, no one can owe a yuan crystal to the Era. ”

When the voice just fell, Zhang Wei found that the starry sky disappeared without a trace, and the figure of thirty-seven disappeared. Then there was a glare of light shining in front of him, forcing him to close his eyes, followed by A gentle force came from the whole body, and the whole person was pushed out steadily.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself at about five meters from the outermost side of the white light column.

Just as Zhang Hao was so excited that he wanted to look at the goods placed in the ring, he suddenly felt as if he had forgotten something. He stopped the idea of ​​sinking into the ring and thought about what it was.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Hearing these familiar voices, this time, Zhang Hao, he finally remembered!

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