MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 513 In the Ming!

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The illusion that Zhang Wei showed covered the entire plant army, so it was like the awakening field, so the two were so shocked.

The difference between the fourth and third order lies in the awakening of the self-field, even if it is the third-order peak, there is no trace of power that may awaken his own field.

This is why the third-order peak and the fourth-order initial are obviously only one line, but the difference is different.

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However, after being promoted to the fourth stage, the time of awakening changes with the qualifications and comprehension ability of the individual.

Those with high qualifications may realize their self-realization in an instant when they enter the fourth stage. However, even if they enter the fourth stage, they are reluctant. Perhaps in the fourth stage or even the fourth stage, they can touch the threshold of sentiment.

Those who are good enough in the third-order peak may have the possibility of a general battle with the ordinary fourth-order.

But for the fourth-order evolutionists who have their own fields, these third-order peaks have no chance!

Because in the self-domain of the fourth-order evolutionary, they are the absolute king!

Just like Zhang Wei thought of coal city a long time ago, it was the area of ​​the ice emperor.

Absolute zero!

She is the earliest group of evolutionists in the human race into the fourth stage, and in this level of the fourth-order early elite, the absolute zero of the ice emperor has a strong deterrent.

Now this time node, in the early fourth stage, there are rare evolutionary creatures with self-domains.

There are only three people in the entire plant family who have complete self-domain.

Cang Yu, Qian Lin, all were sent to assist Zhang Wei.

Of course, there is the most mysterious, Van Gogh!

This Cang Yu has the confidence to challenge the vine patriarch's must-have because he is one of the two men who awakened to the self under the Queen.

Otherwise, according to the situation of the plant family in accordance with the seniority of the generation, the position of the old patriarch of the Cang Yu dynasty, must be pointed out by thousands of people.

But it is because of his self-field, the emergence of this kind of power like the Queen, so that many patriarchs are silent.

The reason why Luo Yixun is valued by the Van Gogh Queen is that she has some signs of awakening her own field. As long as it takes time, it will succeed.

It can be seen that the importance of the self-domain is so strong.

The fourth-order illusion that Zhang Huan was blessed by the Buddha Magic Buddhism created a feeling that he awakened his self-field.

He was happy to clear the zombie sea, and did not realize that he had been stared.

This plant corps is so good that the tree man can block a few headless flies that have been accidentally rushed, and what shocks Zhang Wei most is the strength and characteristics of the three thousand grass wood elves.

Without his command at all, after maintaining several rounds of sustained collective bombing, the three thousand grass wood elves were divided into three echelons, and each thousand released a period of coverage bombing.

Then the first echelon rested and replaced the second echelon.

By analogy, when the third echelon was replaced, the first echelon had recovered some of the attribute elements.

If it is replaced by human beings, it will not be able to withstand such a degree of consumption, and it will be all dumb.

Although the intensity has weakened a lot compared to the first time, because there is no chance to gather for the rest of the zombie sea, the entire zombie sea is directly smashed.

"At the beginning, human beings were eliminated at the earliest. I didn't see this card. I am afraid that the plant family would have made the Orcs and the zombies suffer a big loss by this means, and finally won the second position."

Zhang Yizheng was impressed, and suddenly a heavy pressure was imposed on him.

The other party finally shot!

His illusion is not a real field, and it is extremely difficult to deal with it.

Just when Zhang Wei couldn't hold it anymore, Cang Yu and Qian Lin suddenly took off and came to Zhang Hao's side, releasing their self-field.

Because there is no hostility to each other, the fields are coincident.

Cang Yu's, the wind, the wind of the wind!

When Qianlin opened up the atmosphere of the field, all the plant patriarchs present in the field had a spirit of enthusiasm. This kind of breath infiltrated into their bodies without being repelled, and the breath rose by about 10%.

I don’t think that the two men sent by the Van Gogh Empress have actually realized the self-realm, and the self-domain of Qianlin is still an extremely rare group increase.

It’s only 10%, but on the frontal battlefield, thousands of third-order peaks have made a lot of strength, so horrible!

Purely auxiliary field!

Zhang Wei is certainly no stranger to this kind of power, but he is not surprised now.

He suddenly looked up, and now with his ability, he could not detect where the opponent is, but Cang Yu and Qian Lin knew.

Zhang Yan, along with their gaze, discovered the direction of the coming person.

The zombie group was also quiet, and was no longer affected by the illusion of Zhangye.

The Plant Legion was also shocked by the breath of many fourth-order powerhouses for a second, and then Zhang Wei let them stop attacking.

On the other side, Luo Xunxun and Qing Yu also realized that the patriarchs of the opposite ethnic groups are about to appear, and they stand on the side of Zhang Wei.

The Lord is finally coming out!


There were a few crisp applause in the air, which was particularly harsh in the quiet environment.

"Indeed been sent by the Vatican's concern, really solid two.

And my intelligence was not actually you, coming into the fourth order, but also comprehend the self field, yes. ”

Carter, appeared ghostly trio twilight before Zhang et al body.

I do not know why the demon king demon-month absence, but the three men to pressure Zhang twilight, he has reached the limit that can be achieved.

Fortunately, this pressure is divided equally, plus God plume of peaceful forest areas contend, third-order early evening barely able to make it, Zhang.

"Orcs two Emperor? Emperor dead? I'm a big face, two imperial family's all here."

The youngster of the top of the head, Huang Yi, looked at Zhang Wei with interest and said, "It’s really a new face, come and fight!"

In the big eyes, Zhang Hao has already become a carefully cooked dish.

On the other side, the corpse of the corpse reached out and tried to stop the Qing dynasty who wanted to do it. He asked coldly, "Wang?"

Qing Yan dismissively said, "Is the Queen you want to see?"

The corpse of the emperor looked thoughtfully at Qingyi and said with a sneer, "The field of storms, Cang Yu.

Wansheng field, Qianlin.

There is also a new face in the new spiritual field.

There are also nearly half of the number of plant corps, except for the Vatican who did not come, but it is more than half of the elite.

Are you coming to save the people? ”

After listening to a few words behind the corpse, all the people, including Zhang Wei, suddenly fell into their faces.

"I finally waited for you, I thought that the Sanskrit would not be anxious, surrounded by a point, finally came the reinforcements of this stupid people."

"You said, if all of you are damaged here, this plant family, is it, it is really abolished."

The corpse of the Emperor underestimated a few words, but like a heavy stone, it was pressed against everyone's heart.

Fight around!

It turns out that the corpse of the corpse did not break through the line of protection of the Terran, and it turned out to be like this!

If the plant family does not send troops, the end of the race is the plant family.

If they understand this and then go out to rescue, then...;...;

In the middle of it, and it is a conspiracy!