MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 541 Time and space

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Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

The scent of the gloom is converging and converging with the origin of the roots of the **** vines of Zhangye.

Even if the ghosts will find that the release will delay the release of the forgetful Sichuan, but his first Zhang Wei has already learned enough benefits.

What's more, the biggest benefit of being watered by the Nether River is not his Zhang!

The space channel was closed, and the Nether River and the Forgetting Dachuan lost contact and became stagnant water. The ghosts that lost their blessings in the sun directly turned into fly ash.

These Nether Rivers have become transparent and have fallen to the ground.

When Zhang Wei’s figure was exposed to the ghost’s line of sight, the ghost would show prudence for the first time, and even the ghosts and gods would take a step back.

There are actually living people who can survive safely after being dragged into the river.

Be aware that even if the creatures of the Netherland accidentally fall into the Forgotten River, it is difficult to climb out unless their own strength reaches the level of the ghost.

Because, every drop of the Nether River has a lot of sorrows in it.

These ghosts are forever left in the Forgotten River, and strong grievances will not let them quietly stay in the waters of the Nether River.

If you can pull two waters, you will never pull one.

However, Zhang Wei, who is now suspended in the air, is unscathed at all, and even the clothes corner is not damaged.

This Nether River water is like a failure.

The ghost will look at Zhang Wei's eyes very dignified, and what has happened now has exceeded his cognition, which makes him somewhat uneasy.

The ghost gods seem to have noticed that Zhang Wei’s body is from the scent of the Nether, and he feared to retreat a few steps.

The ghost will not find the slight change in Zhang Wei's body, but the reaction of the ghost **** is too abnormal. He has already pointed the front of the moon knife to Zhang Wei, and completely ignored the corpse of the flying dragon.

Even the ghosts are afraid?

This is enough to explain what is happening in Zhang Wei.

The ghost will whisper in the ear of the ghost **** to ask in the language of the underworld. The ghost **** is very excited after hearing the words that his master is obsessed. The horse head keeps talking and telling something.

The ghost will look at Zhang Wei's look, and will be surprised for a while, but for a while he is thinking.

Zhang Wei was just digesting the power from Nether, and now it is finally over.

He opened his eyes.

At the moment of opening, the slowly flowing Dachuan was mapped in the blind.

Under the transition of the other side of the flower, Zhang Wei completely absorbed this power from the Nether.

Death, recovery, and escape from reincarnation.

This is the memory of the Vatican Queen, accompanied by the blessing of her strength, slowly integrated into Zhang Jian’s mind.

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Zhang Wei stood up, with a touch of vicissitudes in his eyes, looking straight at the ghosts waiting for him.

Although he said that he had a life of the last life, it is simply a small witch compared to the time spent on the other side of the reincarnation.

His state of mind is extremely peaceful.

Ghost, corpse, two people?

Let's solve the corpse.

When Zhang Wei turned his gaze to the Emperor, the other party noticed his hunting-like aggression and his body tightened.

"Why, it seems that I have to get some chances, do you want me to open a knife?"

The cold voice of the corpse of the corpse suddenly sounded, and when Zhang Wei had just heard it, his figure had appeared behind Zhang Wei.

"For the existence of a threat, I am hurting 800, and I will hurt you a thousand!"

A corpse of poisonous beads is held in the palm of his hand, and he actually wants to give Zhang Wei a heavy blow with a complete corpse poison bead!

He noticed the threat of Zhang Wei, and would rather kill Zhang Jian than to destroy the corpse.

And his wishful thinking is playing very well. The reason that the ghost will deal with him is because of the existence of the corpse poison bead. If the corpse poison bead is eliminated, he will flee again. This enemy from **** is so self-conscious, so disdain with him. As an enemy, you will not be able to chase him.

Hachimu and Baihuanghuang are not dead, and the phoenix phoenix must not dissipate and will not leave.

Wait until the ghosts will shoot them out of the exhaustion of the dead phoenix, and the dead phoenix is ​​brought back to hell.

Then, the ultimate winner of this era battlefield is his corpse.

However, he overestimated the power of his corpse poison beads.

Also underestimated, Zhang Wei's current strength.

At the moment he approached, when the corpse was about to touch Zhang Wei’s head, something unexpected happened.

The corpse of the corpse with the venom poison beads has stagnated in the air!

It is fixed in the space of this second!

Subsequently, Zhang Yan directly attacked the unpretentious whip legs and flew out. The bones that were hit, began to break and made a crisp sound.

At the same time, the corpse of the corpse was also smashed out of the one-second time and space, and the eyes were unbelievable.

"Time is a worry, how can you have the power of Brahman!"

Zhang Wei did not speak, took back the raised leg and rushed to the Emperor again.

When the corpse wants to solve it, he runs, and Zhang Wei does not want to kill the corpse.

Seeing that Zhang Wei’s figure is about to reach his body, the Emperor’s subconsciously pushed out the corpse poisonous bead, and did not ask for Zhang Hao, but asked Zhang Wei to feel jealous, so he gave up this time and he was not ready to meet. s attack.

However, he is too naive.

Now Zhang Lan, it is impossible to give him any chance.

When the corpse was launched, he could not move.

Also locked in this second time and space!

Zhang Wei’s power is infinitely close to the fourth-order post, and then a straight punch.

A simple punch, but contains all the power of Zhang Wei!

The corpse of the Emperor couldn’t bear it and was blown through his head!

The tenacious vitality made the corpse of the corpse struggle. He urged the life of the nectar behind the neck, wrapped it with corpse poison beads, and quickly fled.

He turned out to give up the flesh!

Zhang Wei looked at the corpse of the corpse and was somewhat surprised. The speed of this escape could not even catch up with him.

However, do you think you really left?

There was a faint smile on Zhang’s face, as if everything was in his hands.

Are you faster, faster than time?

At the moment when this thought rose, Zhang Wei slowly opened his mouth and used new power.

"Time and space, backtracking."

The ordinary four words contain the true meaning of time.

Everything, back to the last second of time and space.

The head of the corpse has not been smashed by Zhang Wei, and Zhang Jian’s fist has just touched each other.

Everything happened exactly the same as in the past, but the things that followed were regained control by Zhang Wei.

"Is it the metamorphosis?"

Zhang Wei muttered to himself, this time he saw the murderous and desperate in the eyes of the corpse, and there was a hint of ridicule.

The next moment, the corpse's head was smashed into the same **** as before.

However, this time, Zhang Wei did not stop here, and went to the next shot, and grabbed it with force.

Directly smashed the corpse of the corpse of the corpse!

Then use the mental power to control the lord's poisonous beads suspended in the air and keep a certain distance from themselves.

The corpse, completely dead and dead!

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