MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 10 Exploded NPC

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"The despicable elf, where your grace went, actually smeared the great Crowley, Crowley's goods are the best in the whole continent," the goblin was furious, and soon arguing with Lu.

"I really don't know if you got into the water and the brain is not out, it's a mess of decay, it's strange to live in the sewers for a lifetime... Don't insult the word great again!"

Lu did not want to let, the words that were insulting and insulting came out of his mouth and rushed to the poor goblin merchant.

From time to time, his ear reminds me of the system:

You insult the goblin merchant Crowley, the goblin race reputation reduced by 5.

You insult the goblin merchant Crowley, the goblin race reputation reduced by 5.


You insult the goblin merchant Crowley, the reputation of the goblin race is reduced by 5, and your reputation in the goblin race is changed from friendly to neutral...

After neutrality, Crowley’s merchandise is no longer open to Lu and his teammates, but there is no plan to stop at a point, but it’s even more aggressive.

"I heard that the insulting NPC may be attacked by the NPC," the blue sea breeze swallowed, and looked a little frightened and looked at Crowley's rank, where he wrote the number 53.

Moreover, any NPC with a famous name is at least an elite template, and may even be a BOSS.

"Up to one stroke will be able to take us all the second," the Northern Tang cat is about to cry, just 4% of the experience of the fourth level, if you die, you must drop the grade.

"What the **** is going on in the land..."

A few new teammates from Lu’s team took a step back.

Poor goblin businessman, the system gives it the wisdom, mainly used to learn how to draw gold coins from the player's pocket, where to know how to squat with people.

"The great Crowley cursed you, the despicable elf," he screamed. "You will be shredded by a goblin gun like a beast. Every corner of the continent will spread your despicable reputation..."

System: You insult the goblin merchant Crowley, the reputation of the goblin race is reduced by 5, your reputation in the goblin race becomes hatred...

"Well, the sea breeze is open, everyone is fully output," Lu said with a slight breath, and shouted back to the stunned teammates.

Azure sea breeze bitter face, "Big brother, I told you that my brother can't do it. I have not only offended you. It seems that I still saved 10% of your experience today. Why do you want to hang me?"

"Pit hair, work!" Lu was speechless, waving a dagger to Crowley.


Almost at the same time as the blood dropped, a green +1 floated.

However, the damage is small, but Crowley's performance is very amazing, he screams helplessly, like a little girl who is being violated.

I didn’t care about it, and buried my head behind Crowley’s ass.

Several other people gradually discovered the mystery. This goblin businessman did not fight back when he was attacked, and his speed was particularly slow because of the weight-bearing relationship.

However, even if you can not fight back, how much blood can be returned from this product, and it is almost a second back!

"Don't watch, hurry up, go to the next copy!"

Several other people hesitated for a moment and finally started working on Crowley.

The next moment they started, they burst into tears.

System: Since you attacked the goblin merchant Crowley, your reputation in the goblin race turned into hatred...

"Let's leave, why don't you die?" The blue sea breeze really wants to cry: all of a sudden offended a race, how to play in future games!

The goblin belongs to the neutral camp and is famous for its business and scroll manufacturing. It is definitely a big family in the traditional sense.

Other people's faces are not very good looking, but they are still restrained.

"Don't worry, the reputation of the goblin race is particularly good, just find a wild goblin NPC, give him a few gold coins, you can brush back the reputation," Lu was quietly comforted.

Others are speechless, don't know if they don't believe it, or they think it's incredible.

"It's a small BUG, ​​but it's hard to brush it to worship," Lu said.

The reputation of the Goblin family is the best brush in all prestige, and it can be quickly brushed up if you have money. It’s just that the goblin family worships it is not very useful. The greedy goblin can not earn you even a gold coin because of worshipping you.

"It's incredible. After that, can you just kill the ground blasting equipment?" North Tang Meng quickly put aside the scruples, and even began to kill the good days of NPC making a fortune.

"Not every NPC is so bully like Crowley. It should be said that only he is a special case. We may never see this cute little goblin again in the future."

"We can't kill him, it's too fast to return blood," Sorrow and Wine said.

"I didn't think about killing him," Lu said without hesitation: "Continue to attack, almost as fast."

After screaming for a long time, Crowley couldn’t help it anymore. He yelled at everyone and grabbed something from his backpack and reached the head of the land.

The land quickly picked up and the attack on hand did not stop.

A small healing potion that instantly restores 50 health and is not subject to combat restrictions, 30 seconds cooldown, and a drug resistance index of 20.

The so-called drug resistance index can be roughly understood as follows: If the drug is resistant to 80, it means that the next time the same type of agent is used, the effect is reduced by 20% and the cooling time is increased by 20%.

The smaller the drug resistance, the better.

20 drug resistance is a very garbage agent, but in the current situation, everyone can only get rid of the combat bread to return blood, when the battle can instantly return 50 points of blood, it is already a great thing.

When the land was shared with the pharmacy attributes, everyone was immediately full of motivation.

After throwing a thing, after a few tens of seconds, Crowley found that his weight was still in a hurry and could only continue to throw.

It is a pity that it is still a pharmacy. After three times, it was a pharmacy. NPC lost five bottles of pharmacy. Obviously it is impossible to run easily at once. He screamed: "Crowley will not let you go, you will endure great The anger of the goblin!"

Then, a black something lingered on the head of the Northern Tang cat. The little girl screamed and quickly picked it up. After a moment, she gave a pleasant surprise: "Oh, bronze equipment!"

Whisperer (bronze): damage 10-18, intelligence +2, equipment demand level 4, durable 17\20.

The best bronze staff!

"Hey," the blue sea winds are embarrassing, and everyone is attacking even more crazy.

After throwing a few bottles of potion in vain, the goblin merchant once again put a piece of bronze equipment in front of him.

Night leather (bronze): armor 8, body +1, equipment demand level 4, durable 11\20.

This property is more general, there is no such thing as the staff of the staff, but no one will mind if you leave the land. This is the armor equipment. If you copy it, it is the basis of life.

Lost two pieces of equipment, the goblin merchant finally stopped moving with "move", he can finally trotting.

"Bei Tang cats, entangled!" Lu Li screamed.

The Northern Tang cat was named, and immediately rushed, but fortunately a Druid entanglement skill was released to Crowley.

Success, three seconds of control.

It is a potion!

"sea breeze!"

Hey, the charge is dizzy, two seconds, pharmacy!

Hey, shield stuns, two seconds, pharmacy!

I heard the string song and know the elegance, the North Tang dream consciousness is good, the goblin businessman just woke up from the dizziness, and immediately a charge card owner took its way.

Unfortunately, it is a potion!

North Tang Meng and others began to despair, watching the goblin Crowley will run away.