MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1927 Pass

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Whether it is reality or games, I hit a certain stage and went to the negotiating table with a hit.

Although the sacred temple and the **** battle flag have won, they are actually victorious.

The **** battle flag is okay. They only lost their pharmacy equipment. Their morale has already produced their own style, and other clubs have become monkeys to watch the chickens. Everyone suddenly remembers the fierceness of the **** battle flag.

The problem with the Holy Temple is that they have lost a large number of masters.

An unknown consortium, secretly entered the game circle, they hired a large number of masters, integrated several mercenary groups, began to implement the game of big fish to eat small fish, a hand of gold coins and a kitchen knife, forced a club to bow down Acquisition.

Even the veteran clubs such as the Shengshi Dynasty were soft, and the core top management was almost changed.

Their means of devouring is getting more and more sophisticated. When the high level of the sacred temple has not been noticed, some people have infiltrated and persuaded some members of the elite group to go out together. When the sacred temple is the most collapsed. A large team battle mode was opened.

If you win now, you can raise the conditions.

However, even if you forget the conditions, you can't propose to bring back the elite players who have left. The traitor is a time bomb.

There are rumors of more conspiracy theories.

The reason why the **** battle flag is so helpless is that it is the idea of ​​the Holy Temple of God. If you want to influence and annex them, the law of the Holy Hall is indeed a bit worse than the past, but the dead camel is bigger than the horse, eat them, **** battle. The strength of the flag has definitely increased a lot.

Otherwise, why do they have to do so without the cost?

Lu is dismissive of this. If there is such an idea, the two clubs are estimated to have merged. They have too many such opportunities.

At the moment when the land was reborn, the two clubs were still well, occasionally torn, and occasionally fought side by side.

He has now entered the Serpent Temple and intends to share his first time with Sister Wat.

My sister has been playing for a few days, and Lu is basically involved in the whole process. However, the commander is still in the dark, and everyone has successfully reached the third stage, and the victory is imminent.

As a racer, Lu is obviously going to participate in the final battle.

In case the system **** is dozing off, his black-faced head may be able to be stunned by skills. People always have a little dream, in case it is realized.

After the start of the battle, the first one in the land was in the static charge released by Vasque, and this luck was really back to the extreme.

The electrostatic charge is the DEBUFF released by Vaschi in the first and third stages for 30 seconds, causing 2775 to 3225 natural damage per second for all targets within 5 yards around the target and target.

The damage will accumulate and increase, and the bad deal is a dead situation.

Fortunately, this DEBUFF can be removed by the shadow cloak, the ice barrier, the sacred shield and other skills. It is removed from the shadow cloak, and the hand is fast, with almost no loss of blood.

If he can't handle this little crisis, then he really comes to know the skill.

The first stage is almost incompetent and will soon pass. The second stage of Vasque is invincible.

She will run to the center of the platform and create a shield around her. The only way to break his shield is to close the four pillars around her that are connected to her shield. It can be closed with a nuclear core of pollution. The poisoned water element refreshed by 4 stairs is dropped.

The poisoned water element is a polluted water element, which is pure green. Every once in a while, it will be randomly brushed in four directions, mixed in ordinary small water. If it does not hit for a long time, it will disappear automatically and kill him. Drop a nuclear core of pollution, use the nuclear core of pollution to solve the pillars of the Vaschi connection. It takes four in total, and the connection of the four pillars can be removed to the third stage.

When the second phase begins, everyone quickly goes to the commander's designated position, leaving 2 DPS and 1 treatment on each side of the stairs, MT and Deputy T stay in the middle, ready to pull the upcoming fangs elite .

The remaining remote DPS stays in the middle together with the MT and the secondary T.

When the second phase begins, the enchanted elements begin to appear below the stairs on each side and move in the direction of Vasque. Every magic element has 7800HP. Each 2DPS1 treatment team must destroy them before they move to Vasque.

Every magical element that moves to Vasco's side will increase her damage by 5%.

More than two small waters will be eaten by her in front of Vasque, which may lead to the disappearance of the dough. Any reduction in this stage is also likely to cause insufficient DPS, so killing small water at the same time is the key.

The responsibilities of the land are to kill the small water, the master is like him, just kill the small water like cutting vegetables, or the kind of treatment that does not need to be followed.

There are several mobs at this stage, among which the patrol patrol is also a long foot, with a small range of fear aura, can kill the plate outside the occupation, remote responsible for killing control, if there are too many long legs on the scene, basically Equal to the group.

Weiyun Xiaoyue changed the picking mode to free picking, which is not for the head of the group and the body of the body to pick it up. Everyone can.

This is done to pick up the core of pollution from the poisonous elements.

Those who get the nuclear of pollution will be settled in a short time, but the nuclear of pollution can be passed to people within a certain range of vision. This is the so-called pass.

Quickly knock the nuclear of pollution to the side of the column and let people remove the shield of Vasque. This way, you can avoid brushing too many big feet on the spot, so passing the ball is really important. If you get the ball, you won't have to pass it. Deduction points.

Vaschi belongs to the monster, but she is more pro-tribe, and the long legs she summoned are most suitable for the Tauren warrior.

The league can kite and the difficulty factor should be higher.

If it is not the sword of the ruling that took the nest of Maseridon earlier than other clubs, and thus obtained the qualification to enter the viper temple, maybe the glory capital will first get the first kill of the viper temple, after all, this BOSS The group is basically concentrated in this stage.

After the second stage, as long as Vaschi did not eat too much water and did not lose too many people, the third stage was basically stable.

The third stage boss life is only 50%. Because of ridicule and misleading, it can be fully fired. Free blessing on MT. The base totem of the melee team must be kept good. The hunter kills the spore bat in the third stage. As soon as you can, you can abandon the spore bat and switch to full force output.

Spore bat poison arrow damage is very high, standing in the poison arrow rain output BOSS is the most stupid way to die.

Weiyun Xiaoyue must admit that when the announcement of the first killing appeared, it just happened to reflect the role of Lu.

First of all, after leaving the delegation, he is a good hand to kill Xiaoshui. The attack is high and there is control. If there is no blood, he will go to the treatment to ask for a milk. When he sees the poison element, it will flash to the previous round of output and the pass will be fast. Very accurate, so as long as he does not consider his black hand aura, any head is very happy to take him a copy.

Then the presence of the land, so that the micro cloud will have a sigh of relief.

The first killing of the Serpent Temple was taken by the ruling sword. It was much faster than those who went to the storm fortress to try to get the first kill. They gave up the Viper Temple to storm the fortress, so that they were all fighting each other. The result was still a sad discovery. The sword of ruling competes for the first kill.

Read The Duke's Passion