MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1952 Xiao Mo's press conference

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The Water Elves are very grateful to Valera Sangunal, who left their boyfriend and talked with Valera Sangnar for a long time.

It’s hard to understand the friendship between women, and it’s very interesting to talk about it along the way. How can I award two intensive skills books? Valera Sangunal’s reward and Varian’s definitely no hair. Money relationship.

Valera Sangnar is currently the court adviser to Stormwind.

That is, she does not owe allegiance to the Alliance, she is only loyal to Varian Wrynn and his son, Anduin Wrynn.

In her words, it is - "I was helpless when I was younger than Anduin. Now I finally have a vest." Her achievements have given her a foothold in Stormwind and her status is detached.

In comparison, Valera Sanguna and Bloor Bearskin are the real heroes. The Lu and the Water Elves are two speculators.

Broll Bearskin did not stay, although he promised to come to Stormwind City to visit old friends and teach Anduin the little prince some natural ways, but he still hopes to return to the forest.

Lu’s mission was completely completed, and the results of the quarter-finals of the second season’s professional league also came out.

The highest score is the seventh heaven, followed by the unparalleled city, then the glory capital, the micro rain pavilion, the ruling sword, the dawn wing, the **** battle flag, and the blue guardian.

Eight clubs became the top eight clubs in this competition.

The reason why the points of the glory capital are not high, the main reason is that they sent a lot of new faces to the stage, it seems that they did not lose a lot of points in the professional league.

In fact, the sword of the ruling is also somewhat similar. Except for the moonlight, the game is not greasy. As long as you don't meet the top opponents, Lu is willing to go shopping with the water elves in reality.

Is there anything more fun than buying a lipstick for a wife and then eating the lipstick?

"Who will be our next opponent, is there any news from the official?" Lu returned to the club headquarters and asked.

The top eight here, the first stage will appear, after all, from the beginning of the quarter-finals is not a simple online game, there will be interaction under the line, away games to fly to the city where the main place.

It’s so uncomfortable, at least for a few days, I can’t be with my wife.

"It should be a blue guardian, but don't pay attention to it first, you can take a look at this live broadcast." Roots squatted and handed out a large screen, directly in front of the land.

On the screen is Xiao Mo.

"...In the past few years, with a group of people who worked hard for their dreams, they have accomplished many achievements that they could not have imagined at the beginning. I have paid too much and lost a lot of things. One of them left. Let my whole life have no meaning..."

"He is this dry?" Lu is very aggressive.

"The press conference, announced that it will be retired!" Roots seems to have been unable to believe such news.

"He retired? Don't play the game? Or don't you be the president?" Lu was shocked.

"Everything, it seems that I want to remove all the duties, and maybe even the game is not playing." Root said with exclamation.

"Insane, it’s stolen, how is this possible!" Lu Mo looked silently at the face of Xiao Mo, who was worried about depression. Not to mention that this person is really handsome, all 30 years old. It is even whiter than him.

Doesn't it mean that the face will turn white when you reduce outdoor work, and it doesn't matter if you get to him.

In the past two years, he has been playing games all day, and he doesn’t need to go outside to get a living in the sun and rain. Why are there no signs of whitening?

"It's not impossible. He may like the night more than we think." Root said.

"Night? Are they not breaking up? Oh, he wants to give up everything to chase the night, will you join our club?"

"Don't be whimsical, our first milk ride is estimated to be abducted." Roots sighed and sighed, and the boss himself seems to be not normal.

"Hey, let's make a joke, let's go, let's kill a family, don't take a wedding, go with them." Lu said carefully, how to use the way to get rid of the night.

On the screen, Xiao Mo finally announced his final decision.

"After this time the league is over, I will remove all the duties inside and outside the game. All the clubs and guilds related to the glory of the capital are handed over to..." He said after the pause: "Miss Wendelia is responsible."

The high-pitched woods of the glory capital that he sat on the same stage, the mechanical clapping, is also estimated to be very aggressive.

"Hey, I thought it was Xishanbai. I didn't expect all the power to be handed over to Wendeli'an. This girl is soaring, and the future status is not worse than your wife." Root said with emotion.

"At least, she is not as beautiful as my wife." Lu is also very emotional, in this case, another super club is led by the sister.

Xiaomo counted all the powers to Wendeli, and looked at Xishan’s white and **** expressions. It is estimated that he accepted this result. Wendeli’s power is in the grip, and the entire system of glory, including several other subordinates. The club has no strength to restrain her.

"I still have no money for your wife, what are you going to do in the future?" Root asked his own soft dog dog boss.

"I can do it, I don't want to toss like Xiao Mo, I want to get married first... Well, it's really not a gentleman's child, so even the marriage proposal is saved, wrong, I asked for marriage, and she promised, I seem to be able to choose the date to get married directly."

The root number looked at Xiaomo, who was deeply affectioned on the live screen, and looked at his shameless boss. He felt that the gap between people and people was really big.

In fact, Xiao Mo has completed all the power transfer after the press conference. Wendeli Ann became the new president of the Capital of Glory, and he took all the steps. Xiao Mo only waited for the end of this competition and went to pursue his own. life long love.

People always do this. When they get it, they don’t know how to cherish it. If they lose it, they will regret it.

However, Lu Yi feels that his chances of recovering the night color should be very large. After all, he gave up everything for the night, and the night did not feel anything about Xiao Mo. Otherwise, it is impossible to have no new boyfriend for several years.

There is no doubt that Xiao Mo’s retirement has benefited the most from competing peers.

The impact of Xiaomo's retirement has only just begun. He has built the game overlord. When he took over, he was only a third-rate club. After more than ten years of struggle, he has today.

Regardless of the leadership of Windrian, she wants to stabilize the military with a time course.

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