MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1974 wedding

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The equipment took a bunch, and the copy of the dark temple was a complete conclusion.

Weiyun Xiaoyue used his own strength to stabilize his ranking on the commander's rankings, and also stabilized his command authority in the club. After all, Lu Yi did not make any guidance from the beginning to the end.

Lu Li has decided to let him go back and take the Sunwell Heights.

It is best to get the first kill, it doesn't matter if you can't get the first kill. The career of the game circle can't be too smooth, otherwise it will lack resilience and lack the motivation to move forward.

Lu is holding a pair of knives, with the curse of Sargeras, and taking photos with everyone before the throne of the Dark Temple.

That was also the last image of his single career.

From tomorrow onwards, his life will have one more responsibility. He becomes a husband of a person and will decide to take on the responsibility of his father.

Lu is not afraid to take responsibility, so there is no fear of an unknown but predictable future.

A good night's sleep, the next day, got up and landed the game.

The Black Sea Coast Fortress has a lot of lights, and the celebrations have begun in the daytime. The official gift is also very powerful. On this map, a lot of holiday monsters have been refreshed. After the explosion, the candy and gift boxes will burst.

They have always been very supportive of the official cp for dogs and men, and now the couple has achieved positive results, which is undoubtedly the biggest propaganda of the official love system.

You can also find a girlfriend in the game.

You can also find a wife in the game.

You can also find Bai Fumei in the game.

Of course, the two players hold a wedding in the game, the official can not be like the whole game in the game, the time is too late, the program we can not work overtime and death.

The entire Black Sea Coast entered the night ahead of time - presumably to make the whole wedding feel more.

However, the night does not mean darkness, and the fire tree is not a night.

This is the carnival of the whole game. A large number of players have poured into the Black Sea. Even the busiest people will choose to give their game life a day off.

Ordinary people enter casually, and those who like to wear a gift will give a little gift.

The purpose of giving gifts is not simply to express the meaning of congratulations, but also to install it, and the big horn above the fortress will sing.

"The captains of the dusk clubs are very afraid of wood congratulations [dogs and men] big marriage, ps: dogs and men are very afraid of wood, they insist on asking so, and I have nothing to do with me, I am just a big speaker."

"Azure Blue Guardian Club, Xingchen Yinhui, Ju Department 瘫痪 join hands to congratulate [dog men and women] big marriage, ps ibid."

"Hand in hand with peat, fat monkey, you are waiting, it is best not to go out in the future."

"The new president of the glory capital - Queen Wendly Ann, as well as the famous Queen of the Phoenix, who is famous for the freedom of the sky, congratulates the water elves on their wedding, ps: You are different from others, and you are not congratulated. Look at our boss, you can't see his happy mouth."

"Well, my sister ignored me, worried about sang, oh yeah, came a sister again, our maple sister, maple sister, I love you, do you love me, haha, I am so high, no one can hit it. I, your big fireball keeps your own single dog."

"The captain of the Holy Hall of God, Do not forget Maple, and bring a group of harems to congratulate the dogs and men."

"Dawn wing president dreams back to thirteen... oh, thirteen, eleven, how come he didn't come, I miss him."

"He is crying at home, the goddess of marriage is married, and his heart is uncomfortable."

"Oh, then you have a chance, you brothers, the fat and water are not flowing outside the field."

"Oh, monkey, let's walk around. After today, I guess you can retire."

"What the fear of the ruling sword!"

"No, you are one, you are going to die where you are going to die." Roots squatting to receive guests below, he was mad at the fat monkey, this cargo is a good hand, and there is a blue sea breeze, this Shouting tired on the one, are all mouths of the king.

"Right...the capital of glory," the fat monkey suddenly became serious: "The former president of the glory capital, Xiao Mo, congratulates Lu and the water elves for their wedding."

The scene was very quiet, Xiao Mo actually came?

No one dares to despise him - he is still the big boss of the capital of glory, still the top master in the game, there are still countless people who are willing to sell for him.

The feeling of a fat monkey is very complicated.

Many people say that he is the most promising **** of law after Xiao Mo, but unfortunately, that is to say, even he himself did not take this thing seriously.

Retirement of Xiaomo does not mean that people do not play games. If they play games, they still have to find his teeth.

More and more people are coming behind.

The people who eat melon actually heard npcs to celebrate the dogs and men.

In addition to those who couldn't understand the origins or did not want to be named, they even included the messengers of Varian and Tyrande. They said that they had given gifts and finally sat at the banquet.

Even if the king and the high priest are not there, it is enough to send a messenger.

The two players hooked up on a happy little day that was planned to be shameless, and actually alerted the npc. The npcs of that table were so inscrutable that they could not see what they came from.

But think about the thieves profession of Lu and Water Elf, plus their attitude towards npc, everyone can have a vague guess.

This will not be a thief npc.

The thieves watched the table with hot eyes, but no one dared to come up with the words.

When the guests came almost, the master of ceremonies began to follow the process, because it was a wedding held in the game, so it saved a lot of traditional content.

I don't know who made the wrong idea, but asked two new people to play one game.

OK, this is the real gamification, seeing the water elf eager to try, the land has collapsed.

There are two people at the wedding who are holding each other with a knife.

There is no ancient person before, and there is no estimate of the latter.

"Whoever wins, whoever said it at home," said Green Orange.

"Whoever wins who manages the money."

"Right, just do it, whoever loses who buys food." The fat monkey stream is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, since the family is like this, let alone other people in the club, everyone said it is to celebrate, if there is fun to see, No one will refuse.

"You shouldn't really win." Finally, there are people who fill the knife.

The old blood of the land was almost sprayed out, so that I would have to lick each other with the knife on the day of the wedding. You also gave me a pit.

However, since the Water Elves want to make the wedding a bit more, then there is something to say.

The two quickly changed their gear.

The water elves are fully armed and look good.

Lu is also almost fully armed, the reason is almost the same, it is because he only took a one-handed sword, the hat did not let the belt, is equivalent to let two pieces of equipment.

There is no car and cannon in chess, and it is almost impossible to win.

Read The Duke's Passion