MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-Chapter 12 Fairy means!

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When is he close to himself?

The doctor's skill is enough to rank in the top ten, but why doesn't he feel a little when the enemy is close?

Not to mention the doctor, everyone including Sun Ying, did not know how Chu Xun suddenly appeared in front of the doctor.

The doctor's response was quick, he was working hard at his feet, and retreated at the fastest speed.

A bit of ridicule aroused in the corner of Chu Xun's mouth, allowing the doctor to retreat to a dozen Red Blood League gang members, shook his head gently, then turned to look at the few people tied to the pillar, and reached out with a light stroke.

"Wow, wow ...!"

After several sounds, the iron chain broke.

Several Titans stared like bronze bells. Each of these chains had thick children's arms. It took time to cut even with professional tools. But the young man like a college student in front of them just swipes his fingers, these iron chains are broken like knife-shaped tofu.

Is he a fairy? Only gods have this means?

The fox was already dying, his body slipped softly after the chain was broken.

Sun Ying strode over to kneel in front of Chu Xun, "I beg Mr. Sun to save the fox, I am willing to be a cow and a horse to repay Mr."

He has seen Chu Xun treat the black skin with his own eyes, and now only Chu Xun can save the fox.

Chu Xun walked over, put his palm on the wound of the fox's chest, and the power of Zhenyuan passed through continuously. Even if Sun Ying didn't ask him, he would save the fox, because the fox was injured because of his affairs.

Chu Xun always has clear grudges.

When people are injured or undergo surgery, they will be greatly injured, and the true power of the immortal is exactly what the injured need. With the moisturizing power of the real elements, the cells seem to be activated instantly, and the fox's chest-frontal wound is healing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

"Grumbling ..."

A swallowing sound sounded!

Titan and others stared dull, and their knees were soft with their legs.

Especially the doctor and the Red Blood Alliance gang behind him, almost shocked to see his tongue-head.

"Bring him back, it will be fine in a few days." Chu Xun said with his hand back.

At this point, the fox's breath was smooth.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun Ying, I will start with Mr. Ma head." Sun Ying staggered two heads.

Chu Xun's eyes moved to the doctor. Blandly said, "Where is Wang Song?"

"Do you know Wang Song's identity? He is a distant relative of the Bai family." The doctor sneered.

Although Wang Song is insignificant, he has a close relationship with the Bai family. The Bai family is a veteran family with powerful powers. Even their Red Blood Alliance must look to the Bai family to survive. To put it plainly, the Red Blood Alliance is just a dog of the Bai family.

It is for this reason that the Red Blood Alliance took the initiative to protect Wang Song.

If Wang Song's surrender causes Bai's dissatisfaction, the Red Blood Alliance can't afford Bai's anger.

Chu Xun frowned, what white family and black family has anything to do with him?

However, Chen Hanlong's look changed, and it was all in the business field. Wouldn't he know that the Bai family, it was a real behemoth. Although he is considered a person, he is nothing in front of the Bai family.

Of course, he won't shrink back because of this. If the Bai family is more powerful, can it fight against the gods?

"I'll ask again, where is Wang Song?" Chu Xun was impatient.

The doctor froze. He didn't expect Chu Xun to be so calm after moving out of Bai's house. Perhaps he didn't know the power of Bai's house, and said, "Boy, don't think that you have any great medical skills, and it will cause Bai's house No fairy can save you. "

"Less him-Mum told the Bai family to talk about where Wang Song is? Or don't you all want to live today." Chen Hanlong exclaimed angrily, he is a big-legged man who wants to hold Chu Xun.

"Want to kill us? It's up to you ..." The doctor sneered, then waved.


A dozen guns were pointed at Chu Xun.

"I'm going to ask now, who's trying to die?" The doctor was so proud that his muzzle pointed at Chu Xun. "Boy, I know you have some tricks to play tricks, but under the gun, you still can Can you get it? "

The Red Blood Alliance people suddenly took out their guns and scared Sun Ying and others.

Chen Hanlong quickly blocked Sun Ying behind him, and then hurriedly said, "All are behind me."

As for Chu Xun, he wasn't worried at all. If the bullet could hurt Chu Xun, that would be strange.

Sun Ying saw that Chen Hanlong was going to block bullets for him, and he couldn't help turning his eyes red. "Brother, stand behind me." He said that he would stand in front of Chen Hanlong.

"Brother, Eagle, you hide behind me, and I will die first if I die." Titan ran over and stood in front of Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying.

"I shut up Lao Tzu and rolled back to me, remember to line up." Chen Hanlong was anxious and angry. These stupid people, he had the jade card sent by Chu Xun, and the bullet could not hurt him.

His roar shook the scene, and Sun Ying and others hid behind Chen Hanlong with red eyes.

"It's really brotherly love! Since you are so anxious to die, then I will complete you!"

The doctor smirked and pulled the trigger.


The doctor's eyes widened. He wanted to see Chen Hanlong's brain crack.

A strange scene appeared. After the gunfire, Chen Hanlong raised a ripple in front of him, and the bullet was blocked.

The doctor froze. Don't say anything like that. I have never heard of it. The Red Blood Alliance behind him helped the eyes bulge.

Chen Hanlong took out the jade card and saw the crack on it. Anxious to unload the doctor.

The doctor couldn't help panic when he returned to God.

"Bang ...!"

The doctor pulled the trigger wildly, he didn't believe it, it must be an illusion.

After a few shots, Chen Hanlong dropped six bullets on his feet, but he was unharmed.

At the same time, the jade card in Chen Hanlong's hand burst into pieces and turned into powder.

"What are you still doing? Shoot fast ..." The doctor yelled frantically.

Chen Hanlong's face changed drastically. Without the jade card, how could his flesh and blood block the bullet.

At this moment, Chu Xun moved and flashed into a streamer.

"Tong Tong, Tong Tong ..."

The sound of falling down one after another.

The Red Blood Alliance's gangs fell like mowing wheat.

During the several breaths, except the doctor, all others fell to the ground. These people had wide mouths, wide eyes, protruding eyes, and weak neck pulls. Their death methods were the same.

The doctor's hands and feet were stiff, and cold sweat soaked his back. He knew Chu Xun was behind him, but he didn't have the courage to turn around. I'm afraid I won't be able to turn around after turning back.

"Where is Wang Song?"

A simple sentence made the doctor's heart almost stop.


The doctor couldn't hold it anymore, as if he had been taken away from the whole body's bones, completely paralyzed on the ground, slowly raised his head, and instantly turned to his indifferent eyes, causing his blood to coagulate.

"In the Bai family, Wang Song is in the Bai family, don't kill me, please don't kill me ..."

The doctor screamed in horror and crawled back, trying to get away from Chu. At this moment, Chu Xun was more terrible in his eyes than the devil. No one knew how he killed, but he blinked and all his people died.

The unknown is always the scariest!

"Help me give a message to the Bai family, give them a day, and send Wang Song to the Dragon Eagle Club. Remember, there is only one day. Hope not to let me run it myself."

After speaking, Chu Xun bent down and patted the doctor's head, then stood up and walked outside.

"Great ... brother ..."

Sun Ying was also a man of iron, but at this time he had a tongue-to-head knot, and he could not say a single word.

"Afraid?" Chen Hanlong said mischievously.

Sun Ying nodded fiercely, and died in a blink of an eye. How to kill the people who did not see clearly, can you not be afraid?

"Do you still want to ask, why didn't the bullet hurt me?"

Sun Ying spoke unfavorably, but nodded fiercely. He hid behind Chen Hanlong and saw nothing.

Chen Hanlong spread his hands, leaving only white powder in the palm of his hand, and said distressedly: "This was originally a jade card, which was rewarded to me by my husband. I have no problem. Of course, I can also stop bullets. Unfortunately, it can only be used once. "

"Can stop bullets!" Sun Ying murmured.

"Otherwise you think I'm a copper-skinned iron bone!" Chen Hanlong said angrily, and then patted Sun Ying's shoulder. "Mr. is a fairy-like figure, and he must respect him in the future."

When Sun Ying remembered that he had just seen Chu Xun before, his words were disrespectful, and the cold sweat flowed down.

"You guys, you are not allowed to talk about things today, sir likes to be quiet, don't want to be too high-profile, understand?" Chen Hanlong said to Titan and others.

Titans and others have long been convinced by Chu Xun's methods, and now their heads are still dizzy. After listening to Chen Hanlong's words, they nodded in haste.

"Brother, what should he do?" Sun Ying pointed at the doctor, his eyes flashed harshly.

"Mr. said that he would not kill him with his own intentions, and let him stay for the time being!" Chen Hanlong said, waving his hand: "Let's go!"

A group of people came out of the Dream Paradise Bar and saw Chu Xun standing next to the car. Chen Hanlong hurried over.

Who knew that Sun Ying was faster than him, first came to Chu Xun, and quickly opened the door. "Sir, please get in the car!"

Chen Hanlong was so angry that he almost gave Sun Ying a kick. This guy was so shameless that he even snatched his chance to make a flatterer.


Read The Duke's Passion