MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-v2 Chapter 886 Extremely stupid!

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The ancient emperor will be so miserable and want to save each other.

"If you dare to move, you must be killed today ... whether you have paid for the earth or not ... I can guarantee it." Chu Xun roared and deterred the starry sky.

"Wenyan is the guardian of the earth ... you must not treat him like this." Gu Didao.

Chu Xun slightly sneered, and then sneered: "Stupidly, I advise you to continue to sleep ... this earth has such a stupid thing ... it is a miracle not to perish."

The ancient emperor was furious ... Immortal emperor could not be humiliated ... Chu Xun's remarks did not leave him a little bit of face.

But Chu Xun did not give him a chance to speak, and said coldly, "I warn you ... don't try to save him ... you better pray that my friends are still alive ... if they die ... on Until Jiuxiao, Huangquan ... Chumou will twist your head off yourself. "

Chu Xun's words went straight into the depths of the starry sky, during the flight ... split into two, summoned the avatar ... both of them ripped through the void and jumped in.

The ancient emperor's eyes narrowed ... casually into the void chaos ... he thought he had no such ability.

The ancient emperor looked at the miserable face ... several times he wanted to be rescued.

"I advise you better not to move ... in this starry sky, no one knows the spleen nature ... if you save ... it's even your own life ... remember you just woke up, I ’m being warned by a villain, I ’m kindly reminding you ... As for whether you listen or not, respect yourself. ”Wen Rushan looked hateful ... She really hated this stupid ancient emperor ... but Xian The fairy emperor of the domain keeps waking up ... Chu Xun needs help.

"Are you threatening this emperor?" The ancient emperor was furious ... I don't know how many years I have survived ... No one has ever treated myself like this ... The humiliation suffered today has never been before.

"If you feel that way, that's it." Wen Rushan said no more and ignored him.

The ancient emperor was annoyed, looking around ... It was found that the warriors in the sky barrier were full of anger in his eyes.

The ancient emperor was very weird ... he almost died to protect the earth ... why did these people think of him this way.

"I ask you ... isn't Chu Xun betraying the earth?" The ancient emperor explained, "Why are you so excited to see him?"

None of these warriors want to ignore him ... what about Xiandi? We have never received your favor ... Chu Xun has saved their lives several times.

But ... the ancient emperor was finally awakened shortly afterwards, a powerful man in the nine-day mysterious wonderland said: "Ancient emperor ... anyone in this world can betray the earth ... except that the emperor Chu Xian will not ... Even if he wants to betray ... no ethnic group dares to accept him. "

"Hejie?" The ancient emperor was surprised.

"The Emperor Chuxian is the true guardian of the earth ... he is alien, ... cuts the immortal domain ... the awesome starry sky ... as for the so-called shamelessness ... it just woke up a few days ago." This A martial artist smiled coldly at the dismantled disembarkation ... Don't you like to scold? You scold one for me now.

"The ancient emperor, the emperor Chu Xian's record can not be said even for three days and three nights ... he has guarded the earth for hundreds of years ... so that the enchantment of the earth is embarrassed ... People in the depths of the sky ... are all relatives and friends of Chu Xiandi ... Zhu has killed countless enemies ... After life and death ... you are deceived by this shameless. "

The ancient emperor frowned, and said, "What is it really like?"

"If the ancient emperor didn't believe me and wait ... anywhere on this earth ... you can just ask someone to ask ... even a three-year-old child, you can also say that Chu Xiandi's record is three or five .. . Will we lie then? The ancient emperor can decide for himself. "

The ancient emperor froze ... his face became really ugly ... if that was the case ... then he could have done something wrong today ... watching the shamelessly beheading Yinghao but remained indifferent, even Helping to sacrifice ... He, the immortal emperor, is likely to stink for thousands of years on earth.

The ancient emperor glanced at the indifferent facelessly, and said, "If you lie to me ... I will crush you to death."

Shameless has been frightened and can't be frightened ... he wants to rebuild his body several times ... but is cut off by the power of the stars ... the painful soul is shaking.



Time passed by every minute, and everyone was waiting for Chu Xun ... all worried for the Fire Kirin.

But ... Chu Xun did not wait, but waited for the three emperors of Xianyu.

Immortal Emperor ... Sword Emperor ... Wind Emperor ... come together ... They were mad by Chu Xunqi ... especially Feng Emperor, vow not to kill Chu Xun vow.

The stars swayed ... the three came along the stars.

"Emperor Chuxian ... you destroy my northern part of Xianyu ... it hurts tens of millions of souls ... if you don't kill you today ... this emperor will never return to Xianyu." Fengdi growled.

The ancient emperor's face changed suddenly ... to Wen Rushan: "Quickly enter the sky barrier."

Now, he understood everything ... he was really cheated by shamelessness ... Chu Xun did fight the Three Emperors alone in Xianyu .. And he also destroyed the northern domain of Xianyu.

Look at the three people's desperate popularity ... Want to smash Chu Xun's bones ... If Chu Xun betrayed the earth, the fool would not believe it.

Wen Rushan took control of the spacecraft and rushed into the sky obstacle quickly.

The ancient emperor was embarrassed and indifferent, and gave a cold look to the face ... Want to burn him to ashes to dispel hatred ... but now there are more important things to do.

The three emperors came together, Megatron starry sky, Chu Xun was not there ... Only the ancient emperor had this ability ... not to mention, he knew the three men well.

The three emperors stayed at tens of thousands of meters and stepped on the stars.

"Ancient Emperor ... I didn't expect you to be alive?" The Emperor Jian was a little surprised ... Of course, the ancient Emperor cut it off with his own hands, watching him fall, how could he be alive?

The enemies met were extremely jealous ... the ancient emperor was full of murderous power ... both eyes were spitting fire, it was really spitting fire ... like to burn the starry sky to ashes.

"Sword Emperor ... at the beginning, you cut off the power of my connection with the stars ... I don't know that there is another star power, you have not cut off ... but left a line of life with me ... I am not dead ... In order to avenge you personally in the future. "

"Huh ... Go for thousands of years ... and say so much righteousness ... your old friends have fallen ... what's the point of your life?" Sword Emperor sneered.

The ancient emperor was burning red flames all over his body, dangerous and terrible.

"The ancient emperor ... don't be impulsive, wait until Chu finds everything," Wen Rushan whispered.

Although the ancient emperor was furious ... But after all, he has experienced the battle of the ancient times ... Surviving endless years ... This is still clear ... He did not have the ability to find the three emperors alone.

"The meaning of my life is to avenge them." The ancient emperor said coldly.

"It's up to you ..." Sword Emperor's eyes were indifferent, but his words were cruel, "Nine of the Ten Greatest Emperors of Ancient Earth fell ... Do you think you can kill me?"

"Can you, just try it." The ancient emperor burned in anger ... he really had red eyes ... anxious to burn the sword emperor to ashes.

"The ancient times can cut you once ... I can cut you a second time today ... Let me teach you ... in the past ten years, you have made the slightest improvement." Jiandi said, taking a step forward, Stepping on the stars swayed as if to burst.

"Sword Emperor, don't be reckless," Xiandi reminded. "Emperor Chu Xian is no longer here ... this man is in a void of fissure ... maybe he is hiding in the dark now, ready to attack me."

The sword emperor was jealous of Chu Xun's heart ... but Chu Xun's method had been personally taught ... Even Feng Di's head was chopped down ... If he suddenly attacked ... even if he could not be killed, he would be killed Seriously injured.

"That's ..." Fengdi looked at the indifferent face.

The Emperor and the Emperor also looked curiously ... their faces were a little uncomfortable ... this method was so cruel ... they broke people into parts by birth.

Fengdi's face was like eating a dead fly ... He thought of the scene where his head was cut off by Chu Xun ... shame ... As long as he thought about it, he would become mad.

"Ancient emperor ... How is your means more and more cruel?" Xiandi said.

The ancient emperor sneered, and said, "Someday ... someday ... you will end like this."

"Hmm ... Ancient Emperor ... Is this not your means?" Sword Emperor sneered and then growled: "Chu Xiandi ... Don't hide your head ... you are an immortal ... but hide Sneaking sneakily in secret ... don't tell me to look down on you. "

The ancient emperor sighed deeply ... how could he not see ... the three of them do not do it now, all because of Gu Jichu.

The thought of being cheated by shame ... doing something stupid ... his anger couldn't be suppressed.

But ... the most important thing is to delay time ... he can never stop the three emperors from joining forces.

"Xiandi, don't you think the person torn into parts is familiar?" Jiandi suddenly said.

I saw shamelessly winking at the imperial emperor.

The Emperor stared at him, suddenly showing a different expression, and said indifferently, "I recognize him ... a dog I received in ancient times."

All the warriors on the earth were shocked ... I didn't expect that this shameless ancient man had defected to the Emperor.

The ancient emperor's face was colorful ... he was ashamed to death ... he was fooled by this food and food.

Seeing the Emperor without recognition, he was full of joy ... he opened his mouth silently and closed it together. From the perspective of his mouth, he said: "Master ... Save me ... Master save me. .. "

"This dog has been very helpful to our fairyland in ancient times ... if there is a chance ... you can save him." Xiandi Road.

The Emperor Sword and the Emperor of the Wind are silent ... If you want to save it, it is your fairy who saves it ... It is your dog anyway, so let's talk about a dog of the earth.
