MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-v2 Chapter 899 Save people!

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Bang ...!

The void roared endlessly, and two figures swept across the sky like streamers ... it was Lao Hei and Dream Butterfly.

Behind him ... terrible black gas pervades the sky ... like a beast that devours the heavens and the earth ... the whole sky is shivering.

"Damn ..." Old Black was furious, his eyes were red, "This western **** is too fast, and flees separately."

"Okay." Mengdie also knew that they would not be able to escape in this way.

"Take care." Lao Hei shouted, the figure refracted the direction and turned into a streamer and sank into the clouds.

The two run counter to each other.

"The great gods ... they are separated, what shall we do?" The black armored man respectfully requested.

"It's really smart." Hades smiled indifferently, and chased after Lao Hei.



On Mengyu Mountain, there is a big happy event.

Yao Baiyue and Su Weier were both pregnant.

Yan Wushuang and Huo Qilin grinned widely ... the corners of their mouths were almost behind the ears.

Chu Xun was a little envious ... He worked hard every night, why did Hua Qingwu and Jinghong's stomach not move?

"Lao Chu ... Don't be too envious of us ... This kind of thing depends on real firearms ... It's useless to repair as high." Huo Qilin grinned broadly and patted Chu Xun's shoulder.

"Hey ..." Yan Wushuang pretended to sigh, "It's so strong, Baibu wears Yang, there is no way, even I admire myself."

Chu Xun looked disgusted and said, "If I am willing ... the grandson will be able to make soy sauce."

"That's right ... daughter slave ..." Yan Wushuang laughed, and then straightened his face, and said, "Lao Chu, why don't you pass the moon to me. Chu Qinyue is so big, not yet The key is that when people heard that her father was the King of Devil ... he was scared of peeing ... I went out and said it was my daughter, and others can accept it. "

"Go ..." Chu Xun smiled and cursed, "My daughter is too good ... is that man worthy?"

"..." ......

"Fuck, isn't your daughter's slave serious?"

"Take care of your fart." Chu Xun smiled and cursed, "care more about Yao Baiyue."

"It's okay. How many elderly people take care of them, they are all excited by my father." Yan Wushuang laughed.

Huo Qilin grinned widely and said, "Chu Mo head ... your culture is slightly higher than me, so lost ... and also my child's godfather ... the responsibility of naming is called to you."

Chu Xun's face was disgusting ... Is that a loss? Have you read books? Those who have graduated from prenatal education are more knowledgeable than you.

"No problem." Chu Xun agreed.

He looked at the setting sun ... He groaned and said, "If it's a boy, it's called Huoxi ... If it's a girl, it's Huoxier."

Huoxi ... Huoxier?

Huo Qilin read it twice ... it feels very easy ... especially the girl's name has a good meaning ... patted Chu Xun's shoulder and laughed: "Okay, it's such a happy decision."

Chu Xun rolled his eyes and gavel.

"Lao Chu, you are involved ... my child is also your godfather ..."


Chu Xun kicked him unceremoniously.

Yan Wushuang then reacted, and said with a dry smile: "Wrong, wrong ... you are my child's godfather ... I'll take care of you with the name."

"Let me think ..." Chu Xun had a headache, and taking a name was also a technical task.

"Just ..." Chu Xun's words hadn't finished, and suddenly his face changed slightly, his figure disappeared.

"Hey, Lao Chu, what's your name?" Yan Wushuang shouted, but Chu Xun had disappeared.

Yan Wushuang looked at Huo Qilin and hurried up.

The big front wall of Mengyushan parted, and a figure rushed in ... it was Mengdie.

Seeing Chu Xun ... Mengdie panicked: "There is something wrong."

Chu Xun had anticipated it ... Meng Die noticed her panic when she was tens of thousands of meters away.

"What about Supreme Master and Lao Hei?" Chu Xun asked.

"Heidi Hades captured Supreme Immortal King ... Lao Hei fled away from me ... If he didn't return, he would have been arrested." Mengdie said.

Chu Xun is somewhat helpless ... Yao Baiyue and Su Weier were just pregnant ... Why is there always a bad thing behind every happy event ... Fortunately, he is used to it.

"Hades, the **** of the underworld ... is it a so-called **** in the Western world?" Yan Wushuang and Huo Qilin came ... heard the dream butterfly ... surprised.

"According to Supreme Immortal King, this goddess Hades is not among the main gods ... and he is dead ... very evil." Mengdie thought for a moment.

Chu Xun's eyes narrowed slightly ... the gods of the Western world ... It seems that you are really not honest.

"Dream Butterfly, you can say things completely." Chu Xundao said.

Dream Butterfly chanted ... Western warriors slaughtered the city ... After the appearance of Hades, the last god, said it carefully.

"This is the Pluto, I left one." Mengdie handed Chu Xun a blood-filled bead.

Chu Xun took it ... rubbing lightly with his hands ... Pluto was full of blood, and a golden silk thread could be seen faintly ... Chu Xun laughed suddenly.

"Lao Chu, what are you laughing at?" Yan Wushuang asked inexplicably.

Chu Xun's mouth slightly raised ... "I was still thinking about how to find this **** ... the feelings were exposed by himself ... but it saved me trouble."

"What do you mean?" Yan Wushuang asked, "Do you know his whereabouts?"

Chu Xun bowed his head slightly, the golden thread in the Pluto Pearl ... is a hair ... if he didn't guess wrong, this is Pluto's own.

"Dream Butterfly, how does this **** of the soul cultivate?" Huo Qilin asked.

Mengdie's face changed, and she said, "Very strong ... Supreme Supreme Jun is not an enemy."

Yan Wushuang and other people's faces changed slightly ... Supreme Master Xianjun, but a character from ancient times ... It is so deep that it is not an enemy.

"Is it the immortal realm?" Yan Wushuang exclaimed.

Huo Qilin sneered, and said, "What about the Emperor? Seeing Chu's head ... it's all miserable."

"Lao Chu, what do you do now?" Yan Wushuang ignored Huo Qilin and asked Chu Xun instead.

Chu Xun Shen said: "The Supreme Immortal and Lao Hei must be rescued ... It seems I have to take a trip."

"Let's go with you ... these Western clutter seem to have no memory," Huo Qilin said angrily.

Chu Xun shook his head and said, "This time I will go alone ... you will stay in Mengyushan and wait for me to come back."

Yan Wushuang and others also know that ... Supreme Master Xianjun is not an enemy of the gods ... They are useless when they go.

"Then you are careful," Yan Wushuang said, "when do you leave?"

"right now."

"Now? Would you like to tell Jinghong?"

Chu Xun smiled bitterly and said, "No need ... this time, it won't take long."

Then, Chu Xun printed the seal.

Seeking immortality.

A purple mang emerged from Chu Xun's palm ... wrapping Pluto.

The golden hair in Pluto beads trembled ... Pluto beads flew out.

Chu Xun flashed and followed.

Pluto shuttled through the air ... toward his master.



Wow ...!

The rage of the sea, rolled up tens of meters of stormy waves ... like the black clouds that swept the sky.

The majestic black gas is lingering ... one of the bone thrones is extremely dazzling ... It is the **** Hades, the black man ... In addition, there is the Supreme Immortal King and the old black trapped by black gas .

They hurried across the sea ... rolling up a huge wave.

"The great Hades ... IMHO ... Now Hades have gathered ... Why don't you just open the large array outside the Protoss ... to absorb the power of the Protoss?" The man in black armor said.

Hades smiled and said, "I'm excluded from the Twelve Lords ... but I want to let the whole West know ... I am the head of the gods ... God of war, sea god, sun **** ... .They dare not set foot in the East, but I dare, I want to let the whole western world know ... I am the bravest and most powerful. "

"The great **** of darkness ... As for this, as your most loyal slave, we have no doubt at all." The black armored man respectfully said.

Just then, however, Hardis frowned slightly.

"Great **** ... what's wrong?" The man in the black armor said.

Hades looked a little surprised, and said, "I feel my power."

"..." The black armored man's face is aggressive, what do you mean? Why doesn't he understand?

Alas ... but at this moment, a blood ray penetrated the void ... passing through the sky like lightning, and flew towards Hades.

Hades's face changed suddenly ... it was Pluto ... To his surprise, he lost control of Pluto.

Bang ... Hades raised his hand, and the black armored man who hadn't responded flew out.


Pluto bead hits the black armored man flying backwards ... bursts out ... blood of blood sweeps through the air ... the black armor dissipates directly with blood mist.

To death ... he didn't respond.

However, to die for Hades ... should he feel honored?

Hades's face changed ... the dark air rolling around was even more fierce ... his eyes were filled with dark air ... the terrible death breath swept through.

Suddenly ... he turned back fiercely ... I saw ripples in the void, and then a gap appeared, which was torn by a pair of pure hands.

Then ... he saw a figure coming out, handsome and beautiful.

And then ... he watched the man flick with his fingers, two purple flames flew out ... and landed on the black gas that bound Supreme Master Jun and Lao Hei.

Uh ... black gas was directly refined into nothingness.

Supreme Master Jun and Lao He emerged out of trouble.

"Chu Xun." Lao Hei shouted in surprise.

The immortal Supreme Master Jun then realized that the person suddenly appearing in front of him was the Demon King Chu, the Emperor Chu Xian ... hurriedly saluting, saying, "I have seen Emperor Chu Xian."
