MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 2 Wan Wan Chao Long!

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The second chapter, Wan Hao Chao Long!

This scene happened too quickly and suddenly, and people simply couldn’t react.

At the same time as Zhang Chen charged, the two small partners around him also started.

They are going to form an elliptical encirclement from three directions to besiege Li Muyang------- Although they feel that Zhang Chen can easily knock down Li Muyang alone, but let Zhang Chen hit someone, it is not Is Zhang Chen very brutal and violent? This is not conducive to maintaining the image of the Zhang Chen campus male god.

If the three of them are together, it seems that they are overbearing and they feel that they are very loyal.

They only ran halfway through the morning and flew. The momentary changes made them feel a little confused.

The planned linear impact suddenly bends into a huge wave, they wandered around from Li Muyang, and then looked at Li Muyang's back in a daze.

"What happened just now?" They were all busy running and didn't have time to watch.

Li Muyang looked at his fist with a puzzled look.

What happened in the end? Why did he suddenly have such violent anger?

In the past, Li Muyang was based on the principle of being able to endure and be patient. As long as the other party is not too bullied, he will happily cooperate. Because only then will it bring the least and the least damage to yourself----who can let them beat them?

Also, how can one's own hands and the ability of the chickens to beat Zhang Chen?

Moreover, he didn't make any effort at all. I really wanted Zhang Chen to stand up and let him punch another shot to see what it was.

Zhang Chenxi screamed and climbed hard from the ground.

He looked at Li Muyang's eyes and was shocked by the seven-pointer.

The strength of Li Muyang’s sudden explosion made him surprised. How can Li Muyang have such strength?

The most hated guy who plays pigs and eats tigers!




Li Muyang's white sneakers stepped on the grass and stepped forward to Zhang Chen.

“Do you want to attract Cui’s attention to classmates?” Li Muyang asked.

This time it was his turn to look at Zhang Chen, and this feeling was awesome. His black face was so handsome that he became an empire idol.

Zhang Chen’s mouth was opened, but he couldn’t say anything, like a grass-eating fish that accidentally jumped to the shore and thirsty for death.

He likes Cui carefully, which is not a secret in the class. Because of his school basketball captain's identity, he is also a man of the school, this thing is widely circulated throughout the school.

Although he didn't look back, he knew that Cui was careful to stand behind the crowd. She always liked to stand at the end of the crowd and seemed to keep a certain distance from everyone.

Can he deny the problem of Li Muyang? No.

"Use the wrong way." Li Muyang looked at Zhang Chen with regret, and shook his head and sighed and said: "Cui is a smart, reserved and proud girl. She likes the gentle and introverted wisdom. There are also boys with strong field control ability. You rush to ridicule me from time to time, bullying me, thinking that this is showing your strength and dazzling?"

A girl as quiet as a lily opened her mouth, but after all, she said nothing.

Her eyes were like a sharp blade, peeling off the skin of Li Muyang and seeing what his heart was thinking.

"This guy is not only ugly, but people hate it." The girl thought so in her heart.

"Actually, this is a little trick in the eyes of Cui's classmates. It is an ugly incident that makes people scorn and disdain. You regard me as a clown who can be insulted, and you bully me in cautious classmates. The eyes are also a clown's burlesque performance -------"

Li Muyang pointed to his face and said: "Look at my face ------ you are handsomer than me. At least you are whiter than me."

"You are taller than me, you are smarter than me, you are better than me.-----Oh, yes, you will play basketball. I saw when you were playing basketball, when countless girls in school yelled at your name. Scene, many times I want to be you ------"

"A philosopher said: Look at the realm of a person, just see who his opponent is. You choose someone like me to be your opponent, or the object of your bullying ------ you pull yourself To the same level as me, do you think that such a person can ask Cui to be careful of his classmates? Childish."

"Li Muyang, you -------"

"I am very ordinary." Li Muyang opened his mouth and smiled. He was as dark and radiant as his skin. He had an unspeakable charm. This is his whole face----or the only highlight of the whole body. Said, "But you are very pitiful."

Zhang Chen was completely irritated. He rushed to grab the neck of Li Muyang and said, "Li Muyang, who are you pitiful? Who are you pitiful?"

"It’s playing up and fighting ------"

"Come on, pull them apart -------"

"Teacher, someone is fighting ------"


"Let's make a point." The red light in Li Muyang's eyes rose again, staring at Zhang Chen's low voice: "Let's make a point, just like you used to step me under your feet."

"噗-------" Zhang Chen mouth spurted a blood, probably because of serious internal injuries, more likely because of depression and suffocation.

The crazy Zhang Chen was finally pulled up by people. Zhang Chen kicked the fishing rod of Li Muyang fishing and sneered and said: "Li Muyang, what is your qualification for this kind of waste, pity me? You can't make it, Wu Bu As a result, looks and ugly, every exam is the first countdown in the whole school ------- fishing is not even a fish bite. Do you think you can have a big break? You are just eating together in this life. Dead pigs."

Li Muyang licked the neck of the blush, and said with a smile: "You just hit me with a punch."


Zhang Chen pointed to Li Muyang's head with his finger and turned and strode away.

The group of young people behind him lingered for a while, as if they had never seen Li Muyang like him and carefully followed him, and then ran away.

The excitement was over and the crowd dispersed. Li Muyang was sitting alone in the middle of the grass by the lake.

He is always alone.

same as before.

"Li Muyang-------" The voice of the girl is clear, such as the vibration arc left in the air when the kingfisher glides.

Li Muyang turned and looked and found that Cui was still standing still.

This time is somewhat different from usual.

"You recognize that I am right or critical. I am not right. These are not important. In fact, do you know? You just stay and talk to me, others will look at me with strange eyes-- -- or amazed, or jealous, but also envious. A bunch of mud suddenly opened a glamorous flower, it is really a very fresh thing. For me, after all, it is a cheap thing. If I am, I pretended that nothing had happened before."

Without looking back, Li Muyang knows the shock that Ban Hua left to talk to other students.

Cui was careful not to think that Li Muyang would say such a thing. Her good-looking voice emerged as a layer of fog, and instantly cleared to the bottom. After a moment of indulgence, she said: "You guessed two things, and said two wrong things. thing."

"It seems that you are willing to talk to me for a long time. Is this our first formal chat?" Li Muyang said with a smile.

"First, I don't like Zhang Chen. In my eyes, his behavior really looks like a clown who is sensational."

"Second, I really like what you said - a gentle and introverted but powerful man with the ability to control the field. He has the ability, but does not always show off his ability. This is my favorite type of boy."

Li Muyang nodded and said, "What is the wrong thing about me?"

"First, I don't think you are a clown. You are just an ordinary person, just like many ordinary people. You didn't do anything wrong, just ---------"

"It’s just that fate is too unfair to me." Li Muyang laughed and laughed and said: "The poor people are ugly, their heads are like a paste--the text is not a martial art, and can only accept the fate of the arrangement. Become a waste of mixed food, isn't it?"

Cui’s careful pupils once again shined, this black charcoal that was ridiculed and bullied all day long, and the well-known but low-key silence seems to have no extraordinary classmates, even with such keen thinking and such sharp words ?

"I will talk about it casually." Li Muyang chewed a sugar cane grass in his mouth and chewed it. The sweet grass juice made his mood a little more pleasant. "Go on".

“It’s inevitable that the top of the mud can bloom. Because it’s superficial on the surface, there’s a lot of energy inside that can provide flowers for growth and bloom. It’s doing its best, using that head. The flowers prove the value of their existence."

"Do you think that I can save it like the pile of mud?" Li Muyang opened his mouth and smiled and said: "Then you are willing ------"

"I don't want to." Cui carefully refused directly. "I am going to Xifeng University. Where are you going? We are not people of the same world. There will be no intersection in our future."

Xifeng University is the best college in the empire. With Li Muyang's current achievements, it can only be applied to the Northwestern University.

"That is also true." Li Muyang smiled bitterly and said: "This is why I like you but never confessed to you."


“Isn't this a normal thing? Like the boys in adolescence, I am always full of yearning for the beautiful girls in the school. We like Xu Jiarui, like Zhang Xinqi, and like you. We hope to be as dazzling as you are. We hope to be able to walk by your side and imagine that you can sit in the back seat of our bicycle and bloom like a flower."

"But, beautiful girls always put their eyes on even better boys. - We can only look at them from a distance. If any beautiful girl suddenly gets close, then it is not enthusiastic. It’s a big gift for us not to say a few words.” Li Muyang looked up at the clouds on his head and said, “What else?”

Cui was careful to calm down for a while, and the voice finally had some complicated emotions. He said, "I wish you good luck."

After that, turn around and walk towards the place where the big forces gather.

The tour of the lake is over, waiting for them is a cruel kill.

"Cui carefully -------" Li Muyang suddenly shouted.

Cui carefully turned around and looked at it. She didn't understand what the boys who had not had any communication before would say something to her.

In fact, it is useless to say anything, she can not accept a love because of sympathy.

"I refused." Li Muyang said.


"You invited me to go to the movies with you, I refused." Li Muyang said aloud.

Cui's careful face is like a nearly transparent jade in the sunlight, staring coldly at Li Muyang and saying: "Idiot."

As the sun sets, the sunset over the lakeside covered with bright red light has a grand dream.

Li Muyang put away the fishing rod and prepared to go home with the big troops.


The sparkling scales of the quiet lake surface suddenly leaped a colorful koi.

It was like getting some hints, and then countless head koi jumped from the sunset lake.

They are tens of thousands, and they are endless. They are overwhelming, and the colored fish scales are covered in half to cover the half of the lake.

In places that are invisible to the naked eye, there are more squid coming in here, like a pilgrimage.

They rushed toward the direction of Li Muyang, just like following their most loyal faith.

If the experienced elderly see this scene, they will be exclaimed: Wan Hao Chao Long, this is a thousand years of hardships.

(PS: I am very happy. I saw a lot of familiar faces. Seeing the full screen of the book review area is red, it is grateful to Lao Liu full of heart. You are so good to me, how should I return?

There are too many people to reward, and I can't list the names one by one after the chapter. But at the end of the month, I will write a testimonial that lists the names of each of the rewarders.

This book is a Chinese-language network, and friends who like it to help collect and vote for Zhang Hong. If you have a monthly pass, you should also throw it at Laoliu. See if we can get the first place this month.

In addition, Zongheng engaged in an activity, saying that Laoliu was hijacked by a group of beautiful women, and everyone needs to be rescued by the soldiers. I told the editor that my readers and friends knew that I was hijacked by beautiful women. Not only will not be rescued but also all kinds of envy and hatred. The situation is as I said. However, it is said that the completion of the task will be a big surprise, you can click to see:

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