MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 5 People are not old!

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The fifth chapter, the people are not old!

Li Muyang is a kind person. He has not bullied others since he was young.

In his memory, such a thing has never been done once.

And he has been bullied by others, how much has he contributed to alleviating the empire's juvenile delinquency?

If those young people who are energetic and impulsive are not humiliating and venting on him every day when they have nothing to do, I am afraid that more extreme and terrible things will be done on others.

Therefore, Li Muyang had to think of such a problem - like a man like an angel, how could it be thunder?

The encounter with Thunder has always made Li Muyang feel awkward, giving birth to a strong sense of inferiority from the depths of his bones.

You think about it, Haotian just sent you to the world, and regretted that I want to take you back. Does anyone feel insulted?

It is also because of being thundered that Li Muyang’s body was very bad when he was born.

The children of other people grew up in a honey jar, and Li Muyang grew up in a medicine jar.

From the moment he just remembered, the family often came to an old Taoist who was the same as Jianghu Langzhong.

He wore a dirty robe for many years, and the sleeves were greasy and greasy like a chicken in his possession. Every time I came over, I carried a large package of medicinal herbs, and I was busy in the kitchen. Then I took a bowl of Chinese medicine that was more disgusting than his sleeves and forced Li Muyang to drink.

Li Muyang refused at first, and the old Taoist was not reluctant. After a snap, Li Muyang took the medicine bowl and drank it.----

Li Muyang always felt that it was not a taste for himself to do such a thing, but young and ignorant did not find the right words to describe the feeling at that time.

Later, he accidentally found a word that made him feel full of numbness: guilty!

When Li Muyang was eleven years old, the old Taoist priest was on his body, and then his face was gratified and said to Li Muyang’s parents: "The old road is fortunate not to be insulted, and it has finally saved the young master's life. Body, the mortal body can withstand it is already a miracle. The young master is very big, and the richness of nature is unspeakable. Although he saved his life, his body quality is still very big with ordinary people. The difference is that it is impossible for Xiwu to practice the sword, and the head ------"

“The head is broken?” Li Yan’s father, Li Yan, asked urgently.

"That didn't." The old road shook his head and said that Li Yan didn't need to panic and said: "Just because of the impact of lightning strikes, his brain has been greatly affected, and may become stupid.---maybe With the growth of age, the young master, Hong Fu Qitian, is not sure if he recovers on a day."

"That's still the head is broken." Li Yan face is dead. "Master, you can't think of another way? This child has suffered hardships and encountered so many catastrophes at birth----Can you help me to see it again? You live in Jiangnan for a few more years, I promise daily Good wine and good meat----No, no, no, we promise to make you feel comfortable. Okay?"

"Do your best, listen to your destiny." The old man smiled and refused. He said: "The old road has been robbed recently, and it needs to be prepared. We will have a period later."

The old road is gone, and Li Muyang misses him very much.

Because only he called the child of a taxi driver a ‘Little Master’, Li Muyang liked the title very much. Unfortunately, no one has called him anymore.

More people call him ‘small black charcoal’.

Anyone who has done the same thing for three years can become an expert in this field. Li Muyang ate Chinese medicine for more than ten years, so it is easy to smell the irritating Chinese medicine smell from the fart that Zhang Chen released.

"Under the age of the world, people are not old. Zhang Chen, I did not expect that you will use such vicious means to retaliate against me. Every time you are actively bullying me, can you blame me for swimming in the lake? You run Come hit me, I will stop it, you will fly out. Can you blame me?"

Li Muyang could not go on because he found Zhang Chen crying.

It’s really crying, tears and tears are falling, and it’s like humiliating who has dragged him out for thousands of times.

Li Muyang groaned and whispered, "What happened to you?"

"Don't say it-----" Zhang Chen said with tears: "Please, don't say -------"

Li Muyang was full of vigilance and said: "You will not deliberately want to play a sad card?"

"Li Muyang ------" Zhang Chen licked his stomach and his body could not stand up. "Do not bring you to bully in the dead."

Li Muyang glanced around and saw that the eyes of all the people in the class gathered on both of them.

Li Muyang was a little scared and quickly explained: "The students have seen it, he first bullied me, I have not done anything -------"

"You said that Zhang Chen’s fart is hiding poison." Someone said with a hug.

At this moment, many people began to sympathize with Zhang Chen.

Although they usually don't like Zhang Chen in general, Zhang Chen always likes to show off the limelight, and often bullies classmates in the class.

However, I have seen insulting people and have never seen anyone insulting this way.

"There is indeed a smell of five spirits in his fart. I don't believe you smell it." Li Muyang said with a serious look. He was originally a serious person, serious when he slept, and equally serious when explaining. "He doesn't find anyone, but he is not standing by me-----not just to retaliate against the last time I let him go out?"


Zhang Chen feels that he has been smashed again.


The class bell rang.

Zhao Mingzhu, an imperial history teacher, stepped into the classroom with a ringing tone. When he stood on the podium and was about to start class, he found that his aunt Zhang Chen was standing in the tears of Li Muyang. He couldn’t help but get angry and shouted: "Li Muyang, what bad things have you done?"

When Li Muyang saw that Zhao Mingzhu was angry with himself, he decided to make his own guess. He stared at Zhang Chen coldly and said: "I know that you are deliberately playing a sad card."


Li Muyang looked up at Zhao Mingzhu's eyes and said: "Mr. Zhao, I have not done anything."

Zhao Mingzhu is even more angry. He has been teaching for ten years. He has never seen Li Yuyang, a stupid and unthinking student.

She slammed into the face of Li Muyang, slap on the desk, and pointed at the scorpion: "Li Muyang, you are an idiot when you are? You have nothing to do, Zhang Chen will become like this? Zhang Chen will stand Are you crying in front of you? Are you a little IQ? Are you thinking about some IQ?"

"Teacher, I really didn't do anything." Li Muyang said with a wry smile: "Zhang Chen rushed to my table in front of me and yelled at me ------"

"That means you are really mean." Zhao Mingzhu forcibly broke Li Muyang's explanation and said: "What kind of person are you, aren't I still clear? I saw you on the first day and I know you cowhide. Sugar **** ------"

Zhao Mingzhu is a famous teacher in Jiangnan. He transferred to the empire history of the third year of the Fuxing Middle School, in order to help these students who have already entered the higher education institutions to add a few fires and fire to let them get better results.

Unexpectedly, she had a very unpleasant thing on the first day of her transfer to the school. Someone dared to sleep in her classroom.

This is an extreme disrespect for her, and she is extremely contemptuous and provocative.

Zhao Mingzhu was furious and shouted a few times without responding. He grabbed the board and wiped a whole class until the board wiped her off the shelf -----

Zhao Mingzhu asked Li Muyang if she could not sleep in her class. I did not expect Li Muyang to shake her head and say ‘no’.

Since then, she has become more and more unkind to this student. As long as there is a chance, he will ridicule him a few words and establish him as a typical case of a bad student. Even the word "pig" is the first to be shouted out of her mouth.

However, no matter how insulting she hits Li Muyang, Li Muyang is a smirk with a smile on her face and then once again dreams.

"Mr. Zhao, I think you have misunderstood me. You don't know the situation at the time-----"

"Misunderstanding?" Zhao Mingzhu sneered again and again. She turned and looked at the students behind her and asked, "Have I misunderstood Li Muyang?"

No one dares to answer.

Everyone can see that Zhao Mingzhu wants to hold Li Muyang. Who is willing to stand up at this time to help Li Muyang talk to the brow of the devil?

"Li Muyang, who knows who the founding emperor of the West Wind Empire is? Do you know which year the ‘the rule of the new moon’ affecting the whole continent begins? Do you know which two sages are the “Wencheng Wude”?”

"Li Muyang, you don't know anything----you have eaten and slept all day long------I am wondering, your parents give you money is to let you go to school to sleep? If you like it so much Sleep, just go back and sleep well enough ------that is, no one will quarrel with you, and will not waste your aunt's hard-earned money---------"


"Give me out."


"Go out."

"Teacher, you are wrong." A soft voice screamed in the classroom where the atmosphere was heavy.

(PS: The genius magician once again became the Supreme, he always stood behind you, never left. There are also the children who made us the 14th Meng. The first ticket, thank you for doing it for me. everything of!)

Read The Duke's Passion