MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 831 The field collapsed!

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Chapter 831, the field collapsed!

Landslide tsunami, wildfire burning.

The calm and mirrored Beibei was in chaos, which is a sign that the instability of the field is about to collapse.

Under the strong pressure of snowballs, the beasts did their best to create an area that could hold the heart of weak water.

I don’t know how many thousands of miles.

However, what if the length of the snowball is bigger than 鲲?

The field, the illusion, and the low-level competition are the strength, the cultivation, and the realm.

It’s just a half-step difference, and the beast is so struggling to deal with it.

The northern part of the swaying swaying, the "Li Muyang" made by the beast is also faltering.

"You ------" The beast's voice is gloomy, and the evil voice says: "Do you know what you are doing? If the field is broken, you will all be trapped in this field, and it will disappear.--- --"


Regardless of the snowballs, the snowballs still open their mouths and **** the sea of ​​the Black Sea.

The sea in the north is boundless, as if you can never see the end.

However, now the sea water is obviously shallow, and it seems that it will soon be swallowed up by the snowballs.

The beast is clear, when the sea reaches the bottom and the north is dry, it is when the field is shattered.

At that time, the field disappeared and everything in this field would disappear.

The wolf king feels dangerous and the animal is extremely sensitive to danger.

It revolves around the iceberg and snarls with its old voice: "Li Muyang ------ Li Muyang-----you wake up ------"

The field is shattered, and it will disappear with the Lee Shepherd in the iceberg.

I am afraid that there is only a snowball that can survive. However, the snowball is now like a two hundred and five, regardless of who cares, whoever can’t listen to it, is bent on blasting this field ------

It is necessary to wake up Li Muyang. At this moment, only Li Muyang can stop the snowball.

Hearing the voice of the Wolf King, Li Muyang, who had fallen into a coma, opened his eyes and the blood in his pupil was boiling.


Li Muyang's body began to stretch, twist, deform, and the surface of the body began to produce white scales, and the broken arm began to change into a sharp claw.


The ice that wrapped around the body began to fall and melt.

Li Muyang's body is getting bigger and bigger, and the body is also infinitely elongated.

Among the icebergs, he is transforming into a white dragon.


A dragon frozen by an iceberg.

Li Muyang’s eyes turned into longan eyes and his head became a dragon head.


Dead silence!

Only the sound of the ice falling.


The dragon suddenly screamed in the sky.


A loud noise rang through the world.

The whole iceberg burst and the large chunks of ice splashed around.

The white dragon soared at high altitude, and the blood-red eyes glanced at the "Li Muyang", which was transformed into a beast. Then he rushed to the past with a bang.


The body of the beast was smashed out by the white dragon.

The white dragon still does not hate, catching up with the body of the beast that flies away at a faster speed, and then shoots the past with high claws.


The body of the beast was photographed in the Black Sea.

Bai Long screamed in the sky, and if it was mad, he plunged into the Black Sea and rushed toward the point where the beast was.


It bit the beast's ankle in one bite and then slammed into the sky.

Heaven enters the earth, deep in the ocean.

The white dragon is beating around the beast, and there is a fierce appearance that you don’t have to wear.

"Li Muyang -------" The Wolf King once again screamed.

It is very worried that the snowball has not yet blasted the field, and the white dragon that Li Muyang turned into killed the beast.


A huge sound came, and the dazzling white light flashed.

Then, the Beibei began to shrink and began to overlap.


The entire Beibei disappeared.



The heavens and the earth are still, only the white fairy who can move, and the eyes of Yan Xiangma.

Yan Xiangma opened his mouth and said that his mouth was stiff. As the spring breeze and winter snow, there was no way to squirm.

He blinked and fortunately the eyeballs could move.

So he narrowed his eyes and stared at the white shadow. He tried hard to see it more realistically, but the little fairy was so full of light that he had only a golden light group that he saw with his naked eyes.

"You talk ------" The little fairy saw Yan Yan’s eyes moving and asked, "Why don’t you talk?"


"Oh, I forgot ------" The little fairy figure suddenly remembered something. She stretched out the white and delicate little hand and made a snap in the air.


A crisp sound came.

It was like turning on the magic switch, and the whole world suddenly woke up.

The still wind continues to blow, and the stagnant snow continues to fall. The solidified expression stretched out, and the raised right foot was put down, and the twisted body finally returned to normal.

Except for the big knife that was about to be cut and the golden armor that was going to be destroyed, everything was restored to the previous appearance.


The **** screamed and there was a large number of offerings and guards rushing in the direction of Win Bo.

The Peacock Legion is also in the middle of the third floor and the third floor. It will win the words in the middle, and it will not let people have the slightest chance of getting close.

Winning Bo Yan himself is a certain face, because from the beginning to the end, the national division wins no desire to remain calm. Even if everyone was frozen because of the arrival of this little girl, he did not have any influence.

As long as there is a national teacher, it will be clear to win the words. There are only a handful of people who can hurt him in this sky.

The whole city also looked at the torture platform and did not understand what the little girl who came out of Wan Dao Xiaguang was. However, they thought in their hearts that this little girl is like a fairy who came out of the painting. It must be the fairy in heaven.

After the little fairy lifted the "time and space imprint", she looked at Yan Xiangma and said, "Okay, now you can talk."

Yan Xiangma blinked again and his voice eagerly asked: "You are ----- Li Si Nian?"

"Yeah, can't you even recognize this lady?" The little fairy said sweetly, with a naughty smile on her lips. "The old friends in Jiangnan didn't know each other, but it was really sad."

"Nothing." Yan Xiangma shook his head desperately. "You really are Li Si Nian? I know that you are Li Si Nian, but I can't believe my eyes-----How come you? You---have received my dream butterfly?"

"Dream butterfly voice? What time is it? I have never received -----" The little fairy shook her head and said something.

Yan Xiangma’s body was instantly relaxed, but there was an unspeakable feeling of loss. He said with a smile: “No, no, just fine.—I’m curious, how come you got here at this time, and just saved. I----If you come late, my head will be cut down by them-----"

"Well. Since they are here, they won't let them cut your head." The little fairy has a look that I am not afraid of. "You can rest assured that I will protect you."

"Thinking ------" Yan Xiangma's heart is moved by himself. "Thank you. See you at this time-----It’s good to see you."

"You're welcome." Li Si Nian said with a smile: "Because we are friends. You have helped me before, and you are still my brother's good friend----Since I happened to be here, I accidentally saw When you are going to be cut off, I naturally want to help you."

"Yeah-----" Yan Xiangma is in amazement, but his heart is still filled with the joy of a long time reunion. "In any case, when I felt hopeless in this life, you suddenly appeared ------ God sent me this heavy snow, and sent you again, now ---- even if they cut their heads, I There are no complaints anymore."

"That can't be done." Li Si Nian said with a serious look: "How can you say death easily? People, you must live well. My brother is so hard to live, but he is still struggling, desperately resisting, desperately --- want to live. We are all alive, so you can't die."

"I don't die, I don't want to die now-----I just think ------I am too happy to see you-----"

Li Si Nian re-emerged and smiled and said: "This is right."

She looked up and looked around and said, "It seems that this is not the old place----by being watched by so many people, I am somewhat uncomfortable."

"I am still okay ------ I have adapted." Yan Xiang Ma Yan opened his mouth. Now he is very happy, can live a happy life, see Li Si Nian happy. It’s more fun to talk and laugh like Li Si Nian.

Even if Li Siyan can't save himself, even if he is going to be cut by the Peacock King for a while, his heart is also happy.

"God----How can I be so kind to myself?" A person who is about to be beheaded will have such a sigh in his heart.

Li Siyan looked around and shouted: "Hey, who is the principal?"

Winning Bo Yan waved his hand and the guards in front of him immediately separated.

Winning Bo Yan looked at the white girl in front of the white fluttering temperament, like a fairy-tale girl, said: "The person you are looking for----- should be awkward."

"Really? Who is true?"

"朕-----This king."

"Oh, your Westwind is not standard at all. You should pay attention to it later."


Of course, Miss Li Si Nian will not be entangled in these small problems. She stretches out the white jade-like finger and points to Yan Yan, saying: "He is a friend of me and my brother."

"Your brother is Li Muyang?"

"Yes. You know my brother too?"

"I also know how to turn into ash." Win Bo said. To be honest, when I see such a clever and cute little girl, the average person can't give birth to a killing heart. However, Li Muyang has such a magical power----who mentioned that he wants to kill him.

"嘻嘻------" Li Si Nian giggled.

"What are you laughing at?" Win Bo said and looked at Li Si Nian. Is the answer that I answered is ridiculous?

"A lot of people want to harm my brother-----" Li Siyan said: "But they ended up killing themselves."


"However, you are different from them." Li Si Nian said.

"I am a bit curious - I am different from them?"

"You just hate him, but you don't want to kill him."