MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 843 One door three!

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The eighth hundred forty-three chapters, one three three!

"The devil enters the body?" Uncle eternal life is a strong star, and there are countless strangers in a lifetime. However, after listening to the words of winning no desire, there is still a feeling of deep shock. "The Devil of the Abyss is in the land of Shenzhou? The enchantment is not broken. Where did he come from?"

"Not the abyssal demon." Wins no desire to say. "A thousand years ago, the abyss invasion war, the abyss of the devil lost to the hands of the dragon king, is the 18 of his knees will bring back to death, in order to save him, the bloodthirsty guards of the devil are almost sacrificed - Later, the Dragon King teamed up with the Terran elite to close the enchantment, and set a heavy ban to prevent them from returning. At that time, the Abyssal Lord had no strength, and was seriously injured, leaving only one dead road in the human world - he is never Dare to take risks."

"Not the abyss lord - which is the devil?"

"It is very likely that the evil priest of one of the three great priests of the abyss." "The war of 10,000 years ago, the abyss elites did it out - the Abyssal Demon Lord personally led the Mozu army to attack the Middle Kingdom, and also brought two of the three great priests with a high degree of abyss, the two The priests are the black priests and the priests of the wind thief. They also played against the masters of the human race, which is recorded in the secret books of all major books."

"It is said that the evil priest is unfathomable, and the strength is not under the devil. It is because the devil is jealous of his strength, and his influence on the abyss, and he does not want to let it fight, and deliberately left it to guard the abyss - Could it be that he did not stay in the abyss, but quietly came to the battlefield?"

"I and the second uncle have also discussed this matter. From the secret information we found, the evil moon sacrifice is definitely not willing to miss the opportunity of the Mozu to unite the Shenzhou. The army is on the battlefield, and originally wanted to take the opportunity. However, I did not expect that the dragons were invited by the Terran, and they were willing to drive them. They would beat their abyss into the water. After seeing the Lord’s defeat, they were seriously injured. The three-eyed demon retreated like a tide. He knew that things could not be done. Seek another opportunity in the land of Shenzhou." Win Bo Yan said with a dignified expression. "In the history of the tens of thousands of years of human race, there have been countless "black tide events". Those things happened very well, and the original good-natured people suddenly killed each other. There were countless times when the Terran suffered heavy losses because of mutual attacks. ”

"In the past few years, I have read a lot of history books, and I have let the colleges of Wenge help to search the statistics and discover a strange phenomenon. Whenever the Terran power reaches its peak, or the strong people of that era gather, the people live and work in peace and prosperity. When the image is like, there will be a cruel war. At the end of the war, the strength of the human race will be greatly reduced, and the strong people will also lose more than half of the climate. So, I think, this is not the tens of thousands of years. The insidious poison that was left by the priest left in China?"

Uncle eternal life sighed deeply and said: "The horror of the demons is here - they sacrificed to the land of China, and they have been eternal for tens of thousands of years. Even if they die, they can keep searching. And invading the human body for their use - and our Terran has no way to do this. The star-studded powers that shine in an era have vanished, and want to re-reach the peak and start again - from this point of view, the human race is innate It takes the disadvantage."

"This statement is very much." Wins no desire to echo. "The bodies of the demons are broken and can grow again. The flesh is rotted, and other bodies can be found. Only if their three-eye source is not broken, they have a rapid and powerful ability. The human race is congenitally weak, and the way of practice is the same. Difficult. If it wasn’t for the Dragon’s help last time, I’m afraid that this land in China will be the best hand – where do we have a chance to talk about it?

"But, even then, how do you infer that the thousand degrees are being succumbed to the evil sacrifice? Is it a thousand degrees-"

"It’s not what the dean thinks. The thousand degrees are indeed my daughter. It’s just that some strange things have appeared in recent times, and according to the situation of the secrets of the generals around her, she is very heart-wrenching and arrogant. It is contrary to the character of the ordinary glory and the kindness of the past - "Winning Bo Yan worried that Uncle eternal life thought of going elsewhere, and quickly explained it."

Uncle Uncle nodded and said, "No need to worry about the words. Thousands of degrees are my students. When people are in college, I have more attention. When she was occupied by the evil priest, I How much can be seen - but at that time, everything is normal, should it be after the war?"

"This is the case." Win Bo said with a certain nod. "I and my uncle know that the situation is wrong, but I have to sit in the middle of the army, the second uncle dare not leave the big account, other people - how many still have some scruples. If they let them know that the prince of the peacock prince is a demon Invading the body, fearing that it is a multi-life event. Moreover, few people can confront the evil moon sacrifice - so I passed the dream butterfly to Li Muyang-"

"I know all the things that happened later. I just didn't expect that the shepherd had disappeared with the thousand degrees - would it be that both of them were injured at the same time, or they went to an unknown field after the war with the evil priest? It’s hard to come back for a while?”

"This is exactly what I am worried about." Win Bo said with a sense of anxiety, saying: "The field is tens of millions, the unknown is hard to count - no one knows where they both went, can not return This Shenzhou -"

"Ji people have their own natural world." Uncle Yongsheng gave a voice and said: "Li Muyang is the dragon's owner, and thousands of people are not blessed people - rest assured, they will not have anything."

"I hope so."

"It seems that I have to run away again this time." Uncle eternal life smiled and said: "I have my considerations, I am worried that the enchantment will break, the Mozu invasion. You have your thoughts, you want Unifying the Shenzhou, becoming the co-owner of the Nine Kingdoms, and assembling the power of the Terran to resist the Lord of the Lord. Other countries also have their own positions that they are not willing to be swallowed up to slash their respective land. For a while, it seems that no one can convince anyone. Waiting for the outcome of the war."

"Also ask the Dean to forgive Bo Yan’s selfishness."

"I can forgive, I am afraid that the Mozu will not give you time."

"I will solve this matter as soon as possible." Win Bo said confidently: "Since the Dean and Lu Xingxiang know each other, I wonder if I can help introduce it? I want to make a deal with Lu Xingkong."

"You can only try it, and the result is how to answer the question from the side of the line."

"There is a dean."

Tianying Temple.

This is a broken temple standing beside a cliff. I don't know who built the temple here. Because of the inaccessible people, the pilgrims are scarce, the temples seem to be broken, and they may collapse and disappear in the sand at any time.

There is only one dumb old man who is nursing here, and it is very cold to provide a bowl of hot water for the travellers who are hard to get.

The old man took a pot of boiling water that had just been boiled, and grabbed a piece of broken leaves to throw it into the teapot. He won the wave and waved his hand, indicating that he would drink hot water, no need for tea.

The old smiled, put the two large bowls on the table, and poured hot water into the big bowl. Winning Bo Yan expressed his gratitude, and the old man turned and quit the stone pavilion.

He couldn't understand why some people would go to Tianying Temple in the middle of the night, but they couldn't understand why the room was not used. Instead, choose this pavilion in the cold wind to drink tea – even though the wing of the front yard. Rub the edges, but at least cover the wind. It can be much colder than before.

I don’t want to understand what I don’t understand. The old man ran to the temple and sat down, then touched the book and picked it up.

Winning Bo Yan took a sip of a big bowl and drank a hot water. It was a king of the Peacock Dynasty. It was not because of the lack of conditions in this area.


The breeze blew, and the hot air from the big bowl tilted to one side and instantly returned to its original state.

When Win Bo’s words looked up, he was already sitting on the opposite side of a black robe.

Winning Bo Yan’s face showed a faint smile, and raised the broken bowl in his hand against the old man in the black robe.

The black robe old man sat still, and did not respond to the tea, but looked at Win Bo’s words and asked: "I don’t know why the Peacock King is looking for Lumou?"

"Let me down, give you a three-person, how?"