MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 858 The opportunity to confess!

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Chapter VIII, the opportunity to confess!

This is really - turning a face when you don't agree!

Li Muyang said that he would leave and not go noisy or noisy. There is no such thing as a mouthful of people.

He said that he said, he should have done all that he did.

He turned into the body of Bailong and the abyss of the abyss to fight and kill, the three-eyed demon who was annihilated by his dragons countless. If the statistics are counted, the number of all the masters who rushed to the banks of the Nujiang River will not add up to him.

He squirted dry, squirted exhausted, squirting **** and unstable.

He dedicated everything, and the result is still the dragon slaughter leader in the mouth of the human race -

What is the bottom of the picture?

"Shepherd -" Uncle eternal life screamed. "Shepherd waits a little."

Uncle eternal life left the seat, walked quickly to Li Muyang, stretched his hand and held his sleeve, said: "Less security!"

"President -" Li Muyang bowed to the uncle eternal life.

Uncle eternal life's eyes are as gentle and deep as ever, but there is a sense of cold and chilling, sweeping around, so that each and every viewer has a kind of sharpness.

"Li Muyang is a student of the Starry Sky Academy. Whether it is respecting the teacher, being a character or a talent, it is the best choice. There is no one in the middle. As the dean of the Starry Academy, I have always been proud of having such a student. ""

The first sentence of Uncle eternal life is the nature of Li Muyang's identity. Whether he is a Terran or a Dragon, or a Dragon Man, he is the first student of the Starry Sky Academy, and he is the Dean of the Starry Academy.

Therefore, this student is covered by him.

"Li Muyang has never been sorry for the Terran. On the contrary, he has been helping the Terran." Uncle's eternal eyes fell on the face of the Dawu Guojun who said that he wanted to cut the leader. He said: "Whether it is now or tens of thousands of years ago." All of you are among the best in the world. The books you read have a natural understanding that is far better than ordinary people."

"The world's first abyss invasion war is the battle of the Dragon Slayer. The real intruder does not mention the three-eyed demon, and tries to avoid it. Instead, the hero of the Terran Anti-Magic Dragon has become the big villain of the book. The ordinary people who invaded the state of China did not know that the ordinary people in the room did not know?"

Uncle Taisheng aggravated his tone and said: "Which one doesn't know? If you don't know, stand up, I personally doubt it."

"" No one answered.

Everyone knows that the uncle eternal life of this old hair is smashed.

His beloved woman died, and the students of the Starry Academy lost more than half of it. Now someone is attacking his proud disciple, and the fire in his heart can no longer be stunned-

"Ten thousands of years ago, the whole dragon was a pioneer of the human race and fought for the human race. Of course, everyone knows it as well -" Uncle eternal life did not say anything too directly. After all, it was also the state that made the stupid decision at that time. The royal family of the nine countries. It’s too straightforward to say anything, fearing that it will trigger a new round of war.

In an extraordinary period, it is still necessary to use peace and harmony, to bring together the power of all Terran, and work together to resist the Mozu.

Moreover, until now, there are still many royalties who believe that the decisions they made in the past were correct and intelligent.

If you do not kill those powerful dragons, let them grow and develop, the land of China, and the land of their royal family? Are the trillions of people listening to them or listening to the dragons?

In the final analysis, it is still a dispute of interests!

"This time, I personally went to invite the shepherd to come to help out. In the past few days, how much the shepherd has paid for the human race, and how many demons have been seen in the eyes, the anti-magic army is obvious to all. Li Muyang is a human race. Everything done is no less than what you are here. He is our compatriot, our comrade-in-arms, and our friends of the human race. If everyone else is still hostile, it will be chilling. ?"

"After all, it is still a dragon--" Dawu Guojun did not dare to look at the eyes of his uncle, but his heart was still somewhat convinced.

The family of the evil dragons, everyone sees and slaughters. This is true for tens of thousands of years. Why can’t you say it yourself?

"Yes, Dean--If the fool is also unintentional, he will not think too much at the moment."

"The dragons have really helped us a lot, but everyone still has to be wary of some - non-family, their hearts will be different, in case he and the devil's family join hands, it is not a fatal blow to our human race?" -

"The dean is justified." Win Bo said with a sneer and said: "Some people can't do anything by themselves, but they will sneer at those who are really capable. What happened to the Terran? What happened to the Dragon? Now everyone is It is a comrade in the camp, a friend. We also need to use the power of the dragon to expel the infinite number of the Mozu in this flower plain. If this kid is not in time, I am afraid that the Terran will not be able to attack even the first wave of attacks."

The three-eyed Mozu invaded, and the first wave of Terran masters who rushed to the first played a crucial role.

If they did not intercept the Terran army and fight for a lot of time, then the Terran coalition forces who came later would not have the opportunity to set up a protective wall and a magical enchantment with the Great Wall.

If the Great Wall is lost, then the world will die.

It is also because of the powerful coverage and the ability to kill the dragon, which makes it difficult for the three-eye magic to step on the river.

Therefore, winning the Bo Yan is actually telling the truth, without any exaggerated ingredients.

Winning Bo Yan actually didn't like Li Muyang. He was a good starter and turned his daughter away. It hurts me to sleep hard during that time, and went crazy to find a baby girl.

Win Bo has always felt that if Li Muyang would abduct his daughter, the army of the East Road suddenly became unsuccessful, and the intensity of the attack was slowed down, so that Da Zhou and the leader of Dawu had a breathing space. Maybe you have already integrated the whole Shenzhou into your palm.

Although he brought back thousands of degrees later, Qiandu also explained to himself what happened at that time and what Li Muyang had done for her.

However, after all, my heart was still a bit uncomfortable - my own domestic cabbage was to be arched by a pig. Which father's heart can be happy?

Unhappy is not happy, do not like to like it or not.

However, when I heard someone say that I would cut the head of Li Muyang, I wouldn’t be happy to win the word.

The man that my daughter likes, why do you let your head be cut? Have you put my peacock king in my eyes?

"Winning the words, what do you mean by this? Who sneered at him? When the Nine Kingdoms slaughtered the dragon, did you not have your peacock dynasty?"

"I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Great Armed Forces, killing blood and killing the devils. I was told that you are incapable. Should I sacrifice in Dawu?"

"Everyone is still loyal to the mouth, in any case should give some of the thin face of the brothers - after all, the little dragon may be the peacock dynasty attached to the horse - is it a brother?"

"Globe!" Winning the long sleeves of Bo's words, it is necessary to move with people.

"Enough!" Uncle Yongsheng shouted. He sighed in his heart and said: "The devil is not destroyed, everyone must be harmonious. When the devil is expelled, the crisis is lifted, what are your grievances, what hate, you have to fight, you will solve it yourself. Let me never interfere."

"The Dean is angry -"

"It's my fault, I shouldn't say that."

"Shepherd friends are also a member of us, and everyone needs to relax their minds -"

Seeing that Uncle eternal life and winning Bo Yan are angry at the same time, everyone is still somewhat jealous. Uncle eternal life will be nothing more than a high morality. At this time, he is at an important moment in the war of resistance. He will not do anything for everyone.

Everyone is still somewhat jealous.

After that, Uncle Yongsheng dragged Li Muyang’s hand and went out.

He is not willing to talk more with these people, and he is even more reluctant to let Li Muyang stay angry.

Tens of thousands of years of hostility and hatred, the natural fear of the Terran of the powerful dragons is not relieved for a while.

"A group of idiots!" Win Bo's words snorted and followed.


The Great Wall is cold and the weather is cold.

Although it has entered the spring, the frontier plugs at night are extremely cold. Moreover, I don't know because the large number of Mozus invaded China into the plain of flowers, and the recent sky is obviously much darker than before.

Obviously, the three-eyed demons are not accustomed to the climate and the sky of the Terran. When they come ashore, they will release the abyss as much as possible, and change the day to the day until the whole Shenzhou is transformed into an environment suitable for their Mozu--

In this case, I don’t know what they are doing so much to invade the land of China. Isn't it very moist to live in the land of the abyss?

If it is a day, you can take a large picture of the flower plains in your eyes. It is now into the night, and it is desolate in the eye. Except for the thorny trees that are faint in color near the black, nothing else can be seen.

Li Muyang was in the city, looking at the vast plains, and his heart sighed.

The Mozu entered the flower plain, and the situation was much more serious than the first invasion. It is really a difficult thing to want to kill all the demons.

Moreover, now that the Mozu is practicing in the Huayu Plain, a large number of releases of darkness want to cover the entire plain of flowers as their first base for conquest.

If they are not resolved in time, the evil spreads, and the pure land of Shenzhou is afraid of being poisoned.

"Time is waiting for people!"

"Don't put it in your heart." The cold voice rang behind him.

Li Muyang does not have to look back, he knows that the person who came over is a land opportunity. This woman has such ability, even if it is a kind of comforting person, the attitude of speaking is very cold and proud, just like someone else owes her hundreds of dollars.

"Do you know?" Li Muyang said with a smile.

"I don't want to go to the discussion, I know that there will be such a result." Lu Qiji said coldly: "Those people are still a little angry."

"They are guarding me in my heart." Li Muyang smiled bitterly. "The hatred of tens of thousands of years, they have not let go, naturally I am worried that I have not let go. The words are very clear, they are worried that I have reached an agreement with the three-eyed demon - the head of the dead and the mortal, not to report for tens of thousands of years The great enemy of the former Dragons being destroyed?"

"You won't do that!" Lu Cheji said firmly.

"If everyone thinks like you, it would be fine." Li Muyang said without grief. "They don't believe me."

"Do you want to leave?"

"Thinking." Li Muyang said: "What is the meaning of paying more? I want to protect the Terran, but the Terran does not appreciate it, and still regards me as an enemy."

“Just a very small number of people”

"Yeah." Li Muyang sighed softly. "There are only a handful of people who are uncles, my father, thousands of people, miss, and countless people and relatives who believe in me. Even for them, I can't leave at this time."

Lu Cheji stood beside Li Muyang, and he squatted on the wall like him. He looked at Li Muyang's side face like a knife and said softly: "If you stay, I will stay. If you leave, I will leave."


"If they can't hold you, there is no more people in my heart."

Read The Duke's Passion