MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 864 They are all ants!

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The 864th chapter is all ants!

When I heard the girl in the white skirt, the middle-aged man’s eyes instantly became sharp, and the woman’s eyes were full of murderousness.

Many of the black robe warriors around him also held weapons, only to wait for the boss to order, they rushed to crush the woman into meat, like a horseshoe trampling on the roadside small flowers and grass.

No one knows that Lu Gong is sitting in this car, even if there are few people who know that he is alive.

In addition to some of the generals, it is the former Wolf Army subordinate. It was a **** team built by Lu Xingkong. Even when he was at home, the escorts followed him back to Tiandu to become a domestic servant, guarding Lu's old and small security day and night.

This woman named Cui is not only looking for it, but also named to see the old man -

For those guards around, it is taboo to say that name.

"Who are you?"

"Cui is careful."

"I know that you are Cui careful - Miss Cui Jia has seen several faces. Someone who does not believe that a weak woman can come here. Who brought you here? Who is behind the scenes?

"I am Cui careful, I came over by myself." Cui said with a smile. "As for the people behind the scenes - no one has instructed me, no one in this world is qualified to instruct me to do anything."

"Small age, eloquent." The middle-aged general said coldly: "Why did you come here to the end?"

"I said, I want to see Grandpa Lu." Cui carefully voiced a firm, a cold and proud look that you would not let me see me.

The middle-aged general is in a dilemma. If it is an ordinary woman, he will let the woman kill the mouth or take it away.

However, this person is Cui careful, but this woman has a close relationship with the young master of the family - this is what the entire Tiandu City knows.

For a while, he couldn’t make up his mind and didn’t know what to do.

After hesitating for a moment, he turned around and ran to the carriage, screaming at the window and talking to the people inside the carriage.

Soon, he once again hit the horse and came to Cui carefully, saying, "Miss Cui still let it be."

"How? Be careful when you come from afar, Lu Grandpa sees you?" Cui carefully shouted at the carriage surrounded by the warriors.

"Be careful, please come back." There was an old man's voice in the carriage.

"Sure enough, Grandpa Lu -" Cui carefully giggled and said: "Grandpa Lu did not die, it is good."

The car was once again quiet, and obviously, the people inside were not willing to talk more carefully with Cui.

"Miss Cui, please come back." The middle-aged general stared at Cui with a bad look and said with a voice. "The sword has no eyes, and I am hurting the Miss Miss, that is, I have been guilty."

"What? You dare not hurt me?"

"Be careful, Miss also knows that you and my family are the best friends. The younger friend is naturally a VIP in front of me - please ask Miss Xiaodong not to let me wait."

"If I don't leave?"

"Why should the careful lady be forced?"

"I don't just leave, if I still have to take the grandfather's head?"


The sound of the silent sword came out.


"Dare to be rude to Lu Gong, kill innocent!"

"Kill her -" -

Everyone screamed in unison.

Lu Xingkong is their general, the protagonist, the belief in their minds, the god.

Numerous times of iron and blood baptism, years of guardian companionship, they have long incorporated this belief into their bones.

They can be jealous, the generals can not be insulted!

They can kill, the general can't die!

Now, there is a young girl who says she wants to take the general's first level - no matter who this woman is, this is something they are unacceptable.

"Cui is careful, it seems that you are toasting today and not eating and drinking fine--" middle-aged man said coldly.

"Come on." The man snorted and said in a deep voice: "Take the careful lady. Since she doesn't want to go, let us help her."

"Yes, the general." Two black robes knights immediately hit the horse and the crowd quickly and rushed toward Cui.

The two men left and right, the black robe knight on the left took out a long knife, ready to shoot on Cui's cautious head with the knife back, and the right one immediately took out the body she was about to fall to the ground.

The boss said that he would ‘take’ her, not ‘kill’ her. They knew in their hearts that this woman still had to live. At least they didn't dare to kill her by hand.

"A group of ants." Cui’s careful mouth appeared a touch of smile.

She looked at the body and was riding on the horse's back. The right hand long knife raised the knight who was ready to shoot his head with a knife. The knight's eyes squinted at the cautious eyes of Cui, and the three souls and six smashed. The blood in the body is also instantly removed.

He still maintains the position of riding and lifting the knife, but the body has become a dry body.

The war horse was still in the state of rushing forward, running and running, and the strong horse slammed into the ground. There is no blood and no meat on the body, only a layer of skinny bones.

Another black robe knight who was ready to reach out to fish was not expected to give birth to such a change. He did not see the weak girl who was weak in the text and took away the life of a brother.

Cui was careful not to faint, and his hand that reached out was lost.

When I reacted and wanted to pull my hand back, I saw that the hand had decayed into ash, and when the wind blew, it turned into smoke and dust everywhere.

"My hand - my hand -"

Until this time, the intense pain hit, let the black robe knight scream and yell.

The screaming screams sounded so far that it was very far in the empty wilderness.

The scene was caught in a dead silence.

Yes, there is a person next to him yelling, but the scene is quiet and you can hear every heartbeat.





Everyone was stunned and stared at the woman who was as scary as a flower and as terrible as the devil.

Cui is careful, she still stands there and does not move. I didn’t even reach out, just took a look at my eyes—

Then, the two brothers in Wolfguard died and wounded. The broken arm and the horse rushing to the brothers are afraid that they are already crazy, all the way forward, until now have not returned.

What kind of woman is this?

What kind of strength is this?

First sight is amazing, goodbye scare!

"You are not Cui careful -" the middle-aged general said.

"I am Cui careful." Cui said with a smile: "I am not Cui careful, who am I?"

"You are not. Cui is not careful about martial arts, and does not understand practice--" The middle-aged general said coldly. In the blink of an eye, he lost two wolf brothers who fought side by side for many years, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"You said it is not it -" Cui said with a smile. "Now, Grandpa Lu is willing to see me?"


A fierce sword light suddenly fell into the air, and the careful body of Cui was wrapped in the whole.

There is a sword shadow before you see the figure.

It was a man who was covered in a black robe. He couldn't see his face, and he could only see him with a vague shadow.

Broken star!

The number one killer around Lu Xingkong.

No matter how difficult and difficult the task is, he can solve it smoothly.

The world only knows its name, but it does not see anyone.

Now some people want to harm the land, and the killer head that has been hidden all around is naturally dispatched.

Unintentional sword!

If you don't have the heart, you can get the real kendo.

This is the way of the early generation of the sword **** Ximen blowing snow, so it is easier to train the sword to the peak.

However, if you want to achieve the honor of the sword god, you must have a sword. Only the sword can understand the sword.

Cui's careful body was shrouded in countless swords, and the sword shadows were criss-crossed, as if there were lightning and thunder in the sword array.

Every time it flashes, every time it cuts, it seems that Cui can be carefully cut into meat.

However, Cui carefully stood still and did not move.

Her body was wrapped in a black mist, and a white hand came out of the dark fog.

It was Cui's careful hand, only Cui's careful hand grew so thin and white.


She held a sword in her hand.


Her finger twitched, and the long sword broke into slag.

Then, the hand holding the sword looked forward and grabbed the neck of a black robe man.

"I said, er, etc. are all ants." She looked at the eye in the black robe. Yes, the famous killer star has only one eye.

She opened her mouth and sucked, and the body of the broken star instantly withered, like a tree trunk with a moment of wilting.

The sword array disappeared and the black fog dissipated.

Cui carefully lost the body of the broken star, and it was a slap in the palm of his hand.

Then, she looked at the carriage wrapped in the black tarpaulin and said, "Grandpa Lu, I use it for your head."

After that, her body suddenly jumped high.

Then, like a boulder, the roof of the carriage built by the steel was pressed down.


Only heard a loud noise, the indestructible steel carriage was crushed into pieces by her weak body.


Li Siyan opened a tent and shouted: "Brother - brother -"

If in the past, Li Muyang had to blame this sister for being awkward. When he was in Jiangnan City, he never knew that he was knocking on the door. Now he is already a 'Buddha', but he still maintains the unruly girly style of the former reckless impulsiveness. .

No one answered, and there was no one in the tent.

"Li Muyang -" Li Si Nian got into the tent. "Li Muyang -"

Still no one answered.

"Dead Li Muyang, stinky Li Muyang - so early in the morning, where did you go? Hey, definitely go to find a thousand sisters -"

I was squatting, but I saw a thousand degrees of curtains coming in.

"Dissing - are you coming to your brother?"

"He is not going out with you?"

"No, I didn't see him when I got up -"

The two women looked at each other and had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Brother will not -" Li Si Nian widened his eyes.

"Most likely." Thousands of firm nods.

"It's going to die." Li Si Nian screamed.

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