MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 867 "The Curse of Fengshen"!

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Chapter VIII, "The Curse of Fengshen"!

Come here, if you want to go, you can't go, and Li Muyang will simply go out.

I am Li Muyang, the only dragon in China, the one of the dragons who once expelled you - no, the image spokesperson of this world dragon king. What can you do with your grandfather?

After Li Muyang shouted out the words, he felt that he was full of emotions and felt awkward. He gave a courageous sacrifice to the **** who would not go to hell.

At this moment, his chest stood tall, his eyes became firm, and his expression was not afraid of life and death.

There is only one innocent and pure thought in his heart: in front of the group, he must not fall into the human race.

I speak for the Terran and the Dragon!

However, the results did not develop according to the plot that I expected.

Under the priests, all the demons were confused and looked at Li Muyang with a sullen look. The green mouth was dripping with ticking. What is this Terran saying? looks very tasty.

They couldn't understand the words that Li Muyang had just shouted.

Of course, the black star sacrifices and the thief sacrifices were also very stingy. They did not agree with Li Muyang’s request to translate the words he had just shouted to his own people.

Soon, Li Muyang found the problem.

He turned to look at the Black Star Sacrifice and the Wind Thief Sacrifice, saying: "Trouble the two to help translate, I want to talk to your Mozu - you see that they are also looking forward to it."

"Li Muyang, do you really think this makes sense?" The thief sang at Li Muyang and said calmly: "The abyss spent tens of thousands of years and finally broke the enchantment again and re-entered the Middle Earth. Do you think that you can dispel their thoughts of conquest in a few words?"

"I just want to tell them that their efforts will not produce results, and the Mozu will lose."

"Do you think they will understand what you are saying? They will only be more crazy, more violent, and more bloodthirsty - a few words can't change the fate of the Terran. It also includes your destiny."

The thief sacrifice is obviously not willing to give up Li Muyang, and once again persuaded: "You are a dragon, not a human. You should stand with us - if we win, you will be under one person, above 10,000 people. ""

"If you lose?"

“How did the Terran treat you before, and will still treat you like this in the future – do they give you less harm?”

"No." Li Muyang firmly shook his head: "If you lose, you will once again sneak into the Nu River and return to the abyss. There is a place where the Terran cannot survive, and you can still live very well-"

"I want to stay, stay and face the angry people. Stay with me to face my loved ones and friends. The most important thing is, if I join you now, then the humiliation and hatred of the dragons for tens of thousands of years is Isn't it wasted? They will say that you see, the dragons and the abyss are a group of people, they are bad guys, like the abyss demons want to invade our gods -"

"They will say that we should hate him, we should kill him, we should - destroy them. If this is the case, those who speak for me, justify me, give me life, give me love and warmth. - How sad are they in their hearts?"

"Li Muyang, you should consider for the Dragons and consider for yourself - if our Abyss defeated, would they once again raise the butcher knife for you?"

"This possibility is not without, I have fantasized many times - but I will consider it for the Dragons and consider it for myself. It is precisely because of this that I have to stand firmer on your opposite side. I think, The Dragon King, who was tens of thousands of years ago, left a tear in my body for a day--when the devil is coming back, I will make the same choice as him."

Li Muyang looked at the black star sacrifice and the thief sacrifice and said: "You don't need to persuade any more, and I don't want to explain anything any more - if my words are finished, should we get to the point?"

"Enter the topic?" The thief sacrificed a look at the black star sacrifice, and asked with no expression.

"Now isn't you going to find a way to stay with me?" Li Muyang asked indefinitely. Will the Abyss feel that they still have a chance to fight for it, so this time everyone will talk about it for the next time?

"Of course." When the wind thief spoke, a cool breeze suddenly swept away toward the position where Li Muyang stood.

Li Muyang’s body was instantly tightened and his hair was inverted.

He couldn’t care for the hidden breath, long sleeves, and wrapped the black wind into it.

Then, in the long sleeves, there was a cracking sound, and Li Muyang’s clothes were blown up with countless holes.

Business, it’s a very common jersey, but the sable of the black wind not only rips away, but the body is also fried.

The thief sacrifices the wind, and the wind is the killer. There is no shadow, and the cloud is gone. It is really hard to prevent.

With one blow defeated, the figure of the thief sacrificed has disappeared in place.

It turned into a black wind and entangled the body of Li Muyang.

Li Muyang slammed out, the black wind evaded flexibly, and then wrapped away toward Li Muyang at a faster speed.

In the eyes of unsuspecting people, Li Muyang is fighting a strange black wind.

However, for those three-eyed demons, they know that it is their thief sacrifice.

"The Curse of the Wind", this is the avenue of the thief's rituals from the wind that has not disappeared.

He is the wind, he and the wind merge into one.

"Oh la la la -"

"Kill that human race -"

"The wind thief sacrifices oil -" -

Although Li Muyang couldn't understand what the three-eyed demons were yelling, it was probably the meaning of their waving fists and excitement.

The black star sacrificed to see the wind thief sacrifice and Li Muyang fight together. For a moment and a half, there was no sign of victory or defeat. The eyes were slightly closed, and the person stood still, but there were dozens of blacks in the body. Shadow, turned into a dozen black star sacrifices and surrounded by Li Muyang.


People like the Xinghai, turned into countless stars to fight for themselves. Each black shadow is a star, and those stars can still be copied and split.

Within the sky, they are all stars.

In the end, the ninety-nine will be one, and the promotion will become a god.

I saw that Cui’s careful body was raised high, like a beautiful and beautiful little daisy.

The little flower fell at a fast and fierce speed, like a meteor falling from the starry sky. She made a beautiful mark on the high ground, and then slammed it on the carriage of the black iron.


The wagon carriage was smashed and split, and the four-wheeled tumbling screamed.

The people inside the carriage disappeared, as if they were folded up by the compartment that collapsed like a discus.

After Cui's careful body smashed the carriage, he bounced again and floated in the air.

Her long hair is scattered, she is boasted by the cold wind, and she is hunting and flying. The eyes are red, but they are not embarrassing. Instead, they have a more beautiful beauty.

Her eyes stared at the collapsed ground of the carriage, like the eagle in the sky waiting for the food she had been licking for a long time.


A piece of grass was raised high, and an old man covered in black robe smashed out of the grass.

He opened the hat that was stained with dust, revealing the true face of the resolute and clear face.

Lu Xingkong!

He is the commander of the entire Westwind Empire.

A legend of the West Wind that was smashed in the name of betrayal, but later rehabilitated but dead.

He is still alive!

At this point, he stood in the air and stood in front of Cui's caution.

"Grandpa Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time. I really miss you a little bit." Cui smiled like a flower, soft and charming.

"Who are you?" Lu Xing stared at Cui's cautious face and shouted: "You are not careful, Cui is careful - not so timid."

"Oh, in order to achieve their own right to the right, to achieve the subversion of the Westwind Empire, he will not hesitate to push the whole family into the trapped land and almost bury it as a funeral." Such people are actually saying that others are ruthless? Careful to Grandpa Lu is really Admired it."

"Cui is careful -" Lu Xingkong's eyes are like eagle, and his heart is thinking about the true identity of the woman in front of him. This is obviously not Cui's caution, because Cui is careful not to have such a cultivation, and there is no such strength. Just now she was able to see his general revision as a realm of her own wolf army and iron guard.

Moreover, in the days of Tiandu, Lu Xingkong and Cui carefully had several interactions. Even in the half year when Li Muyang disappeared, she ignored the family opposition and repeatedly visited Lujia.

That is a very good girl - definitely not like this person.

However, she is careful with Cui. With Cui's careful appearance, Cui's careful temperament, Cui carefully knows everything she knows -

"You are a demon!" Lu Xing said quietly. His eyes were vigilant and fiercely staring at Cui and said, "You are a demon, you have taken Cui's careful body-"

"Grandpa Lu - really is like a torch. The world is saying that Song Lonely is the eye of the stars, the most intelligent old man of the West Wind. Be careful not to think so, be careful, Song Lonely and Lu Grandpa are really far from each other." The name of the Eye of the Stars is really a bit overstated."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want the west wind to mess up." Cui said quietly.

"So I want to kill me?"

"It’s ironic." Cui carefully said with a sly look: "It was originally because Grandpa Lu had stolen the national power, so it caused chaos. But I didn’t expect it, because Grandpa Lu, the west wind is not chaotic at this moment - I I have to bother to kill Grandpa Lu."

"It turns out that." Lu Xingkong was a little bit sullen, and he understood the suspicion of 'Cui Care'. "You want the army of the Westwind Empire to attack each other, but because of my existence, the army of the Westwind Empire cannot be called a plate of iron, at least most of it is in the hands of Lumou. So, you want Is it not to kill me and help some people to take over the military power?"

"Not bad."

"That man is Hui Wang?"

"Grandfather is like the sea, and nothing can stop you."

"Working with the Mozu, and cooperating with the aliens, this person is not worthy of being a king, and is no different from the beast."

If Cui carefully persuaded Hui Wang to cooperate with him, and then solve it with his own hands, most of the Westwind army is in the hands of Hui Wang, the hand of the Mozu. What a terrible thing?

The Terran army is in the hands of the Mozu, one country is like this, and the other countries are like this?

It makes people shudder when they think about it.

"If Grandpa Lu is willing -"

"I don't want to." Lu Xingkong interrupted Cui's words with a straightforward sentence and said: "Lan is a self-sufficient self-sufficient, but he does not seek to be a stranger with other people. He does not sell the interests of the Terran. If you want me to live this life, you will be yourself. Take it with you."

"Okay." Cui said with a smile, the red blood in his eyes sparkled with a demon light. "You are the grandfather of Li Muyang, and I am the first lover of Li Muyang. If you die in my hands, you say - will it be interesting to meet again?"

"Vicious." Lu Xing said with a bite: "He only knows that I am dead in the hands of the Mozu, and I will never blame it."

"Yes? I am still looking forward to it." When Cui carefully spoke, the long skirt of his body flew and once again flew toward the landline.

Lu Xingkong's right hand stretched out to the sky, and there was a thunder and lightning above the sky. A white lightning pierced the sky and broke into the air. It fell into a lightning bolt.

"Try my new realization of "The Swordsman"."

Read The Duke's Passion