MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 871 A net is exhausted!

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Chapter 871, a net to play!

When Li Muyang was fighting with the two genius priests of the black star thief in the star array, he was already watching the big array of eyes. As long as you find the eye, you can break through and find a chance.

If you fail, you are afraid that you are waiting for your own.

Fortunately, Li Muyang is also considered to be 'a lot of knowledge,' and found some clues in the collision.

Every time he approaches the east side of the big array, the black star's offensive will be even more fierce, and the wind thief will no longer manipulate the wind knife and the sword but will be close to the body-----a piece of Li and Li The shepherd has the same desperate appearance.

It is reasonable to say that the angle is the hardest and most difficult to break in the big array. Their reaction makes Li Muyang begin to wonder if they want to hide any secrets.

At this time, what secrets can be hidden?

Nature is the problem of the position of the eye.

Of course, Li Muyang did not have enough evidence to prove that his guess is correct.

If you find the wrong position, then you rushed into the past, fearing that the brain burst and the body fractures have no fighting power. At that time, not only did there not break through, but it was also hurt by the power of counter-production of this star burst.

Therefore, Li Muyang is turned into a dragon. The dragon has scales and the dragon scales are indestructible. Li Muyang is ready to take the dragon's body, and hit the stars in a big circle----- even if it is wrong, it will not hurt too much to die too embarrassing.

When I slammed into the past, I only felt that the sky was cracked, and the eyes were colorful. It was like a thousand stars passing through the sky at the same time.

After the bursting of the stars, Li Muyang fell into the dark and gloomy forest of the flower plain.

"噗------" Star priest spit green sticky blood. The big battle was destroyed, he was countered by the powerful force and was injured.

The thief of the thief who was also in the big squad with Li Muyang was also seriously injured. He took the initiative to pursue the pursuit of Li Muyang. When the star burst, he could not escape and was attacked by the broken star. So injured.

Li Muyang still maintains the body of the dragon, and his mouth is also a big mouth to breathe. The blow just gathered the whole body is really dangerous, it is dangerous and heart-rending.

Re-visiting the Red Sun, although in the danger of this demon, Li Muyang also breathed a sigh of relief.

The two priests of the black star thief are really powerful, and Li Muyang is the two----no, it is the two moguls teamed up with no siege. Only the passive beatings, finally turned into a dragon body to escape the predicament.

Longan blood red, eyes staring at the two priests of the wind thief black star.

The eyes of the two great priests of the black star and the wind thief are also blood red. They just smothered their eyes and tried their best to kill the only dragon in this state of China. I didn’t expect it to be escaped.

"The dragons are really dragons, and they are as disgusting as ever-----"

"Today is really lively here." A fascinating voice was uploaded from the sky. I saw a black poisonous mist floating above the sky.

The black mist dissipated, and a young woman dressed in white carried an old man's body slowly. It was Cui who carefully came back with Lu Xing.

"Caution-----" Li Muyang saw Cui's careful face, and there was an instant mistake. Cui is not careful in the sky, how can I get here?

Moreover, Cui is careful not to pass the martial arts, does not understand the practice, how can she fall from the sky?

What happened in the end?

The first reaction of Li Muyang is that this woman is not Cui careful, it is these demons who use some kind of exercises to make themselves illusory.

However, Li Muyang now has his own dragon, his eyes have the ability to distinguish the true and false, and to expel the magical obstacles. He sees it. This Cui is the real cui careful. Li Muyang can't see what is hidden behind her body---- -

When Li Muyang and Cui looked at each other with a careful look, they felt awkward and had a bad feeling.

"This look is familiar." Li Muyang thought in his heart. He once saw such a look in a thousand degrees, or that in the days when the ecstasy priests invaded thousands of bodies, and they lived together day and night, Li Muyang often saw such eyes, and this feeling was too familiar. It is. "Cui is careful to enter the devil-----like the thousand degrees, the enemy has encroached on the body ------"

The most powerful of the Mozu is naturally the great demon Lord they call the ‘Lord’. Secondly, the three priests and the eighteen devils will be handed over. Li Muyang and the 18th Devil will hand over their power. Their power can be praised, but wisdom is not outstanding.

The evil priest has been killed by Li Muyang, and the two priests of the black star and the wind thief have been fighting with themselves.

Then, at this time, the demon who takes care of Cui’s body is ----- the demon king?

"Li Muyang, we met again." Cui carefully smiled and flattered, and spoke with Li Muyang.

"You are --- who?" Although Li Muyang has a dragon shape, he speaks loudly.

"I am Cui careful. How? I haven't seen you for many days. You don't even know me?"

"You are the lord of the abyss." Li Muyang said firmly.

"Giggle, I am the first time I saw you become a dragon body----you are also very fascinating like this ------"


"Right, I introduce a person to you. I must be very happy ------"

When he spoke, Cui carefully turned the old man in his hand and turned him to face Li Muyang.

"Grandpa ------" Li Muyang screamed.

Although I saw Cui carefully carrying the personal family, but because the man is facing him, there is not much thought in his heart. The mind is completely confused by Cui’s careful appearance here.

Besides, he also did not see his grandfather for a long time, and because of the things that happened in Lu, he did not want to see the old man who turned his hand to cover the rain but did not use his means to achieve his goal----- --

He even thought that everyone would not be able to live together.

I didn't think of it. Cui was careful. Cui was careful to capture his own grandfather.

"Shepherd, think of ways to break through, don't worry about me ------" Lu Xingkong has not lost his mind, still keeps his head clear, his voice yelling at Li Muyang.


"Go away."

"-------" At this moment, where can Li Muyang go?

Besides, the group of magicians surround, there are two great priests of the Devil and the Mozu, and a million three-eyed demons----How can he get there?

"I will say, you will be very happy." Cui smiled sweetly. “Is there a feeling of surprise when my grandson is here?”

"What do you want to do?" Li Muyang's eyes filled with blood, and he snorted.

The lord of this abyss occupied the careful body of Cui and captured his grandfather----What exactly did he want to do?

"Don't worry, there are other gifts to give you ------" Cui carefully looked at Li Muyang with a smile, said: "As the only dragon in China, please accept my respect for you. ”

When the voice just fell, I saw two white and purple women quickly landed from the sky.


"Shepherd -------


Li Muyang saw the thousand degrees and Li Si Nian who were both at the same time, and there was an extremely dangerous feeling in my heart.

This devil----he wants to give them a net?

Read The Duke's Passion