MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 881 Big wedding day!

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Chapter VIII, the day of the wedding!

In 796, the Peacock King won the Bo Yan and led the Nine Kingdoms to expel the Abyss and save the Shenzhou.

In 797, the Peacock Dynasty destroyed the Great Zhou and Dawu.

In 798, the peacocks of the Black Emperor and the Western Winds submitted the credentials to the Peacock Dynasty, and they wished to win the praises of the Peacock King.

In 798, the peacock calendar, the indifferent country, the spiritual family, the grassland tribe, the tomorrow, and the four countries of the Tusi submitted the credentials to the Peacock King, and would like to be a subsidiary of the Peacock Dynasty. The nine kingdoms unified, the peacock king won the Bo Yan and became the human race.

In 799, the Peacock Dynasty changed its name to "Da Qin", and the Peacock King won the first "Emperor".

In the same year, Qin Wang won the Bo Yan in order to not die, and practiced his heart, and taught the emperor to win a thousand degrees. Winning a thousand degrees became the first female emperor in history, and the first female emperor to lead the entire human race.


After winning the thousand-dollar position, it began to balance and divide the former nine-nation forces. Create a central government system represented by the imperial system and Sangong Jiuqing. Vigorously promote the unified cultural customs of the same track, the same text, and the same.

The people of the Nine Kingdoms write a letter, share a currency, and abide by the same etiquette and law.

The young empress, with her extraordinary qualifications and talents, became a wise and emperor praised and loved by the world.

The thousand-year-old queen is serious and open-minded, that is, diligent and decentralized. The atmosphere of the entire Qin Empire is one of the new, and the country is booming. It can be said that the home has a house, the sick have their own doctors, the diligent has their own business, and the workers have their own merits. The younger have their own learning and have fun in childhood. Readers have their schools, and the North has their help. The old man has his own, and the merchant has his advantage.

People live and work in peace and contentment. There is also a prosperous style, and Huacai is in a state of prosperity.

However, one thing has always been the topic of the Daqin people: the Queen's marriage.

Some people say that since the Queen of Thousands is an emperor of a country, then naturally it is impossible to get married again. If the empress is married and has a child, who will inherit this emperor? Can you still keep the royal family of Win's blood pure?

It is also said that the Queen is naturally married, but she wants to choose an excellent man to marry among the winning clan. In this way, she can inherit the Datong and maintain the rule of the Win family. .

Others said that Zhou Gongzi of the Three Gongs and Jiuqing proposed to the Queen, and Lin’s marriage to the Queen.

What's more, when the Queen is not the Queen, she is in love with a civilian teenager, and will be married to the cold door in the future.

There are different opinions, but no results.

Just as the world thinks that the thousand Queens are afraid that they will always be high, and will never marry, the Daqin Royal Family will release a photo, and the Queen will soon choose a good day to get married.

Everything is shocking!

Thousands of Queens-----Will you marry?

What kind of person does the Queen want to marry? Is it married to a man or a boy?

In the end, who is the young man who can be worthy of a woman like a thousand-year-old empress?



The bedroom door was knocked open.

Li Si Nian flew into the room and shouted: "Brother----------"

I was trying to break into the door, but my ear was caught by a fat hand.

"Oh, pain - pain - mother, you let go -"

"The stinky head is so big, and likes to hit the door like a child-----no big or small, don't know the number of gifts. How do you get married later?" Luo Qi's big door said.

"Who said that I want to marry someone? I don't marry in my life-----Mom, let go, my ears are about to be ripped off by you-----I am a Buddha, you give me a little face-----"

"Buddha? I care about you, I know that you are my daughter----disobedient, your ears will make you long-term."

"Mom, let's miss it----" Li Muyang put down the brush in her hand and smiled and said: "She was a child."

"Let's let go?" Although Luo Qi said fiercely on his mouth, he put the small ears of Li Si Nian on his hands. "In the past, she didn't have a big deal, she didn't know how to do the rules, and she didn't become a thing-----"

"How can it not be?" Li Siyan squinted at his ear, very dissatisfied. "I used to be your daughter. Isn't it your daughter in the future?"

"Of course it won't be. Your brother is going to get married with a thousand degrees today----What is the identity of the thousand degrees? The family is the Queen of Daqin-----you will hit the door directly without knocking in the past. Come in, then you can't make big troubles? Besides, when you follow the thousand-year-old women in the court, you are so uncomfortable, you will be jokes, saying that we don't have tutors at home-----"

Li Si Nian’s eyes groaned and ran forward to hold Li Muyang’s arm and said, “Brother, if you are married, you will live in the palace with your sister, or you will live with us in your own home.” --"

"I can't live in the palace, and I don't live in my own home-----" Li Muyang said with a smile.

"Where do you want to live?" Li Si Nian is like a curious baby.

Li Muyang looked at Luo Qi and said: "Mother, I have considered it. I will live in the Dragon Palace in the future."

"Dragon Palace?" Luo Qi was obviously disappointed. He said: "The Dragon Palace is good, the place is big enough, that is the place-----It’s too empty, there is no fire and smoke. You live there, after all, Some inconvenience."

"Mother, although I am married with thousands of people, but after all, thousands of degrees are the masters of Daqin. There are a lot of work to be done every day. My identity is also special. I need to visit the four seas and the three worlds----so I may live in the Dragon Palace in the future. There will be more time. However, as long as there is time, I will come back to visit you. When you are fine, you can also go to the Dragon Palace with me, just go around and relax...----wait for you When I want to come back, I will send you back. It used to be nowhere to go. Now I can live everywhere. How do you have troubles?"

"Where are you going to play?" A woman's voice of a feminine charity came.

When the voice did not fall, I saw Gongsun Yu coming over with a large group of women and prostitutes.

"Sister, we are urging the shepherd to get up quickly. Today is the day of his great joy. I have to get up and dress up-----I will go to the palace for a while, we can't lose the number of gifts."

"Isn't it." Gong Sunyu waved his hand, and the eyes rushed over with the snow-washing ink. The combing hair, the **** and undressing, everyone was too busy. "I used to think about the girl who was a princess and a prince in my family. I didn't think of it-----he came back to a monarch."

"This is a good thing. All the Wenzong Daru in the country have searched the history books of the collection. I don't know what kind of etiquette to use for this big marriage----this is not without precedent. Later, fortunately, I have learned a lot about it and decided to In the palace, a grand ceremony was held. After all, many public generals were observing at that time. It is said that this time, the farthest guest from Beiming, almost all of the former heads of the nine countries gathered in the Peacock King City. For thousands of princesses to strive for streamlining, if it is a big deal, I am afraid that this Peacock Palace can not hold it -----"

The Peacock Dynasty unified the nine countries, and the Queen of Thousands is now the Terran. The Emperor of the Terran is going to be married. Which of the princes and lords of the lord of the princes will not want to have a drink?

This is a symbol of identity, a fatal moment in which you can occupy a trace of weight in your heart.

After the Peacock Dynasty unified the nine kingdoms, the capital city of the Peacock Dynasty was too #yangcheng became the imperial city of the Nine Kingdoms, the center of the world.

Since the date of the ceremony, there are countless people who are qualified to come to the ceremony or find ways to get an invitation to go to Taiyang. Even those who do not receive the invitation, are not qualified to enter the palace to observe the ceremony, but also want to go to the sun # city to feel the lively and festive atmosphere of the time.

This time, I am afraid that it will be a century-old wedding.

Therefore, at this time, the #阳城 is full of people, it is said that the good rooms and courtyards have long been snapped up, and there are countless people holding gold coins is also difficult to find a place to stay.

The Lu family also moved from Xifeng Tiandu to Taiyang Yangcheng, not only the giants such as Lu, but also other conquered royal power valves.

Although Lu Xingkong is still alive, he is seriously injured and most of his body has been invaded by the abyss. Although Li Muyang shot his life back, it is impossible to restore it to the realm.

Lu Qingming was appointed by Daqin as the "Taiwan" post. This was the former position of Lu Xing in the Xifeng Empire and the first chief to hold the entire Daqin military power.

Winning a thousand degrees will give Lu Qingming such an important position. Naturally, it is a great achievement in Li Muyang helping the Terran to defeat the Devil to expel the three-eyed demon. At this point, there is no objection.

However, if you win a thousand degrees and Li Muyang is married, this position is afraid to be withdrawn, and re-grant Lu Qingming, a high-ranking power such as the Qing Dynasty.

Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be countless people who will be scared and unable to sleep at night.

This is the imperial power, it is politics!

"Then I will go to the Lufu ceremony in the evening, that is, close the door and celebrate the celebration with my family. Of course, it is natural to live in our landlord this evening. In any case, always follow the ancient etiquette. Unfortunately. Ah, I will return to the palace tomorrow morning~----"

"Mother, don't be sad. You think about it, thousands of times is the king of a country. How much business do she have to deal with every day? Living in our land, it is not convenient to handle official business. Besides, she lives in This Lufu, is the monarch of Daqin, or the daughter-in-law of Lufu? Public injustice, private and private, how many people have to be hot? How many people will gossip behind the scenes? We should not let a thousand embarrassment."

"My brother is right." Li Si Nian added next to him.

"Hey, this hasn't brought the daughter-in-law into the door yet, and started to help the wife to talk about it? How? You and the two brothers and sisters know the general, we old people do not know the general?" Luo Qi sneered, turned to look at Gongsun Yu, Said: "Sister, you said that this is not a slap in the face of a daughter-in-law?"

"Isn't it. I also know that there are thousands of difficulties in thousands of degrees. This is not-----Where is the newly married, the son will follow the newly married wife to return to her family? This is the number of ceremonies. "Gong Sunyu naturally stands on the side with Luo Qi."

"Well, well, don't argue about these little things." Lu Qingming hurried in and walked in: "The shepherd hastened to prepare, and the welcome in the palace will come soon."

“Welcome to the family in the palace?” Gong Sunyu said with a smile, “Isn’t we going to the palace to meet our family? How do the people in the palace come to our house to meet?”

"Yeah, we are marrying the bride, not marrying the little lady at home."

Lu Qingming’s face was exposed to the color of the face, saying: “Where is the emperor who was married?----In any case, it is a form. At night, our team of Lufu’s welcoming team will pick it up again.”


Read The Duke's Passion