MTL - The Invincible Dragon Emperor-Chapter 9 Choked you

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"Okay, this dog **** is abolished!"

Digu was roared by Di Hu, and his complexion became frightened. Today, Lu Lixian's hand moved, and one of Di Ping's hand was abolished. Even if the two people abolished Lu Li's hands and feet, the old man wouldn't say anything? Big deal was punished.

At the moment Digu took out the steel knife in his hand, transfigured the shadow of the knife, and under the hood of the landing. If Lu Li can't escape, his long knife can definitely remove Lu Li's arm.


Lu Li Leng hummed, his body exploded, his physical strength was strong, and his speed was naturally as fast as the wind. In recent years, he has rarely fought with people, but he has a lot of experience fighting with beasts. In his eyes, Digu is much weaker than powerful beasts.

He flickered left and right, Digu couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes even after cutting three or four knives. Instead, he cut a few small trees alive.


Seeing that Di Tiger was rushing in the distance, Lu Li was afraid to continue entanglement with Digu. He stepped back a few steps, his legs were kicked by a large tree behind him, and the giant tree was shaken, and the leaves fell down.

He bounced off with high strength, and a long leg with a loud wind chopped down on Digu's head, Digu reluctantly waved a long knife and slashed off the landing leg.

"Bang ~"

Lu Li swept out of the other leg with lightning, sweeping across the sword. A huge force came, Digu could no longer hold the long knife and was hit, and Lu Li's other leg was slammed down on his shoulder like an iron rod.

"Uh? Ah!"

Diguo shouted in horror, accompanied by a sound of bone fracture, Digu's heartbreaking pain. He was kicked to the ground by Lu Li's leg, howling with his left shoulder.


As soon as Di Hu rushed by, Lu Li was not a warrior. Even if he could rebuild Di Ping, who had just cultivated Xuanwu for one year, how could even Digu who had stepped into Xuanwu territory for four years.


Di Hu was quickly blinded by hatred. Digu and Di Ping were his cousins. Seeing the tragic situation between the two, he felt a raging fire inside, anxious to chop Lu Li into eighteen pieces.

He yelled and waved his long sword at Lu Li. His knife is not as rude as Di Ping, but has the feeling of flowing and flowing, one after another, like a wave of waves.

"Xuan Ji, Shui Yundao!"

Lu Li looked dignified, Di Hu was Di Ba's second son. Di Ba has several famous mysteries. This Shuiyun sword is one of them. It seems that Di Hu has learned some essence.

Di Hu is in the middle of Xuanwu Realm, and his combat power is obviously much stronger than Di Ping Di Gu. He is fast and windy, his combat experience is very good, and a steel knife is waving wildly. Just before the sneak attack succeeded, Di Hu hurried on the road overnight, plus he never expected that Lu Li would dare to do it.

Lu Li had no weapons in his hands, and the opponent's swordsmanship was rigorous and proficient, showing no flaws. He didn't have a chance to hit Di Hu at all, only to keep back and avoid.

"His ~"

One accidentally, Lu Li was pulled by a long knife, and a bloodstain was drawn on his lower abdomen. Fortunately, he responded quickly, an iron banqiao avoiding the long knife, and at the same time, his long legs swept Di Hu back, otherwise his belly had to be broken.

The blood on the stomach slowly overflowed, and the cotton padded jacket became red. Lu Li receded, clutching his lower abdomen, and stared at Di Hu coldly, panting heavily.

Di Hu was secretly scared over there. This young man who had been swollen and blushed by them from childhood to childhood was so powerful.

He is in the middle of Xuanwu Realm. In the young generation of the tribe, apart from his eldest brother Di Huo, cousin Di Han, and other rivals, he has encountered adversaries. He has used the "water cloud knife" mystery, but he can't beat him?

"No, you have to get a weapon, otherwise you're too bad!"

Lu Li's eyes flickered a few times, and his eyes glanced at Di Kun's steel knife kicked by him. He took a few breaths and drank, and he rolled a body and picked up a huge stone and rushed towards Di Hu violently.

"Good come, I'll show you what a real warrior is. Ono has your legs on today. My Di Hu follows your surname."

Di Hu reluctantly came to hedge, the sword was waving like a raging sea romantic sky. After Lu Li waited for two meters, the boulder was held high and suddenly smashed at Di Hu.


Di Hu laughed mockingly, his body flickered, the long sword swept away toward the boulder, the sparks lit up, the boulder rolled off, and crushed a few small trees.

"it is good!"

Lu Li's eyes were bright, taking advantage of this opportunity, he rushed to the left and grabbed the steel knife on the ground.


Di Hu sneered, and the sword danced a piece of sword flower. He mocked and said, "Little miscellaneous pieces, do you think you can win me with a weapon? You have no mysterious power, you ca n’t use mystery skills, even if you have a heavenly artifact It's useless. "

"Useless, just try it out."

Lu Li tightened the steel knife in his hand tightly, and waved at will to adjust to the weight. He stepped towards Di Hu step by step, holding the knife in his hand, his self-confidence burst into fear, and he was no longer afraid.


Di Hu apparently felt that Lu Li who took the knife seemed different? There was an indescribable momentum on him.

"Positive, little miscellaneous, I will go back to the tribe to force your sister up!"

Di Hu smirked and insulted, and his body shot away, and the long sword turned into a sky-scraping shadow and took away from the left and right shoulders.

"court death!"

He heard Di Hu's words blaspheme his sister, Lu Li's face was full of anger, and he stood still. When Di Hu's long knife was about to split, his legs sank, and he picked up a steel knife and slashed straight ahead.

He didn't know any swordsmanship, nor did he know mystery skills, but his swordmanship has a very scary feature, that is ... fast.

Fast as a meteor!

A blade of light lit up in his eyes, Di Hu's eyes narrowed sharply, and his long knife could soon be split. But ... if he doesn't block the slashing sword, his head will be split alive. Therefore, he had no choice but to cross the long knife to block the steel knife.

There is something wrong with this block!

"Dang Dang ~"

A dull voice sounded, and a horrific force came, shaking Di Hu's right hand and rupturing his mouth. At that moment he almost couldn't hold the long knife in his hand, and the powerful force made his entire right arm numb.

"Dang Dang Dang ~"

Several empty sounds sounded, and several knives lighted up. It took only one second for Lu Li to split three or four knives in succession. One knives were more powerful than the other.

Di Hu could no longer hold the long knife in his hand and was split and flew. He backed up again and again, and was shaken with blood and tumbling all over, and a blood pressure in his throat couldn't hold it.

"Do not--"

At this moment, Di Hu didn't care about the spitting blood. He stared in horror with a knife light zooming in his eyes, and shouted in horror. If Lu Li keeps cutting this knife, his head will definitely be broken.


Lu Li didn't stop, but at the last moment the blade turned over, he slammed it hard against Di Hu's shoulder with the back of the blade.


A crisp bone fracture sounded, and UU reading book Di Hu was knocked to the ground like Di Gu, his left shoulder clavicle broke, and the pain rolled over on the ground.


A thigh slammed on Di Hu's chest, and a long knife slipped against Di Hu's neck, making Di Hu's writhing body suddenly dare not move.

Lu Li's eyes were cold, and he looked down at Di Hu and said, "Di Hu, please listen to me, and dare to bother us next time, and verbally blaspheme my sister, I will knock you out."

"Oh ~"

Lu Li turned his knife long and made a stroke on Di Hu's pants, which opened his crotch very accurately.

Feeling the coldness of his feet, Di Hu shuddered, and at this moment he forgot the pain in his shoulder.

His face was terrified, and Lu Ling was a mad woman. This Lu Li is even a lunatic. If the long knife was deeper just now, his life would be lost ...