MTL - The King of The Worlds-Chapter 1 Uchinami

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听到 When I heard the beautiful maid calling herself "Your Majesty", Qin Yi felt joy and a sense of happiness.

"It's not a loss to save yourself this time! In this life, I want to be a king, build a large harem, and then kill and kill, to be the most dazzling monarch!"

But when he quickly merged with the soul that was about to dissipate in his mind and understood the current situation, the thought that flashed in his mind was.

"I want to go back to earth!"

This is a magical world. There are thousands of stars in the universe, innate ancestors, saints crossing the starry sky, and high above them, but even if these sounded like bulls in previous lives, in this starry sky, they still have to bow and hide survive.

Because here, one of the most powerful ethnic groups is the king!

They can travel freely in a heterogeneous world such as the Ganges, and choose their own subjects to build the most powerful kingdom dynasty. Imagine what kind of strong man does not have in the infinite dimension, and the king who rules these strong men naturally possesses a mighty power. Such great power, even the gods, the saints must be feared and fearful.

Qin Yi is such a king.

But, he soon found out that he is the lowest level of existence, let alone stepping on the saint, even his kingdom cannot be maintained.

"The land area is 10,000 square kilometers and 600,000 civilians. Resources, civilization, and wealth are all shrinking and collapsing."

"A month ago, this **** used king power and cross-border doors. On the first day he arrived in a different world, he was severely wounded. He died today and was cheaper for me."

"What's more trembling is that this king's world is about to break. Time is only a month away!"

"At the moment of fragmentation, everything in the territory will turn into dust in the universe."

Quickly blended with the soul in his mind, Qin Yi's mood became more and more heavy.

He searched vigorously in the soul that had just merged with himself, but could not get any news that made him happy.

"Your Majesty, you have just been awake, let me feed you some porridge."

Dijiao's voice came into his ears, and Qin Yi looked up, and the beauty that caught her eyes made him feel a lot better.

Do not apply powder daisies, skin like cream, melon seeds face, willow leaf eyebrows, like coming out from the painting.

Qin Yi wanted to open his mouth to speak, but found that his weak body was difficult to move.

"What did that guy experience before his death? The memory after fusion is completely unimpressed. No, it is not unimpressed, just."

"too short!"

In the vagueness, he could only see a phantom coming quickly, and then it was gone.

"Seckill ?!"

He felt a headache, and his ability to travel across the world didn't seem to be so easy. It was full of great danger.

The beautiful maid looked very happy when Qin Yi woke up. She picked up the porridge, blew it gently, and fed it into Qin Yi's mouth.

After drinking porridge, the tiredness of the body hit my heart again, and soon my consciousness became blurred again.

When Qin Yi woke up again, it was three days later, but this time, he felt much better, his numbness and weakness disappeared, and he was even able to get out of bed.

"What the **** did I experience?"

Dumbfounded and propped up, Qin Yi was a little dazed.

He clearly remembers that the state three days ago is completely different from this time.

"Your Majesty, you are awake! Listen to the medical officer, you will be able to go to the ground this time when you are awake, and our kingdom will be saved!"

The beautiful maid was obviously very excited, and came quickly to serve Qin Yi.

Xu raised her hand and rubbed her brows, Qin Yi shook her head.

"is it?"

"Yes! Ministers have said that as long as your Majesty wakes up and fights in that other world again, the kingdom's territory will stop shrinking, and everyone will not live a life of fear."

Beautiful maid said softly.

Qi Qinyi sighed, but said nothing.

自然 He naturally knows the meaning of the maid. The king has a world of his own king. As long as he fights all walks of life, civilization, resources, the land will continue to grow. But if it stops, it will shrink, it will drag on for a long time, or even dissipate directly.

After drinking the millet porridge and potion fed by the beautician again, Qin Yi felt much better. He was about to talk to each other and learn more about the world.

I can just now.

"Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang!"

Twenty-six dull bells rang suddenly, shaking people's hearts, the maid's face changed, and the bowl in her hand fell to the ground with a bang and shattered.

"Six bells ring, another group of fighters failed and returned."

Muttered, the maid's expression was already sad.

The look of Qin Yi also became difficult to look at this moment.

He soon understood the meaning of this world clock. Every time he fought in a different world, when he headed for another world, the world clock would ring three times, but it was a clear and cheerful voice, which made people full of confidence. But if it returns from failure, it is the six sounds of heavy sorrow, and if it returns from victory, it is the nine sounds of joy!

At this moment, the bell is full of sadness, only six rings, and no doubt it failed again.

When Qin Yi was awake in Qin Yi's predecessor, he was the first group to go to another world and the first group to return from failure. It is miserable to say, this predecessor attacked another world for the first time, and returned with a fiasco, and even hung up.

After a slight stun, Qin Yi slowly got up. Seeing this scene, the little maid's face changed greatly, and she had to stop it.

"Take me to see."

"But your Majesty!"

My little maid looked worried.

But Qin Yi no longer spoke, just went down to the ground and went straight out.

Qin Yi went out of the palace, Qin Yi was even more heavy.

As long as you do not conquer the other world, the territory will shrink, and everything will dissipate soon. The situation today is that even his palace is small and pathetic, or in other words, it is not a palace at all. He didn't expect to be born again after death, but it was like this.

My little maid hurried to catch up, but found that Her Majesty's speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye he had left the palace door. UU Reading Book

At this moment, the northeast corner of the kingdom, in front of the gate.

The soldiers who were embarrassed and bloodstained all around jumped out from the huge gates emitting the brilliance. Once they returned here, they fell softly and lost consciousness.

The soldiers guarding next to him, his face changed, leading the medical officer to quickly look forward.


"Breath of gas."

"A sharp object penetrates the left chest and the heart is broken."

Looking at several people in a row, none of them survived, making everyone present ugly and sad.

"What the **** does that strange world have? Why do we lose so much !!!"

战士 Some soldiers were excited and roared loudly.

No one answered, starting from the first batch, several batches of soldiers have already rushed into the other world. Except for the soldiers who are still struggling in another world, whoever comes back is either seriously injured and not awake, or they have lost their lives and have no useful information at all.

After the thirteen soldiers had been swallowed at Shuguangmen, there was no movement.


I sounded heavy, but there was a sound of gladness, and my voice was full of pain.

Suddenly, the light gate lighted up again, and a figure jumped out, waking the soldiers in a daze.

He was full of blood, and his eyes were stained with red ground. His breath was even weaker, and he would die in the last breath.

Even so, this man still slammed his energy and shouted the last voice in his life.

"That guy is calling!"

"Uchiha !!"

PS: New books for support, collection, recommendation, reward. Full of motivation, sufficient manuscripts, brothers help, vote, the new book period needs these very much! A new journey has begun. I also hope that my brothers will accompany me on the waves and sail!