MTL - The King of The Worlds-Chapter 7 Almighty power

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A moment after the successful launch of the power belonging to the king, a three-dimensional picture appeared in front of his eyes, flowing quickly.

At the frown, the purple six-pointed star flickered, and a purple channel was established towards this three-dimensional picture.

Suddenly, Qin Yi saw it.

He saw all the cultivation pictures of this ninja, and the flow of chakras in his body, it can even be said that he saw the soul of the ninja!

"Chakra practice, language system, and some jutsu."

There were various pictures and various lights flashing in my eyes. At this moment, Qin Yi quickly understood everything.

The raven plunder allowed him to directly detain the soul of the Konoha ninja and see all the knowledge about cultivation in his soul.

After a full minute, Qin Yi felt dizzy and swollen, and was about to explode. A scream interrupted the process.

"Your Majesty."

Gandalf walked over quickly and supported Qin Yi.

"Plunder cannot be used at will, it will cause strong pressure on your mental strength, and in serious cases, even hurt your soul."

He said solemnly, Gandalf seemed to know what Qin Yi was doing.

"This strange world, if you want to stand fast, this is the only way, Gandalf."

Qin Yi gritted his teeth, said with painful expression.

Gandalf was silent. He helped Qin Yi quickly leave there, find a place, and rest.

Two hours later, the first rays of morning light illuminate the dense forest.

"Your Majesty, how is it?"

Seeing Qin Yi opening his eyes, Gandalf asked worriedly.

He didn't know about plunder either. He only saw what Qin Yi's father had used, and he had a heavy load on spiritual will. Every time he used it, he would cause great pain to the soul.

"It's much better, I feel, my body, no, is a lot more in consciousness."

Qin Yi said with some surprise.

离开 After leaving with Gandalf last night, because of his headache, the two found a place to hide and rest. Now, this headache seems to have eased a lot.

"Chakra and its cultivation method, Japanese system, simple B-level, A-level ninjutsu, and blinking."

After careful understanding, Qin Yi had a little understanding of the capabilities plundered last night.

The ability of the king of puppets is different from the systems in those novels on earth in previous lives. It is more a mysterious and mysterious experience, and cannot be simply explained with data. In Qin Yi's view, it is more like the magical powers of the great magical people in the novel.

Quickly, he found again that at the center of his eyebrow, there was a light blue in the six star.

"It's Chakra!"

Qin Yi's plundering also plundered Chakra, the ninja who was about to die, into his body. It was only at this moment that Chakra, without guidance, remained quietly inside him.

The chakra started to practice Chakra practice, and Chakra in his body quickly flowed.

And every week he can feel the increase in Chakras in his body.

Surprised and shocked, Qin Yi almost jumped up with joy.

"Gandalf, I can cultivate!"

He said excitedly to Gandalf.

"His Majesty is calm, any king is no different from ordinary people, and can naturally cultivate, but the power cultivated by the king is the power of the king!"

Gandalf smiled.

Qin Yi froze, but the next moment he understood.

When Chakra was running, he showed a light blue color when he was in the body, but when he thought, he quickly gathered at the center of his eyebrows and turned purple to become a part of the power of the king, but its texture was slightly thinner and color It is also light blue, in contrast to the power generated by the National Games.

"This is an all-powerful!"

I was agitated, and he knew the importance of this power. In the future, I am afraid that the number of worlds he will shuttle is very large, and there are naturally many different energies to accept. With the power of this king, great convenience will be formed.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed that the amount of chakra in his body was probably the stage of endurance.

"It looks like a lot was lost during the plunder."

But for Qin Yi, it is no longer important.

After Ping Ping regained his mood, Qin Yi's mentality also changed. In any case, with the power, he finally has the qualifications to survive in this world.

If you are as good as your predecessor and haven't done anything, you will be spiked.

现在 "Now, go to my sister as soon as possible."

She took a deep breath, and the strong, unsmiling and cold sister appeared in front of Qin Yi's eyes.

虽然 Although the woman was younger than him, her ability threw him a few streets. Before leaving, only the younger sister in the country opposed the entry of the whole army, but the predecessor stupidly insisted on his own opinions, and as a result, the kingdom soldiers were imprisoned. At this time, I don't know how many people are left.

In the battle between Muye and Sha Ren, these soldiers who only used cold weapons smashed in, and their fate can be imagined.

"Gandalf, we have to find the kingdom's troops, we must find my sister as soon as possible."

Qi Qinyi said to Gandalf.

He knows that the old man must have a way, which is why he brought the other party here this time.

"Well, what should be done at the moment is indeed gathering with large forces."

Gandalf agreed. UU reading books www.

Next, they did not hesitate, Gandalf soon summoned the Great Eagle.

The two rode on the giant eagle, and quickly raised with an eagle's cry.

"Everyone in this world has magical abilities. They can use fire, lightning, wind, and even dust to launch powerful attacks. It is shocking."

Gandalf sat down on the neck of the eagle and sank.

"His Majesty is very difficult if he wants to establish a country here.

Qin Yi's jaw head, he naturally knows what this world has.

I can even say that Gandalf's understanding is still one-sided. Uchiha's spot, the power of the big Tongmu family, is afraid that it has reached an extremely terrible realm.

He also admired the luck of his predecessor, but for the first time, he was able to come to such a world randomly.

"We are already at a height of one thousand meters at the moment, and it should be a safe place."

"Here, you can clearly observe everything below, and soon you can find the princesses."

Gandalf again.

加快 "Hurry up, Gandalf, we are short of time now."

Qin Yi Road.


The giant eagle chirped, and its wings flapped fast, advancing rapidly over the dense forest that could hardly be seen.

Looking down, the two were able to see many shuttle figures and various natural energy fluctuations bursting out of their hearts.

After being immersed in the realm, the power of the ninja is more than just that in anime. In particular, when Qin Yi was in the middle of the ninjas of the two countries, and the two sides were hostile, the pressure became even greater.

The warriors of the puppet kingdom, facing such a war killer, live and die only in the frontline.

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