MTL - The King of The Worlds-v7 Chapter 82 Was killed

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Skyfire Mountains, the Fair Family House.

Staggered, the words are constantly flowing, and a lively banquet is taking place here.

This banquet is undoubtedly the largest since the establishment of the family, and the largest number of attendees. Its purpose is to meet Qin Yi, the main god.

He himself was the master of the Great Perfection Jon, and this time he saved Fairmont, and the affection on the Fair family was great. Coupled with Fairmont himself, it is clear that the Lord God of Horn is much stronger than himself.

"God of Horn, thank you this time for saving Jon and forcing Abloon back."

"If it weren't for you, my Fair family wouldn't know what to do this time!"

Fairmont stood up and said with a smile.

He still had scars on his body, looking embarrassed, but tough.

Qin Yi sat on the seat without moving, but just smiled and shook his hand: "Then Ablon retreated by himself, and it has nothing to do with me."

"It's also Fairmont that you're smart and guided him to find me."

"He was timid, and withdrew without thinking."

During the party, everyone laughed, and all the relatives who were related to Fairmont were also the backbone of the Fair family, not many people. Other juniors set up tables on the outside square and separated from them.

"Haha, no matter how good you are, Horne, neither of my Fairmont and Fair family will forget!"

Qin Yi waved his hand: "Fairmont did all this smoothly, so there is no need to mention it anymore, my main purpose here is to heal you."

"On the way, I just happened to meet Jon."

When referring to the road, Jon's expression changed slightly. At this moment, he still couldn't forget the scene in which his teacher split Zoron's Lord with a sword.

too strong! That fierce sword air can easily tear open space and cut off everything in front.

Fairmont raised his glass again to pay tribute to Qin Yi, and everyone in the Fair family stood up.

The atmosphere was very enthusiastic, and Qin Yi's treatment of others was not so arrogant and arrogant, and seemed very gentle.

After the banquet, Qin Yi, Jon, and Fairmont came to a quiet place.

Birds are scented with flowers, there are well-behaved animals taking a leisurely walk, and the sound of flowing water is soaring. This is a valley, and it is also a place where Fairmont usually cultivates and rests.

"Let me see the injuries for you."

Qin Yi laughed.

His eyes flashed with blue light, blue and blue, like a beautiful gemstone, in which the galaxy was bright, slowly turning, charming.

Fairmont smiled heartily, letting go of his heart and letting Qin Yi investigate.

After a while, Qin Yi recovered his soul power.

"Fortunately, only the fur is hurt, and I can treat it."

He smiled and said, Jon was relieved.

"Still trouble you Jon!"

Fairmont said.


Qin Yi smiled, and then he worked his soul power and cooperated with the power of his own water **** to heal Fairmont.

Jon's helpless soul damage was easy for Qin Yi. Not to mention that he is a variation of the four souls, that is, the two avatars are fully completed, and his soul is now too powerful. Although Fairmont is the main god, to him, there is no slight pressure on the soul.

But for an hour, Fairmont opened his eyes, and the whole person was completely refreshed and feeling energetic.

Qin Yi withdrew his soul power and smiled: "How do you feel?"

"It's completely restored, my soul power is working, and there is no trace of impediment!"

Fairmont was happy.

"I'll heal your injuries next."

Qin Yi nodded.

The healing of the body's injury is simpler than that of the soul. Under the power of the divine power, the shining blue light immediately wrapped Fairmont. Jon watched, and the naked eye could clearly see that Fairmont's wounds were healing quickly.

But half a quarter of an hour, the light on Fairmont was gone, and he was fully recovered.

"Horn, you are so powerful. It hurts so much that it made me heal in a short time. It's incredible!"

Fairmont exclaimed.

When he was just treated, he could clearly feel the strength of the other party ’s soul. If he was a river, then the other party was the sea.

"Ha ha."

Qin Yi shook his head and smiled.

After that, he went down to rest, leaving only Jon and Fairmont in the valley.

"Jon, aren't you exiled by Zoron into the chaos of space? How did Horn find you?"

"Also, where has Zoron gone?"

Fairmont then asked curiously, and he was puzzled before, and kept his eyes open.

"I was exhausted by the power of Zorong, and I had to wait for death, but the master suddenly contacted me in the chaos of space."

"And also found me."

Jon recalled, he was puzzled.

"Contacting you in the chaos of space, what a powerful soul force it takes !?"

Fairmont was shocked that with the power of his next lord god, it couldn't be done at all, and the middle lord **** would not do it. As for whether the lord can do it, he didn't know.

"Master Zoro."

Jon said here and took a deep breath.

"He was killed by a master with one sword and died in the chaos of space!"

Even though it has passed, but once again, the shock on Jon's face still shows.

The splendid beauty of that sword, I am afraid he will never forget it!

"Zolong, was killed ?!"

Fairmont was also on the spot, following the color change.

No wonder Ablon did not hesitate to retreat ~ ~ No wonder Jon and Horn came to him so quickly.

But how could Horne dare to kill Zoro like this? !! Also, how strong is his strength?

You must know that the power of the Lord God is very powerful. Even if they are not defeated, they can escape at a very fast speed.

"Horn killed Zoron, but it's troublesome!"

Soon, Fairmont frowned.

"The master of the fire department is likely to get in trouble with him."

Jon's face changed, too.

On the other end, after Ablon returned, his heart was very annoyed that Zolong left without permission.

"If it wasn't for that guy and he ran away suddenly, he wouldn't tell me, how could I be so shameful?"

The more he wanted to get angry, he immediately went to look for Zoron.

Among the Zoron family, Ablon showed the main **** avatar.

"Zo Long, get out of me!"

The thunderous sound made the whole mountain rolling, but soon, the chief of the Zoron family came out carefully.

"The Lord God of Ablon, the ancestor of my family, isn't he going to the Skyfire Mountains with you?"

"Zolong didn't come back ?!"

Abloon was also stunned, he really did not notice the breath of the other party.

This made him frown, and soon, he was performing another secret technique to track Zolong's body.

"He's still in a turbulent space. What the **** is this guy doing?"

Ablon was very puzzled, so he tore the space and hurried towards Zoron.

"Did you find something good? Let him stay in the chaos!"

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible, and Ablon speeded up.

However, when he reached his destination, Ablon was caught on the spot, cold all over.

"Zoron, killed !!"

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