MTL - The King of The Worlds-v7 Chapter 94 Come first

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The flames were burning, the terror burst sweeping across, and in a blink of an eye, they swept across their bodies.

Fear has frozen the minds of Delin and others, and this incoming wind is more like freezing time.

Before they knew it, their world was already in darkness.

The body fell to the ground softly, and the upper deities were scattered.

Hogg and others stared at the scene ahead, a little dazed.

Faced with such powerful people, who can only evade and flee, in the hands of their elder brother, only a glance, let them die.

How terrible is this mysterious big brother, his true strength?

"Is this over?"

Lei is a little stunned.

"It seems that the aftermath of these eight families has not yet been learned."

Qin Yi said lightly.

After a pause, he smiled again.

"But it's fine, just as a grind when people in the clan go out."

Wharton looked at Qin Yi with respectful eyes, and he was completely convinced by this uncle. Powerful, too powerful!

"Just follow me back into the clan."

Qin Yi looked at Lin Lei and others and said again.

Then, everyone flew up and left the ring island.

When passing through a bauhinia mountain, Qin Yi suddenly sounded something, heading towards the lei.

"Lin Lei, you head to this Bauhinia Mountains, and then to the Four Gods Beasts Family, you should get some benefits here."

He recalled that it was here that lei obtained the space of gravity and met with Lei Jing.

The Bauhinia Lord God and the Four Gods Beasts family once had a relationship and received gratitude, but also benefited from this opportunity of lei. Moreover, lei is also here, to obtain the basic conditions for his future soul mutation.

The gains here will help lei's life.

Qin Yi came along all the way, and Lin Lei has changed a lot. He didn't have the idea of ​​occupying his big nephew opportunity.

Although Lin Lei was puzzled, he decided to follow his uncle's words. He left the team and marched toward the Bauhinia Mountains.

Qin Yi continued to take Hogg and others to the Four Gods Beasts family.

With his leadership, this road has undoubtedly gone a lot. About ten years later, they answered in the family.

Everything was on the surface, and it became quiet again.

Qin Yi's three-line **** avatars have become the next main gods, and all of them are of great consummation level, and their strengths have been superimposed. They have reached an unbelievable state and touched the ceiling of this world.

Compared to other masters, even if he is the most powerful, all he can do is the highest artifact.

However, this is not a big deal.

If the four-line gods are avatars, they will become the main gods, and the divine powers will be merged. After the main gods are merged, the transformation of his body can push his body to a terrifying state.

"It seems that I will be able to see Hongmeng soon!"

Qin Yipan sat on the ground, thinking, his eyes twinkling.

He is very clear about the way forward, and what he is waiting for now is only the study of the rules of time in this world.

The blood of the four gods is concentrated on the four gods. They have their own blood. After mixing and forming, the power formed is incredible. The four beasts are scattered, and they can use this to face a master. He is surrounded on one side, the divine power merges, and the explosive power will naturally become more horrible.

Qin Yi deeply devoted his thoughts to this analysis of time rules.

In an instant, I don't know how many years have passed.

He only knew that not long ago, lei seemed to have returned to the family. After the family baptism, the water system became the next god.

Then, after many years, Lei Lei had four avatars of gods, and his combat power had entered the level of six-star demon.

This time, he squinted his eyes to spread the power of the soul, observed Lin Lei, and found that everything seemed to be on track, and Lin Lei continued to follow the plot.

The things changed by him changed a way, affecting lei, the pace of progress has never stopped.

The Four Gods Beasts family gradually discovered that lei had risen. He became the elder of the family and was revered by many people.

After a few more years, LEI walked out of the family and went to practice abroad. One of his friends was killed by accident. He asked the death master to revive him.

Qin Yi understands all these in detail. He has studied the rules of time and space to the present, and has also developed a trick that can confuse time and space.

The rules of time and space can be said to be the supreme rule in this world, which does not appear in front of people, but it does exist.

His strength seems to be moving towards the realm of Tianzun in the Linmeng universe, and it is very fast.

Even in recent days, he has a feeling that he can use his strength to blast the film of this universe. However, Qin Yi did not do this. He was very clear that even if the universe film was opened, only the main universe of the Hongmeng universe was entered, not Hongmeng space.

There is an essential difference between the two.

One is the opportunity to become Tianzun, and the other is to become the master of Hongmeng.

"The rules of time and space in this world can only be studied after studying it!"

"Limitations of the satellite universe."

He stood up and sighed in his heart.

Today's Qin Yi can be said to be the true world's top powerhouse.

He doesn't know what the strength of the fate dominates, but guesses that he will not be his opponent.

Suddenly, his eyes looked away.

"Oh? The light dominates Augusta even to Hell."

"Looks like he came from me."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, I've reached the limit, and it's time to move forward."

Stepping out, Qin Yi disappeared into the family of the four gods.

His four avatars turned into cyan, earthy, red, blue light, and quickly integrated into his deity.


The air trembled violently, a surging, powerful breath spread suddenly, followed by rapid convergence.

Hell, inside the eight new families.

Augusta, who had just arrived, was shocked and stared sharply in the direction of Youlan House.

"His strength is beyond my imagination."

Below, the patriarchs of the eight major families glanced at each other, and there was another doubt in the careful expression.

"However, I still have the confidence to defeat him."

"In the family of the four gods and beasts, there is such a master **** that makes me feel very incredible and shocked."

"But ~ ~ must not stay!"

Augusta's face was sharp, and the killing was undisguised.

"What the Lord is saying is."

Asked the people in the eight major families below.

"Horn! Do you think he is just a great conqueror?"

"He thinks he is comparable to the Lord God!"

Augusta sneered.

The people of the eight major families changed their colors terribly, and a layer of cold sweat appeared when they carried their backs.

Augusta sat down, he was about to exit again, but then his expression changed again.

"I wanted to go to you."

"I didn't expect you to come first!"


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