MTL - The King of The Worlds-v8 Chapter 56 Create a fairyland

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Instantly, Qin Yi filled the world of Emperor Palace with his thunderbolt.

The tens of thousands of rays of light radiated, and the eternal celestial deity who entered this world had no time to respond, so he had been suppressed in a star and became a neighbor with the light and dark supreme.

"this is?!"

But soon, he also found a difference in the world.

As much as possible, he entered the realm of the emperor, but after entering the world of the imperial palace, he did not need to exit. He has stabilized in this realm, and his life span is no longer shrinking, but is being replenished.

"Light and darkness, is this really a fairyland?"

Changsheng Tianzun said in shock.

In the history of endless years, he created the Supreme Secret Method, and made a huge attack on the contemporary. He was once a strong man of a proud age.

But now, I am also shocked by everything here.

Compared to the restricted area, compared to self-cutting, to make up for the living with the blood of all beings, everything here is perfectly natural, and the rule is to fill the vacancy spontaneously.

No, or in other words, this side of the world is more complete than the world in which he lives, and the rule level is relatively high.

Even if the world is not large, the rules contained in it will be even higher!

"What the **** is that guy?"

"How can he create such a world!"

Changsheng Tianzun was shocked.

With such achievements, what kind of realm can we achieve? He knew clearly that at least it was not something the emperor could do.

Outside, Qin Yi stepped forward, step by step.

There were three Dark Supremes left, and he glanced at them, recognizing them.

"The Lord of Reincarnation, the Lord of God's Ruins, forsakes Heavenly Supreme."

"You can't escape either!"

Nantianmen hovered rapidly, shaking the starry sky of the universe, and ripples spreading. Aside, Shennong, Huangdi, Ji Zi, and others looked swaying and shocked.

His Royal Highness the Qin, who achieved the throne of the Emperor, was so powerful. To suppress five Dark Supremes with one's own strength.

Even more incredible is that he has suppressed both.

"Don't think about it!"

Abandoning Heaven's Supreme Roar, his entire body burst into an endless breath, proceeding to a very close sublimation, and being promoted into the realm of the emperor.

At the moment, the other two Supreme Masters, the Lord of Reincarnation, and the Lord of the Gods Xuan, also burst into full force and entered the realm of the Emperor.

At this moment, the universe was filled with the breath of the great emperor, and the power of terror pressed down the whole world.

Endless colors of light are shining, shining like a star.


Abandoning the Supreme Roar, transformed into a streamer, rushed to Qin Yi.

In an instant, the two face to face.

"Emperor Boxing!"

Qin Yi squeezed his fist prints, and his whole body burst into momentum. The light of Nine Secrets bloomed on him, and thousands of tactics melted in a furnace at this moment, showing the power of terror.


The fighting broke out between the two, with fist prints as huge as stars and phantoms covering the sky.

The Abandoned Heaven Supreme roared, and the pupils were gradually occupied by terror. Every time he collided with the opponent, he would be badly hit. For several rounds, blood was spitting in his mouth.

Too powerful! The enemy in front of us is incredible!

"You are beyond the realm of the emperor !!"

Abandoned the Supreme Shout.

Qin Yi's mouth was silent, but the fist prints in his hands became heavier and he rolled towards the other side.

Just then, two other emperors rushed over.

Aside, Shennong, Huangdi, and others looked dignified, and were worried whether Qin Yi could cope with the joint attack of the three emperors.

But a moment later, their eyes widened and their hearts were filled with shock.

"No beginning!" "Void!" "Longevity!" "Light and darkness!" "Reincarnation!" "Swallow the sky!"

The breath of every method bloomed, Qin Yi furnace raised hundreds of sutras, and at this moment, all the blooming lights burst out, and the terror was erupted.

What really shocked people was that he had mastered so many emperors, and was no less inferior to the original ones.

What kind of talent is needed to achieve such success.

The three Supreme Masters of Darkness collided with Qin Yi one after another. The wounds on his body became more and more in his mouth and nose. Qin Yi's punches are heavy, vast and majestic, like stars rolling in and rolling out, making people tremble.


The Lord of Reincarnation shouted, his eyes horrified.

He did not expect to be able to produce such a character in later generations.

"He can be called Emperor!"

The emperor of the great emperor can be called the emperor! The three supreme darkness, blood on his face, wolf howled to the extreme, looking at Qin Yi, eyes full of fear.

The strength of the other party is beyond their understanding. It is just that they have just entered the realm of the emperor, but they have been able to achieve such an achievement.

"I said, you have no choice!"


Qin Yi screamed in thunder, Nantianmen circled and flew out again, turned into three in the universe, and instantly swept the supreme method, suppressing towards the three supreme supreme.

"Boom boom!"

Three loud noises came out one after another, like the stars falling, and they headed towards the three supreme repressions. They struggled, but the result remained unchanged.

The crowd watched, and the three Supremes screamed and roared. They were taken away by Nantianmen, and instantly entered into the world of the Fangdi Palace, condensing into a star in the sky.


Huang Di exhaled, his eyes flashed.

Ji Zi was a little stunned at this moment, as if she did not expect to shake the world, the dark turmoil of the universe would end so quickly.

Qin Yi's strength has been able to start everything, even the dark turmoil cannot stir the situation.


Shennong said softly.

"I'm late and bother you."

Qin Yi felt that the world of the imperial palace was once again huge, relaxed under his heart, and said to everyone with a smile.


Ji Zi sighed softly.

"No regrets. After me, the world should usher in Emperor Ji!"

"Everyone who is gifted can become an emperor!"

Qin Yi smiled and saw what the other person was thinking.


Ji Zi's body shook, her eyes inexplicable.

"Can it be taken seriously?"

Huang Di and Shennong asked in a hurry.

"From my heavens to the old, I can call you a new dome!"

Qin Yi said with a smile.

"Everyone can become a fairy. The dark age is over, and it is time to usher in a new world!"

After the last sentence, Qin Yi disappeared in front of everyone.

Originally there was no way for Chengxian Road, but after becoming the emperor, the world of the imperial palace changed and developed rapidly towards the real world of one side.

Now ~ ~ he is quite certain that this world will become a new sky instead of the old sky in the sky, and will also take him to be promoted to a great figure like Horn Baruch.

"Is the Creator?"

Qin Yi murmured, and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

The will to control one side of the world, the rules to govern, the opening and closing of the eyes, the birth and death of the universe, this is the supreme power.

Even in the king's world, it is a top powerhouse.

Qin Yi has seen a way, and his heart is full of joy.

"Broken fairyland."

"The major restricted areas."

"Extreme darkness."

"This famous person!"

"As much as I can!"

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