MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 27

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The media of the Hinters Empire exploded!

Once the news on the Internet is spread, it can no longer be a secret.

It turned out that some people dared to directly block the live signal under the eyes of tens of billions of people, and attempted to kidnap intelligent life with the transformed ZD41 fighter robot. This arrogant attitude completely outraged public opinion!

Are criminals so brazen now?

Still in the capital of Emperor Star, it is incredible.

Media practitioners lame, this topic is a little divergent, and at least a week's headlines don't have to worry about it.

And the people of Starnet are more excited. After the media sent out the high-definition frontal holographic projection of the four people who were stunned by Yuean, the resumes of those four people were cleaned up in less than an hour. net.

Combined with the evidence that someone gave the ZD41 combat robot's forelimb weapon that the incomplete mark really belongs to the Ministry of Science and Research, it immediately struck Ma Honeycomb.

Human beings are always yearning for the progress of science. In the era of the universe, every step forward in all aspects of science in humankind proves that human beings have taken a big step forward on the difficult road of survival.

The vast majority of people have the respect and faith of the geniuses who have contributed to humanity on the top of wisdom, but after such a collapse, this belief has brought to those who once trusted and admired them The harm is extremely painful.

The senior qualifications of the four scientific research departments cut off the communication signal fearlessly under the eyes of tens of billions of people in an attempt to capture a smart creature with a highly lethal robot!

The only intelligent creature left from ancient Earth!

This is by no means what their worshippers should do!

The people watched this happen with so much anger, but couldn't stop it.

People on the Star Network are excited, and people organize to petition on Marshal Ji Xiuyu ’s only external homepage, hoping that Marshal can keep him in touch with the outside world when he cannot accompany Yuean. Once the disappearance occurs, immediately Can be noticed.

Remains of the ancient earth are not only of scientific value, but also spiritual symbols!

This is the trace of the existence of the original human star, and the original origin of mankind!

This is a matter of faith.

Even if they were not from the Hinters Empire, they didn't want the cats that survived the ancient earth to be in trouble.

Ji Xiujiu was also worried about Yuean's security issues.

But let's get safer, start the live broadcast and do whatever you want, sometimes you get tired and play a live broadcast before going to bed. You can sleep for more than ten hours.

Sometimes it ’s live for another meal, and it ’s closed after eating.

After having the money, Yue'an was quite free to do whatever he wanted. According to the friendly reminder of Marshal Kevin, he had already encountered this white fur ball in every corner of the residential area at various times.

Coupled with the behavior that Yuean ran out to eat today, Marshal Ji wanted to know with his toes. This small group is probably mad and wants to go out.

This kind of thinking, Ji Xiuhuan is completely understandable.

However, Mr. Marshal was inexplicably confident, and felt that the more reassured he was, the more he would definitely come back to find him.

Because even though Yuean waves the entire military residential area, he still runs home and waits for him every day before Ji Xiuyu returns.

Mr. Marshal looked at the petition at the bottom of his social media page and gave it to Yuean, who was lying on his lap and yawning, to decide for himself.

I noticed that Ji Xiuhuan was depressed today. On the way home from leaving the restaurant, Yuean recalled the experience of making her laugh when her first host was unhappy. She was very sticky along the way and went to the marshal. Mr. Arms arch.

When I was tired, I yawned and rolled on my legs.

Yue'an watched Ji Xiuyu pull to the interface in front of him, and blinked drowsily and blinked, only to see the two words that appeared on the interface frequently.

He arbitrarily extended his paw and opened the live broadcast button above. He made a perfunctory "meow" to the miniature camera flying out of the light brain in the marshal's hand, and then lay down in the marshal's leg socket. Fell asleep.

Ji Xiuyu: "..."

Are you asleep now? ?

Mr. Marshal looked at the live broadcast and the comments that popped out, and for a moment did not know what to do.

Yuean's four claws spread his sweet belly to sleep sweetly, leaving the scene where Mrs. Marshal opened his eyes indifferently to his cat's opening.

The audience in the squatting live broadcast room was shocked when they saw Ji Xiu's face, and it was not until Mr. Marshal set the protagonist of the camera to Yuean alone.

[Seeing the marshal is scared to death. ]

[Ah, when I saw Xiaoyue's peace of mind, I was not surprised ... I gave my wallet to soothe me. ]

[My heart was so asleep, Marshal Ji was really annoyed in the few projections I watched in the news, holding the collar of the research minister and dragging it forward, so angry that the green tendons burst out. ]

[Xiao Yuean was brought back by Marshal after all ...]

[Yes, and it was brought back after the attack. Xiao Yuean should have been with the Marshal for a long time. ]

[Maybe it's Xiaoyuean who rescued Marshal Ji! ]

Ji Xiuyu looked at the comments silently, holding the Yuean's small meat pad all at once.

He did survive because of Yuean.

With that kind of injury, even if he landed at the ward of Emperor Star's top hospital at that time, he might not be able to recover.

So far, Ji Xiuhuan doesn't know what method Yuean used to save him.

When he opened his eyes, Yue'an had squatted on his belly and looked at him, a small white ball, cute and soft.

It is not that there are no intelligent races with special talents in the universe, but none is as diverse and amazing as Yuean.

Yuean's talent is too scary and tempting.

Apart from its extremely aggressiveness and suddenness, it can rely on the one hand to pull the seriously dying person back from the edge of death. It can even eliminate the old illnesses in the body that make people look like new life. Speaking out, he and the emperor could not keep Yuean.

The cold-looking military man gently kneaded the little creature lying in the leg socket, and sighed silently in a place where no one could see.

So can't say.

It is best not to even know. There are too many ways to pry open a person's thinking. Mr. Marshal is not sure if the crazy people in the scientific research department have developed anything depressing.

[Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah I'm furious! The gang of stupid idiots in the virtual community, do you still steal the cat? !! ]

[It also said that grabbing Yuean should be right. This kind of non-ethnic argument is really disgusting, isn't it friendly and pure? ? ]

[... Isn't that why you didn't take it away? ]

[If it weren't for Xiao Yuean's strength, would he be lying on the test bench now? ? ]

[What else can the science department do to steal a cat? Touch him? ? ? ]

[Experiment, you ca n’t go to heaven with intelligent life! ]

[That is, dare to take a cat today, do you dare to use humans tomorrow? ]

[Don't you know that the Imperial Ministry of Scientific Research has always used death prisoners to test the effects of drugs? ? How did you get so many special effects? They have been doing experiments with humans without any problems! All humans can cats. Why not? ]

[No experiments are allowed on sinless, intelligent life! Innocence! Go back and read the Basic Law 300 times! Stinky! ]

[Seriously, Marshal has always hated the research department so much. Contact Marshal Ji is currently the only SS-class gene body. ]

[... grass? ? ]

[and many more? do not do that? ? ? ]

[On behalf of my classmates in the scientific research department only, I do n’t know of any special circumstances. Suddenly, the operation of the entire department was called out to be inspected, and all ordinary members of the group were driven back. He just came back and went to StarNet. It's scary. ]

[Distressed innocent little genius. ]

[No, the more I think about it, the more I feel that Marshal Ji's attitude towards the Imperial Ministry of Science and Technology is tricky, and I haven't seen him exclude other private research institutes. ]

[Before doing external logistics in the army, I was impressed that the Marshal ran away from the military and major private scientific research institutes when he was a lieutenant. He also refused to conduct a physical examination of such an imperial research department contract as a military officer Yes, at that time he was still under Marshal Kevin, and Marshal Kevin gave him a green light for this behavior. ]

[... holding the grass, I smelled an incredible breath. ]

Mr. Marshal frowned as he looked at the comments.

Let them guess that there are likely to be major events, but Ji Xiuhuan was very happy, and did not want to stop them from thinking.

The matter of Yuean must give a lesson to the Minister of Scientific Research, if the public opinion can be biased towards Yuean, it can not be better.

Those few people didn't consider him at first, now it's time for them to taste what it means to not be seen by others.

[Are there any people related to the human body scientific research project to tell me, what does the SS-class gene body mean to you people of this type? ]

[It means a treasure that is in urgent need of development. The senior qualifications of our institute are thinking about when Marshal Ji will die every day, and pray that they should not die outside. The corpses must be properly recovered. ]

[The old predecessor in our research institute is also, every day wondering when I can get a blood sample of Marshal Ji to study it. ]

[Oh my ... you're simply creepy. ]

[The idea is the idea, who dares to do it ...]

[Yes, the idea belongs to the idea, so the Marshal has never had such a big opinion on a private research institute that is just "has an idea"? But if something really happens, then the attitude will be different, such as the Imperial Research Department. ]

[Stop! !! ]

[Don't forget, Marshal Ji is still in a lawsuit with the Minister of Scientific Research today because his former deputy accused the Ministry of Scientific Research of teaching him to steal the blood sample of Marshal Ji. ]

[... terrified. ]

[Do n’t you do n’t open your brains, is the Marshal still watching? ? ]

[... Ah, Marshal? ]

[Marshal Ji? We guessed right or wrong. Will you reply? ]

[Don't embarrass the Marshal. The face of the scientific research department has been so long that the scientific research department hasn't rolled over. Obviously, there is a hood over the scientific research department! ]

[Doesn't silence generally mean default? If this kind of thing is really dirty water, out of the most basic moral guidelines, the marshal has to come out to say no? ]

[Do n’t be acquiescent, if you do, I ’m afraid you will suffer. ]

[Just ask you not to kill the Scientific Research Department with a single stick. Those who are truly qualified to contact SS-class genomes are definitely only the top ones. Resources are limited. Small chickens are not qualified to touch this experimental operation, even if it is recycled. Cells and tissues from corpses are not eligible for contact! ]

[Wow, if you say so, wouldn't it be possible to define the scope of the criminal group? Senior research department? ]

Ji Xiuyong was not surprised that someone gnawed at his body, but was a little surprised at the broad masses of people who were able to divert their thinking to this aspect in such a short time.

How can these people be so flexible?

Ji is so flexible that he feels that this time the Ministry of Science and Technology does not turn over a car is really sorry for the wisdom of the broad masses of the people.

After all, he resolutely decided to go to Yue'an with the Minister of Scientific Research this time, but was judged to leave the court privately by the military court, which was considered a withdrawal.

He lost so much, how can those people in the scientific research department not drop the skin?

The facts are as he thought.

On the fifth day of the tumult of public opinion, under the pressure of public opinion, the government finally announced that the three senior senior human science experimental teams of the Imperial Ministry of Scientific Research were suspended and investigated, and the Minister of Science resigned.

This is the appeasement of the empire, and sincerity to Ji Xiuxun.

It means that I have saved these four people and gave you my face. You Ji Xiuju hurried out to clarify the public opinion about the scientific research department and let the group of Diaomin stop tossing.

For the empire, any top scientist is a very valuable asset, and they cannot afford to lose it.

But a general who is excellent enough to lead the army to lay down a galaxy, they can't afford to lose.

After all, such a season repair was only made in two thousand years, and even if you are reluctant, you still have to hold your nose.

Marshal Ji glanced at the pile of mail in the address book and picked out the letter of the emperor's secretary.

After a glance, three questions were answered: three? Suspended investigation? Resign?

The implication is very simple.

There are only three, and I am not satisfied.

I just suspended the investigation and I am not satisfied.

I just resigned and resigned, I'm not satisfied.

Anyway, I'm not satisfied, you take care of it yourself.

After the letter was sent, Mr. Marshal put a military helmet on his head into the virtual training ground with his cat.

Yue'an is a bit strange these days, and suddenly he is very active in training, and always pulls him to experiment with various special talents.

It seems that he is deliberately exercising his control. At least the injuries experienced by Mr. Marshal in the past few days have made him noticeably aware of Yuean's progress.

Yue'an is really trying hard to practice his control over reiki and tactics, and who in the entire military department is the most resistant to falling and falling is not doing what he wants.

He exercises control to better practice the spells he wants to use.

Such as getting bigger, shrinking, floating, invisible, and out of pocket.

Mr. Marshal has lived a terrible life where his cat suddenly shrank or swelled as soon as he turned his head for several days.

In the past few days, I often feel something strange in the middle of the night. As soon as I open my eyes, I can see that his cat is floating in the air like a salty fish.

And the five hundred or so energy spars that existed in the house even entered the small belly of Yuean as flowing water.

Later, Ji Xiuyu saw that suddenly part of Yue'an began to become transparent, and he was able to keep his heartbeat unchanged. He simply got up and took all kinds of testing equipment to see what was going on in Yue'an. Cricket moth.

Although I'm glad that Yue'an has begun to exercise his talent, Mr. Marshal feels that he hasn't gotten tired with Yue'an recently even after being on the battlefield for several months.

The exhausted marshal went to bed, stretched out his big hand, and reached out to touch the small hair ball but felt empty.

Probably hid in hiding again.

Thought Mr. Marshal.

"Vietnam?" Ji Xiuyu shouted in the empty room.

In the past, the small hair ball that would pop out with a shout did not move at all this time.

Mr Marshal was so tense that he sat up and shouted again.

Still not answered.

Ji Xiuyong pondered for a moment, opened his own light brain and entered the browsing page of the subsidiary light brain, and glanced at the search history of Yuean in the recent period.

Imperial Research Department location.

Inquiry for security equipment of Imperial Research Institute.

The schedule for the opening of the peripheral museums of the Imperial Ministry of Scientific Research.

Imperial Research ...

Now I want to know with my toes what Yuean's strange talents have been practicing recently!

Mr. Marshal opened the monitoring screen of the garage with pleasurable hands and feet, and saw that the bright red car's driving position was empty at this time, his face was darkened.

The author has something to say: Yuean: I didn't expect it! .jpg