MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 37

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Vietnam was startled by what happened to Marshal Ji.

The young man's face is exquisite and magnificent, as if he was kissed by the gods. Every minute reveals a clear spirit. His hair is clear and white, and the beautiful face is almost transparent. .

He has a pair of light and beautiful blue eyes, round, slightly raised at the end of the eyes, and the same scale-free white eyelashes with the same hair color are long and thick, just shaking slightly with the movement of his eyes.

Like a newborn cub, timidly and curiously watching the world.

Yue'an was looking up at Ji Xiuyu. After catching the white broken hair on his forehead in his field of vision, a stunned look appeared on his face. There is a bit more cute slyness in the agility of the body.

People can't help but stop breathing, in anticipation that he will show a smile to himself.

The magnificent young man sat up from the fluffy carpet with uncoordinated movements, and the white naked body covered under the sofa cushion was faintly exposed during the action.

The fork in Marshal Ji's hands suddenly turned into a ball of scrap steel.

Here we need to emphasize.

Marshal Ji is a man.

A normal man.

A normal man in his prime.

The beauty of the near foul is currently, there is absolutely no hidden reaction!

Marshal Ji has no hidden illness, he is just used to venting his energy on training and battlefield.

But there were no training grounds or battlefields at the moment.

Ji Xiuzhen adjusted his sitting posture calmly.

Yue'an was unaware of Marshal Ji's reaction. He was bowing his head, and uncomfortably opened his claws ... No, it was five fingers spread out, and then he controlled these five fingers more slowly. Tengteng clutched the doily and wrapped himself tightly.

He sat on the rug and looked up at Mr. Marshal in the chair again. He opened his mouth and was about to meow, but was terrified to find that he couldn't even meow!

The vocal system of cats is quite different from that of humans.

The total number of full-time adults is not enough for three or seventy-two hours, and Yue An's face is bewildered, and he has no idea how to use humanoid speech.

After all, the last time he turned into a human form, it was a hundred years ago, he looked in a mirror, and then followed the same nine-tailed cats of the same family to human cats in the city to try to buy catnip, and eventually he was picked up collectively.

Since then, he has never been human again.

The more anxious.

The more securely dazed.

Yuean was at a loss.

He looked a little anxious when Ji Xiuhuan looked blank and his eyes became blank.

Don't you want to see human figures!

Nothing happens now! !!

Yue'an wrapped his doily tightly and supported the ground with one hand and stood with his two front paws standing upright from the ground like his prototype.

Kittens and cats that are pretty hot chickens because they can't adapt to the four claws of humans ... No, because they can't adapt to the length of human limbs, they fall to the side before they can stand still!

Marshal Ji stood up conditionedly, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the boy's waist, lest the other side face the body across the body on the spot.

Accompanied by a sore thumping sound, rescued by Marshal Ji, to avoid the more secure result of landing on the ground, because the knee hit the corner of the dining table and broke the corner, let alone hurt himself. Holding the cushions sulked.

Captain Marshal Ji, who had tightened his slender waist, looked at the cloth dumplings in his arms that seemed very aggrieved by sniffing his nose. Numerous thoughts flashed in his mind, but he didn't wait for him to sort out a clue and talk to him. The tight, small waist with arms close to him turned into the familiar hair dumpling with a thunderbolt.

Ji Xiuyu: "..."

? ? ?


and many more?

what happened?

What about the person just here?


Wrapped in cloth.

Look good.

There is such a big man.

Why did you become a cat?

Yuean's small paw rubbed his hind leg that was hit, and arched around the pad to find the mouth, feeling very wronged.

Marshal Ji is still full of philosophical questions such as "Who am I? Where did I just happen? What did I do if I raised a cat and became a human or a personal cat?"

Yue'an drilled a head out of the doily, her ears were up, her pretty blue eyes were rounded, and she seemed to be carrying a little bit of water, and she was screaming at "Miao Miao Miao" who was wronged by Marshal Ji. Abuse.

Marshal Ji lowered his eyes, looked at his cat for a while, tossed the small steel ball of the fork fork body that he had been holding in his hand, tossed it aside, picked up his cat, put it on the edge of the tabletop table, and prepared to follow his cat Have a good talk.

But his cat was not ready to talk to him.

Yue An, who had hit his leg and had not been soothed, turned around, held his **** against Marshal Ji, and his tail did not flutter. He pressed it under his body and buried his face in his furry tail. It was a capital for Ji Xiuyu. Refuse.

This is really grumpy.

Marshal Ji, who has never learned how to coax a cat, glanced at the pastry that had fallen on the carpet.

"..." Perfect, the only thing that can divert Yuean's attention is gone.

Mr. Marshal thought about it, and reached out and touched the group to become a cat ball.

Yuean turned his head and clawed his back with a paw to slap him away. He jumped off the dining table with a sigh of anger, and took the remaining three catnip reagents into the small cave of the cat's climbing frame.

The abandoned Marshal Ji pondered in the restaurant for a while, and decided to get plenty of food on his own.

Of course not cooking.

It is a serious reflection on what just happened.

In fact, Ji Xiu's first reaction was that this is Yuean ’s hallucination ability that can directly affect people ’s spirit.

When he was in the research department before, Yue An noticed that he was in a bad mood and replaced the pale walkway with a vibrant archway full of flowers.

But this ability directly affects the spirit of the target. It has no effect on the detection of the machine. While practicing his special talents, Marshal Ji kept holding various detection instruments by his side and recorded at any time.

Marshal Ji opened the monitoring screen in his own hall, and pulled back for three minutes, seeing the appearance of the beautiful young man who was shocked, and then closed the screen silently.

Monitored and recorded.

So it is true.

Ji Xiuyin was silent. In case, in case, he deleted the footage recording the abnormal picture completely, and the expression on his face seemed to have no slight fluctuation.

He glanced back at Yuean's cat climbing frame.

No, he thought.

How can a good cat become a human.

But good cats seem to have only one tail.

Yuean has eight tails.

The eight tails may be an evolution, and the reason it will become human is because of mimicry. For example, Yuean ’s hair will change from white to black, which is also a mimicry.

Marshal Ji tried to use science to explain why Yuean became a human.

Then he took a hard sip in his heart.

Who have you seen mimicking who can mimic another species? ?

Looking at Yue'an's clumsy and jerky movements, he can guess that this is by no means a mimic. Mimics are usually used to resist natural enemies or hunting. I have never seen any creature mimicking it but hindering itself.

Marshal Ji did not even think of Yuean to spies of special races in other countries.

No matter which country is going to be stupid, throw out ancient Earth creatures as spies, and you say which spy you have seen is not low-key, but instead broadcast live food every day and be raised by the cloud. In front of Star Net ’s tens of billions of audience Twisted into S for a while and c into Mahjong?

This style of painting should be able to become a spy, and the person in power in that country should really twist the head of the spy agency and kick it.

Ji Xiuying wondered how fat his cat was, while opening the database of the information security department, headed straight for the ancient earth intelligence data area.

Then entered two keywords: eight tails, cat.

Yue'an squatted on the cat's climbing frame and waited for a long time before Ji Xiuyu came to coax him.

Ji Xiuyu changed.

He didn't do that before.

He used to chase him and rub his head to rub his belly.

I completely forgot it was Yue An's grievance that he patted Ji Xiuyu by touching his hand.

Sure enough, the human aesthetics of this era are completely different from those of the earth.

Ji Xiuyu is so ugly, in this era, it is the dream lover of hundreds of millions of young girls.

His human form must be ugly and ugly by the affirmative aesthetics of this era, otherwise why Ji Xiuju would ignore him.

But obviously Xi Xiuyu depends on the shape of others!

I didn't hate him ugly, how could he hate me!

Viet Nam's aggrieved group became a ball, not even Catnip sucked, a small ball shrank in the small corner of the cat's climbing frame hole.

Young, poor and helpless.

When Ji Xiuyu walked to the edge of the cat's climbing frame and bent down to prepare to have a good talk with Yuean, what he saw in the eyes was looking at him pitifully, and his beautiful blue eyes seemed to be seeping through Viet Nam of light.

Ji Xiuyu: ...

Ji Xiuyu :? ? ?

what happened? ?

"Vietnam, come out." Mr. Marshal stretched out his hand, palm up, resting on the cave mouth, "Let's talk?"

"Meow!" Yuean screamed miserably.

This person must be throwing me away because I am too ugly!

I misread you!

Viet Nam grieved, and hid in.

Ji Xiuyu was choked by his throat for two seconds. After perceiving Yuean's resistance, he no longer forced him to come out, but sat on the ground himself.

"I found the information." Marshal Ji said calmly, "You are ... a monster."

"You are a nine-tailed cat. Save me before and used your ninth tail, right?" Ji Xiuyu asked again.

Yue An hesitated, and the ears that she pulled down shook suddenly, and stood up alertly.

In the era of the universe, these mythical words have gradually disappeared. For people in this era, the myths and legends that plagued people in the ancient earth can already be explained by science.

For people of this era, the mysterious side has completely disappeared, and the sayings and concepts about the deities and the like passed down from the ancient earth have been regarded as an appreciation of others and a classical romantic culture.

For example, Ji Xiuyu, known as the God of War.

This title is simply the public's respect and praise for the Marshal of the Empire, and it also shows his identification with him as a general.

God knows how Marshal Ji digested the non-scientific concept of monsters, anyway, he is now very calm and calm.

"Your wish is ... to become immortal?" Ji Xiuhuan said these words less skillfully.

Yue An looked at Ji Xiuyu, and the blue cat's eyes stared at him unflinchingly, with some vigilance and precaution.

On the one hand, he felt that Ji Xiuyu would not be the kind of person who forcibly detained cats, while on the other hand, he remembered the lessons of old people saying that human beings are all bad.

Ji Xiuyu understands why his cat has such a reaction. If the myths and legends he saw are true, Yuean ’s reaction is not difficult to understand.

Twenty years of growing a tail can fulfill any wish.

Today's fairy tale books dare not write like this.

"Is your wish Chengcheng?" Ji Xiuyu asked again.

Yue'an was silent for a long time before he got up and got out of the cat's climbing frame. He squatted squarely in front of Ji Xiuyu, and his face made a serious meow.

Ji Xiuyu has a sense of responsibility towards Yuean.

It was his appearance that broke the desire of Yue'an to become an immortal, it was he who brought Yue'an to human society, and it was he who proclaimed Yue'an's identity as an ancient earth relic-even if the latter two nodded himself Yes, but the first encounter was obviously not due to the wishes of Yuean.

"I will fulfill your wish."

He took a big advantage and said everything should be returned in return.

However, after twenty years, he made a wish to Yuean and let him go to become an immortal. Compared to the previous death, he still had a few more years to pick it up through Yuean.

"Let's talk now, you become a human problem."

Marshal Ji recalled the beautiful appearance that was described by God-given treasures, and wondered that in the legendary stories of the ancient earth, there were always people who worshiped under the beauty of monsters.

That level of beauty is simply a foul.

Ji Xiuyu pinched Yue'an's little paw and said, "Less becomes a human."

Otherwise, it would not be so much to be watched when the cat went out, it would definitely be taken away by those who are obsessed with beauty!

Yue'an did not receive Ji Xiu's kindness.

He narrowed his eyes and whine angry!

You really think I'm ugly! !! !! !!

Pooh! You are ugly! !! !!

I do n’t think it's ugly to abandon you! !!

How dare you hate me! !!

I disagree! !!

Yue'an was so angry that his paw patted the cat climbing frame under his butt, and his legs jumped into the arms of Marshal Ji, and he turned into a human figure without warning. He sat in Ji Xiu's cross-legged den, still humming. He arched into his arms.

Make you feel ugly!

Make you feel ugly!

How ugly I will be for a while!

You have the ability to hit me! !!

The author has something to say: Marshal :? ? ? ? ? ? ? You ... naked ... what ...