MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 48

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Yue An never imagined that Ji Xiuhuan still had this hand.

He took off his coat with doubt and lay down orderly.

Ji Xiuyu's methods are all tried out from his own. For many years of battlefield experience, this kind of physical aches caused by breaking the limits or excessive exercise is a common occurrence for him.

It is impossible to really bring medical soldiers to deal with these problems on the battlefield. In the early years when he served in the remote rural planet, when his rank was low, his parents could teach him some basic maintenance knowledge.

Therefore, Ji Xiuyu is the one who learns by pressing and pressing.

The method of soothing the muscles is relatively light. When you put it on the body that doesn't hurt, there is no pain in the whole body. The strength should be lighter.

Otherwise it hurts this little guy, maybe he will be so angry that his backhand is a paw.

Ji Xiuhuan is the first time to press others.

The muscles on the teenager are tight and smooth, probably because the human form also has some continuation of cats. Marshal Ji feels that the temperature under his palm is much higher than the temperature in his palm, and he can clearly feel that through a layer of cloth. Slightly hot temperature.

The body under the palm of his hand, he can clearly perceive every minute and every movement, this taste is a bit strange and subtle.

Ji Xiuzhu narrowed his eyes, carefully and carefully pressed Yuean.

Yuean hummed twice and turned to look at Ji Xiuyu, who was standing next to him. Her pretty blue eyes narrowed slightly, and her exquisite and magnificent face was full of lame expression.

This makes the cat more comfortable than scratching the chin.

Yue'an felt that he had a faint understanding of why cats in the clan like to become human and stir up the wind and rain in human society.

It is probably because humans can always figure out such skills to make themselves more comfortable.

I really enjoy it.

Human beings.

Yuean was so comfortable that she buried her face in the soft sofa bed, and couldn't help arching it, and her head was writhing with white hair.

Ji Xiuyu's expression was cold and calm, without squinting, as if he didn't notice the movement of Yuean at all, just rubbing it with a scrupulous look.

Marshal Ji was ready to make strange hums in Yue'an Comfort, but he didn't expect that it wasn't humans but cats that made strange hums.

Suddenly Ji repaired under his hand for two seconds, watching the bulging arch in the pile of clothes humming to the humming snare drum bag.

The small drum bag snored, and fell together, feeling soft and warm, his tail was still exposed outside, a slight shyness aroused.

After all, a cat is a creature that can snoring as soon as it lies down.

The tip of Yue'an's tail went to the other side in the air, and it seemed to be tiring to go around, so he just slept and went to sleep.

After a brief sting, Marshal Ji retracted his hand and went upstairs to the study to pick up the lights and fight at night.

He has a lot of work to do.

For example, some confidential military affairs must be handled by him.

Another example is Prince Kells, who insists that his political struggles are unwilling to give up in a silly white sweet.

The little emperor awakened and boarded Marshal Kevin's ship very smartly. Ji Xiuyin nodded, naturally, to help this matter.

It's just that in this matter, what is really busy is Marshal Kevin, who is more familiar with the politics of the imperial capital. Ji Xiuyu is only responsible for providing some support and positions.

And Marshal Kevin's routine is very simple and rude, and he is not afraid of Prince Kells knowing.

He began to visit those who have played politics for a lifetime, and he justified his feelings, and the theme was one: Kells tried to usurp, so that he now holds authority in his hands, and does not want to leak some soup Eat a little bit, do you think he will share the cake after you succeed?

This remark was just piercing the hearts of these people.

While sitting in the study room for military affairs, Ji Xiuyu occasionally went to see Marshal Kevin's battle report. Until he stayed up late to finish his work, Marshal Kevin successfully entered the two doors.

Marshal Ji packed his desk, looked at the work schedule for tomorrow, and got up and left the study.

When entering the bedroom, Ji Xiuyu paused slightly, turned his head and glanced at the sofa bed in the living room downstairs, wrapped in clothes and sleeping in a group of cats who didn't know how to sleep.

His toes wandered for a few seconds between the corridor and the bedroom. Finally, he went downstairs, carefully hugged his cat and cat, and returned to the room.

As for the reason ...

Ji Xiuyu thought for a long time, but finally felt that it was because he was used to it.

When I'm used to sleeping, there is a small hair ball that snores.

And if you wake up tomorrow, you will be angry if you find yourself lying on the sofa bed.

When Marshal Ji thought of this, he felt that the subtlety in his heart was resolved, and the whole person relaxed.

Even the ancient Earthlings could not resist the charm of cats, so it seemed no big deal that he kept lowering the bottom line.

Feeling no big deal, Ji Xiuhuan was beaten the next day.

As we all know, before your cats or dogs or children have not overcome laziness or aversion, and have successfully developed a good habit, it is actually not appropriate to relax.

For example, Yue'an did not like Ji Xiu's practical training at all, but because of his trust in Ji Xiu's, he persisted even if he did not like it.

However, the rest of the day yesterday made him hate the practical training stuff again. After tasting the sweetness of the rest, he instinctively wanted to play with salty fish.

The cat lying on the bed hummed, rolled its tail lazily, a non-violent and uncooperative attitude.

Marshal Ji was silent for a while, choosing between the third option of "carefully talking to the cat" and "dragging the cat directly into the training room"-tempting his cat with rewards.

What rewards can seduce his cat?

Ji Xiuyu thought for a long time, and then tentatively said, "You obedient training, I will take you out to play."

Yuean's ears shook, and he sat up and looked up at Ji Xiu'an.



Ji Xiu paused, picked up his cat, rubbed it, and asked, "Do you like me to accompany you out?"

Yue'an shook his tail, holding Ji Xiuyu's palm, and responded softly: "Meow ~"

Cats ... are they so dependent on humans?

Ji Xiuying recalled the information about domestic cats, which ultimately could only be attributed to breed issues.

It is said that some breeds of cats are indeed very good-tempered and sticky.

Although I don't know if monsters can be counted in this category.

But it's easy to talk about your cat's preferences, especially if he can only do it.

Ji Xiuyu seemed to have regained the value he had before Yuean.

Marshal Ji, who had recovered his value, was so energetic that he picked up the cat even more vigorously.

Yue An, who thought he had made great progress, was just stunned by Ji Xiu to suspect cats.

After the daily morning exercise, Marshal Ji, who was about to go out, stood at the door and looked back at a dying cat in the pile of clothes lying on the carpet.

Yue'an hummed twice, slowly sat up, raised his eyes and looked at him.

Ji Xiuyu looked at his dad who doubted his life and said, "In fact, you are very good."

Yue'an licked his paw and said nothing about Ji Xiu's remarks.

Marshal Ji asked him calmly: "If you don't believe it, go to the battlefield of the virtual community."

Having said this, Marshal Ji shook his hands and left, without mentioning anything else, he could not see that he had no purpose at all.

Yuean watched the door closed, her ears shaking, her two front paws stomped on the carpet, tangled for a while, or got up to take out the civilian thoughtful helmet.

In fact, the media paid considerable attention to whether the child adopted by Marshal Kevin was in the army or engaged in art.

After being baptized by Xi Xiu, the people of the Hinters Empire have no special expectations for the new generals who are expected to compete for the rank of Marshal.

Marshal Kevin is old. After he retires, naturally someone needs to be able to take his class.

Unfortunately, Marshal Kevin did not have his own offspring.

The adoption of a child by Marshal Kevin was an inspiring good thing. After all, even if it was not biological, after Marshal Kevin's one-to-one teaching, it would definitely become very good.

But Naihe ’s child was so beautiful and slender. He stood with Mrs. Ellie, and the first reaction was two people in the entertainment industry.

Ji Xiuyu knew that Yue'an was willing to walk with him in StarCraft.

To walk together, some places must go as humans.

Therefore, Yuean must have a well-honed name to stay with him—for example, the position of his vacant deputy is very suitable.

But the position of the deputy cannot be obtained at will.

Enlisting in the military and having sufficient combat effectiveness is the top priority.

Sending Yue'an to the military academy is obviously unrealistic. The fastest way to get out of the way is naturally to kill them from a different angle.

Such as the battlefield area of ​​the virtual community.

The media and the military are very concerned about the strong newcomers who can stand firm in the battlefield area of ​​the virtual community, or who have been born.

For the media, no matter if someone suddenly emerges or wins the championship, it is enough for them to be a special book.

The military department is also concerned about this kind of people. Although most of them are talented students who run out of the military academy to gain popularity, it does not prevent them from occasionally finding one or two leaks.

These are all good training that have been done in adaptive training. After seeing blood, Zhenger Bajing can directly pull on to the battlefield.

This kind of talent is rare, and occasionally it is very good to pick up one or two.

Today, watching the people in the battlefield area, I found that the new name on the rookie list that occupied the first place for more than a month was familiar with the name, and was choked by another sudden newcomer.

The leaderboard only shows the top ten. The ranking is a points system. The settlement of points is calculated according to the system's battle rating. The points won by the winning side are deducted from the points of the losing side, and there is a negative point system on the battlefield.

Among them, the winners scored: 15 points for S-level, 10 points for A-level, 8 points for B-level, 6 points for c-level, and 5 points for D-level.

Now the second-place former champion has a total of 312 points and 32 battles.

The top ten are all under 300, and the competition is fierce.

The newcomer who airborne first with no warning suddenly totaled 315 points and played 21 games.

what does this mean?

——S-Class victory!

Those who follow the list are stunned.

Everyone knows that if there are no accidents, the top ten of the newcomer zone are basically covered by the outstanding freshmen of the major military academies. The competition between them is fierce. Very hard.

Two battles a day is very extreme for ordinary people. He persisted for a whole month and firmly kept his number one.

Suddenly someone was airborne? ?

At a loss, people started to open the rookie leaderboard, which only showed avatars and points.

The airborne newcomer's avatar is the recently exploded ancient earth relic. Now in the virtual community, eight of ten people have similar avatars, which is not surprising.

Newcomers who are willing to enter the battlefield usually do not hide their real names, and this high-profile airborne newcomer certainly will not.

But after clicking on the number one profile, everyone fell into silence.

Because this newcomer's ID is a cat's claw.

It's also the cute cat claw that comes with the newly-added input method recently.


This newcomer is afraid of losing his mind!

People who were following this newcomer from the sky quickly discovered that this newcomer, who may have lost his mind, completed 21 battles in just one morning. Not to mention, he immediately applied for an opponent in the 22nd game match.

His record will be thrown by the system to match the people on the overall list.

In this case, players and spectators in the mixed battlefield area are called killing power.

Sure enough, the newcomer's 22nd opponent matched the 10th place in the current overall list.

The tenth place is a graduating student of the Imperial Military Academy. It is said that three legions have already given him an olive branch.

Countless people shook their spirits and did not hesitate to pay the money and rushed into the two men's battlefield.

The players have not yet entered the field, but the two tall mechas have been projected as a warm-up and are facing each other.

The red one is the tenth mech they are familiar with.

The blue side is a mech that all the people of the Empire are very familiar with.

——Jiu Xiuyu's exclusive Mech, Silver Blade.

The Silver Blade is a mech built for the sympathy mode.

If you want to restore this mech in the virtual community, there is only one possibility. That is to know the value of this mech well, and then customize such a machine at your own expense.

what does this mean!

This means that the sudden emergence of the newcomer has a close relationship with the Empire Marshal Ji Xiuyu!

No wonder the head is Yuean!

No wonder even IDs are cat claws!

The audience is boiling!

The moment the players entered the stadium, the spectators who were flushed with red eyes looked in the direction of the blue players.

The people who had just boiled and exploded suddenly stopped for two seconds.





Silver Blade and adopted son of Marshal Kevin?

What suffocating match?

The author has something to say: Yuean: I didn't expect it! .jpg

Marshal: I thought of hee hee hee.jpg