MTL - The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God’s Domineering Love-Chapter 5351 Female anchor's Xiuxian Internet Red Road 186

If audio player doesn't work, press Reset or reload the page., the fastest update and quick-wearing rule: the black-bellied male god, the latest chapter of the strong pet!

The man who spoke just now seemed to have disappeared.

Luo Liyan took a deep breath, and could only pick up the talisman paper and continue to draw.

In the middle, she was tired and rested twice, and each time she slept for half an hour before Xiao Liuzi woke her up.

But even with such hard work, Luo Liyan had only finished five amulets.

Such inefficiency made her want to wait one more day and draw a few more charms.

But just thinking about it, the vitality in Luo Tiantian's hexagram is so bad, it must not be able to survive tonight.

This time Luo Liyan was in the old mansion on the outskirts of Beijing where he took a taxi. He bought some fruits, pastries, and roast chicken on the way.

Because she would tremble later, Luo Liyan was afraid that she might have dropped the phone, so she hung it around her neck with a mobile phone strap.

Then he took out the five emperor money and calculated the position, put all the things she bought, and put on the three-pillar fragrance, and then muttered: "Daxian, I didn't intend to disturb your cleanliness. It's just impatient My cousin came to your fairy mansion four days ago to make a rendition. I came this time to take them away, so as not to break your cleansing. I would also like to trouble you for some accommodation."

Luo Liyan's words were particularly sincere, and she looked respectful and humble.

Such an unpromising appearance made Xiao Liuzi always have a kind, she felt like Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog.

If it is possible, Luo Liyan would not be so humble, just hit it directly.

But there is no way. She has little spiritual power in her body and can solve the problem honestly. It is better for her to avoid conflicts as much as possible.

After receiving the three fragrances, it was very beautiful, like a lotus flower, it seemed that Huang Daxian, who lived in this old house, had agreed to her request.

But Luo Liyan always felt that things couldn't be so simple.

If that Huang Daxian is really such a good talker, he can move to other places to practice, there is no need to guard the empty house in the middle of tens of thousands of acres of land.

This is too abrupt, and it will cause more unrest and disturb its cleaning.

But just now Luo Liyan could feel it outside the house, the house was very clean, there was no **** atmosphere, obviously that weasel was still a good cultivator little fairy.

But in Luo Tiantian's hexagram, there wouldn't be such a fierce situation.

Only when the ghost knew what would happen to Luo Tian Tian's life from now to the disappearance of Luo Tian's life, he pushed Huang Daxian into a hurry.

Luo Liyan thought as she walked towards the big courtyard in the house.

You can see the ancient well at a glance.

She peeked her head into the well, and the moon and moon shone into the well water, which was extremely soft.

It's a pity that water can isolate the breath, and can't let people discover whether there are people hidden in it.

There was no way, Luo Liyan had to put the talisman paper in several layers of plastic bags, and wanted to jump into the water after wrapping it.

It turned out that she hadn't jumped yet, but the phone on her chest suddenly called.

"Wrong, wrong! Little girl, you made a mistake. Your cousin and Ben are not in this well."

It was an old girl who was very angry.

Luo Liyan was taken aback by her, and almost fell off with a slip of her hand.

Fortunately, her reaction was fast enough, she straightened up all of a sudden, and then picked up the phone with a question mark.

I don't know when, a live broadcast room was opened.

She is the anchor, but the voice came from the live broadcast room.

What the hell?

When will the audience be able to speak in the live broadcast room except for the anchor?