MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2896 Demon Tinder

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On the ninety-ninth heaven, more and more practitioners arrived. The ruins of the gods, the Ye Emperor Palace, the Ziwei Star Territory Ziwei Emperor Palace, the former Tianyu Academy, and many people who believed in Ye Futian were willing to follow in the heavens to cultivate. Become a member of the Ninety-Nine Heavenly Cultivation Army.

Now, the entire Ninety-Nineth Heaven is shrouded by a peculiar aura, that piece of heavenly power has been integrated into the Ninety-Nineth Heaven, and it is already a small world independent of the outside world.

Even the practitioners of the entire ninety-nine heavens can perceive the extremely strong atmosphere of the Great Dao. They can clearly perceive the existence of the Dao from this small world, making it easier to perceive it, which makes the people practice extremely fast. .

In a place on the Eighty First Heaven, a group of people gathered in front of a fairy palace to discuss the way of practice.

"Ten years of transformation, brother has actually touched the level of a demigod, congratulations." One person said, and the person next to him shook his head with a smile: "It is not my work, thanks to this world, I faintly feel that we are now The Ninety-Nine Heavenly Small World is no longer just the complete Heavenly Dao environment like the ancient times, it is even worse. Perhaps it is caused by the palace lord changing the Heavenly Dao cultivation environment. Do you feel it?"

"I feel that this small world was originally transformed by the power of the heavenly path. It is the mother of the palace lord. Now the palace lord has merged it and changed the practice environment here. Now this small world may be the first in the world. In the holy land of cultivation, those who have left the ninety-nine heaven are afraid that they will regret it." The person next to him nodded and said.

"Are you still calling the palace lord?" the other person said with a smile, and the two people who had spoken suddenly realized that they had made a mistake, and smiled and said: "I'm used to it. Now the palace lord is the emperor of heaven. Not suitable."

"I don't think it hurts, how brave the palace lord is, how can I care about the name." There are also people who say that they call the palace lord, which is also a respectable name.

"Brothers and brothers." At this moment, someone shouted and came here. The group of people turned their heads and saw a middle-aged man in purple clothes coming, with extraordinary bearing, he couldn't help but smiled and said: "Brother Zhuo, you But it's finally here."

"I was cultivating in the Continent of Remains of the Gods before, and I encountered a ruin. I didn't catch up. After knowing what happened, I came here all the way. Fortunately, it didn't take too long." The middle-aged said.

"Isn't it too long?" One person said with a smile: "Ten years, Junior Brother Zhuo doesn't think it's long, Senior Brother Wang has almost reached the semi-god state."

"Ten years?" The coming middle-aged was stunned: "What are you kidding?"

"Junior Brother Zhuo, you won't become stupid while practicing outside." One person looked at the middle-aged.

"Yes, ten years have passed since we came here to practice." Another person also said.

"Impossible." The middle-aged Zhuo said decisively: "It has only been a few months since the palace lord proclaimed the Emperor of Heaven. After I got the news, it was only dozens of days. How could it be that ten years have passed."

Several people realized that something was wrong when they heard this. They all looked at each other, staring at each other, and then talked about it again, and found that the other party did not lie.

"As in today's great chaos, how could it be possible for a heavenly realm to be stable for ten years without any movement? Brothers and brothers will understand after thinking about it." The middle-aged surname Zhuo continued. Everyone was confused. How could a practitioner like them? It will count the time wrong, and it can't be an illusion.

"If all this is true, then there are only two possibilities." Yiren said.

"Which two?"

"The first type, we are in a great illusion." The person said, as soon as this word came out, they all released the aura of the great avenue, and the light of the great avenue suddenly flowed around, not like an illusion.

"Second, the time of this small world has changed!" When he spoke, his heart beat and the other people's hearts trembled.

"At the beginning of the Yedi Palace cultivation, there was a magic weapon of time, so it must be the second possibility." They quickly determined that the first situation was impossible.

Everyone took a deep breath and looked up at the sky, shocked in their hearts.

"The Ninety-Nine Heaven has turned into an independent small world. The time of this small world has been tampered with. Even the rules and order may have changed. There is no need to rely on magic weapons. The palace owner directly changed this small world. In order."

They are speechless. Has the palace master integrated this heavenly way, has it achieved such a situation? From their previous exchanges, it can be seen that the flow of time in this small world is at least dozens of times that of the outside world.

"I have heard a sentence before, one day in the sky and one year on the earth. I did not expect that one day we will have the opportunity to witness such a spectacle. Although it is not so exaggerated, it is still shocking. Since then, our practice time can surpass the outside world. Dozens of times, people from the outside world have practiced for one year, and those who have practiced in the ninety-nine heavens are for several decades."

If the outside world has been in the past ten years, it will be hundreds of years. How terrible is this?

Ten years, and soon.

Hundreds of years, enough to upset the strength of the heavens.


In the Demon Realm, in the Demon Abyss, the rest of his life is practicing in the Demon Abyss.

The Devil Emperor was also there, Yu Sheng looked at the phantom in front of him, extremely stalwart, as if he merged with this Demon Abyss, supporting the Demon Abyss with his flesh and blood.

Looking at the picture in front of him, UU read for the rest of his life, his pupils were red, and his physical body suffered countless devilish calamities.

"This is the destiny of our Demon Realm." A voice came from the mouth of the Demon Emperor, resounding within the Demon Abyss: "Every Demon Emperor will bear the pain of the Demon Abyss, otherwise, the power of the Demon Abyss will sweep the Demon Realm. , To destroy everything, almost all practitioners in the Demon Realm cannot bear the calamity of the Demon Abyss."

"Why don't you let it go?" Yu Sheng looked at the Devil Emperor and said, at this moment the stalwart body was shirtless, and the whole body was blood red.

"After the Dao of Heaven collapsed and the Demon Lord was suppressed, no one could absolutely suppress the power in the Demon Abyss. The Demon Abyss was born with the Dao of Heaven. According to legend, if the calamity of the Demon Abyss completely broke out, it would be a disaster for the world. The Demon Lord once brought the power of the Demon Abyss against the Heavenly Dao and wanted to break the Heavenly Dao. Now, only the Demon Emperor is the one to suppress the Demon Abyss. Our home is always the first to be destroyed." Demon Emperor said.

"After the Demon Lord, no one can control the power of the Demon Abyss. Back then, I wanted to work with him, but he betrayed the Demon Realm. Later, you returned to the Demon Realm and inherited the meaning of the Demon Lord. Now you, It is already the only kind of fire in the Demon Realm. If the land changes drastically today, I have a foreboding that there will be a catastrophe. I may not escape this catastrophe. At that time, you will be the Demon Emperor. I hope you will not let me down."