MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2920 Last choice

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The Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor Palace recast the ninety-nine heaven, the army under the Heavenly Emperor's seat swept the heavens, and the practitioners of all parties in the heaven responded, followed the army of the Heavenly Emperor and resisted together, destroying and expelling the practitioners from the human world, and regaining them like a prairie fire. The heavenly territory.

Back then, the soldiers of the human world were not bloody, and they almost occupied the heaven in three months.

However, this time the counterattack of the heavens is even more fierce. Any one of the six armies can level the world, let alone sweep out at the same time. You can imagine how terrifying it will be. Let alone other, it is just the Apocalypse Legion that contains the original. The backbone of the East Phoenix Emperor Palace has been tempered for a hundred years, and many new people have been recruited and trained. This is an extremely terrifying force.

Therefore, this time it was quicker, and most places had not been hit yet. After hearing the news, the strong men in the human world began to evacuate one after another and did not dare to stay.

If you continue to guard, you are afraid that it will be a dead end, and the heavenly army will show no mercy to the invaders.

As a result, this war swept the heavens with thunder, and almost recovered the entire heavens in just half a month.

After the heaven was regained, the powerhouses who invaded Shenzhou and Buddhism also evacuated. They were extremely scattered because they occupied too much territory. At this time, the Heavenly Emperor Army swept past and couldn't stop it. They must first gather their strength together. , And then a decisive battle with the legions of the heavens.

On the ninety-nine heaven, the towering heavenly palace stands, the emperor Ye Futian stands on the **** seat on the top of the heavenly palace, the east phoenix is ​​the father of the heavenly emperor, sitting beside him, the emperor Hua Jieyu and the east phoenix mandarin are sitting in Ye Futian and Emperor Donghuang are left and right, and foster father Yu Tu is standing at the head of the emperor.

Below, there are Emperor Qin and Shu Shen, both of whom are followers of Ye Futian's mother.

Below the stairs, many powerful people are sitting there and some standing there. Those who have seats are the figures of the Great Emperor. The Great Buddha of Buddhism is regarded as Emperor Donghuang and senior Ye Futian, and naturally they have due respect.

But Shenzhou, Tianjie, and the powerhouses who followed Ye Futian were all standing. After all, Ye Futian and Emperor Donghuang were there.

However, when dozens of people stood there, the scene was still extremely spectacular.

These people are all powerhouses who have stepped into the emperor realm.

The Heavenly Palace and Heavenly Court are almost all emperors, and there is really a great army of emperors.

Further down, is the vast area of ​​the ninety-ninth heaven, where there are six major legions, and each legion is divided into different small legions in different camps, each with its own leader.

Such a scene can be described as extremely shocking.

Here, the top forces of the Three Realms are gathered.

It was also the first time that the Emperor of Heaven had called everyone together to discuss matters in such a formal way. Everyone arrived and no one was absent.

"See His Majesty Tiandi and His Majesty Donghuang." At this moment, Yu Tu turned to face Ye Futian and took the lead in bowing to salute.

With Yu Tu taking the lead, the people below immediately responded, bowing and saluting: "See Your Majesty Tiandi, Your Majesty Donghuang."

Suddenly, the shocking voice resounded through the ninety-nine heaven, making all the strong feel faintly excited, practicing in the small world, unknowingly, their lineup has been tyrannical to this level.

Although Yu Tu looked solemn, he was filled with emotion. The Young Master finally came to this point. What a shocking picture of the gods worshipping. If she could see today's scene, she would definitely feel relieved.

Next, there was only one goal, to kill the ancestors, to lay down the human world, the dark world, and the empty **** world, and unify the seven worlds.

"Foster father." Ye Futian shouted, then looked at the people and said: "You don't need to be polite."

Although Ye Futian is still polite, but looking at the strong man sitting on the **** seat, everyone realizes that the junior figure has already stood on the top of the world, even if it is one of the six emperors of the East Phoenix and the Buddha, Are willing to give up their seats for him.

In the crowd, there are many cultivators who have grudges against Ye Futian. For example, Emperor Vast Sky and the others, Ye Futian did not kill them, but they were restricted and were imprinted by special means. Keep them, just because they still have some value and can be used.

Among the many powerhouses in the 18th Domain Lord's Mansion of Shenzhou, there are also Ye Futian's old acquaintances, and they are full of emotion.

As for the people in Ziwei Imperial Palace, seeing the grand occasion today, they were naturally happy and proud of Ye Futian from the heart. Their palace owner is now on top of the spiritual world.

I am afraid that now, even the evil emperor and the dark **** may not be able to fight Ye Futian.

The real opponent, I am afraid there is only human ancestors.

Ye Futian didn't think about everyone's thoughts. For him, he didn't feel excited or honored by the grand occasion of the event. On the contrary, he only felt the pressure, not because of the pressure when sitting on the seat of God.

It is because he now determines the fate of everyone.

Renzu, who wants to replace the existence of Heaven, once dealt with his grandfather, UU Reading www. let his mother fall, such an opponent, Ye Futian is not sure, but there is no way out.

If he is alone, he can afford to lose, but now, he cannot afford to lose.

Too many people's fate is connected with him, just now, there are many faces.

"The Battle of the Seven Realms, many people know the reason behind it, and some people don't know it." At this moment, Ye Futian slowly spoke, sitting on the **** seat and said: "When the war broke out, I once fought against the ancestors. , I discovered that it was just an external incarnation, not a real body. The real ancestor once caused the Emperor and my mother to fall. Although the six worlds formed a delicate balance, they were always under the control of the ancestor, and he was always in secret. The plan will make the ancient gods return, and when he returns in real life, I am afraid it will replace the sky."

"The gods return and initiate the war of invasion. Those who follow will prosper, and those who oppose will die. The ancestors claim to be in charge of justice, but they have set off killings. If he is really allowed to control this sky, it will be a disaster. At that time, it is impossible to predict what will happen. Most of you here are the core figures of Buddhism, Shenzhou, and the heavens. There are many things that need not be said. However, I am not absolutely sure of this war. No one knows which level the human ancestor’s true body has reached. If you go with me, you are taking great risks. Therefore, even today, those who are willing to quit, I still give one last chance and can choose to leave."

Ye Futian looked at the crowd and said, after that, he will launch a decisive battle against the human world. In this decisive battle, many people will fall, and he will finally give everyone a chance.

Before, these people have practiced in his small world and have already obtained a lot of benefits. Therefore, this is the last time everyone chooses!

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