MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2936 Dark and light

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The fierce war surrounding Xia Qingyu broke out, and many top figures such as the People's Palace were killed there, and the Celestial Legion also went to support that battlefield.

For a while, people continued to fall in the area surrounding Xia Qingyu.

Xia Qingyu is in the middle of the battlefield. There are many people who guard her. The most direct guardian is the army of the bereaved family. They guarded the outside and did not allow any attacking force to invade her, but she saw that the people who protected her continued to die and even rescued. There was no chance, but Xia Qingyu felt sorrow in her heart.

She didn't break into the emperor in order to save more people, but now, it is counterproductive, but because of her, it leads to more deaths.

A touch of sadness flashed in her eyes, and suddenly the force of life and death revolved around her body, and they actually switched to each other.

A touch of coldness bloomed from her beautiful eyes, and there were infinite marks around her, which were all the marks of catastrophe made by the power of life and death. When her figure moved, Xia Qingyu directly rushed out of the battlefield without hiding in the crowd. Protection, she herself was also a top cultivator under the great emperor. She had the opportunity to walk on the path of God, but because of this battle, she did not pursue the imperial realm.

"Kill!" Seeing that Xia Qingyu took the initiative to rush out, suddenly there were many cultivators killed out in the eight-sided land, and went to kill Xia Qingyuan.

However, Xia Qingyu's eyes glanced at them, and then countless tribulations seemed to erupt at the same time, turning into death marks.

"Puff, puff, puff..." The sound of death continued to be heard. As long as the death mark hits their bodies, they directly penetrated into their bodies. In an instant, all the vitality turned into death, and the body died instantly, and the body was dark, falling towards the sky.

In just a very short moment, many strong men fell, like death descended. The practitioners who killed forward saw the shocking scene ahead and stopped involuntarily. They looked at Xia Qingyu's gaze. A strong sense of fear.

The previous Xia Qingyu was a savior, but at this moment Xia Qingyu was a murderer, with completely different deterrence.

Xia Qingyu ignored their thoughts, her body turned into a flash of lightning, and she still smashed into the power of the human world, surrounded by infinite calamity light, those calamity lights are like sword seals, but they carry terrible death. Breath, as if touched to death.

"Be careful of her tribulation mark." A strong person in the world reminded solemnly that Xia Qingyu’s tribulation mark was the mark of death. People who met were killed directly, their chances of life were swallowed, lost instantly, and died. The intention is to bury and become a dead person. A person who does not understand the divine power can not stop it at all. As long as he encounters it, he will undoubtedly die.

In the distance, Ye Futian quietly watched everything that happened on the battlefield. All the battles were reflected in his mind. The battle where Xia Qingyu was located was just the tip of the iceberg.

From that space channel, the world's strongest people continuously flooded into this world, they rushed into every place in the Emperor City, and all the way out, to the outside of the Emperor City.

The cultivators who came from the human world seemed to be infected by the emotions of the ancestors. They all expressed a strong desire to kill, wanting to destroy the heavens and dominate Kyushu.

"Do you want to go back to practice, I'll stare here." Hearing a soft voice beside him, Hua Jieyu said softly while standing beside Ye Futian.

"Okay." Ye Futian nodded, his mind moved, and an incarnation suddenly appeared. His deity left and went to the small world. This incarnation can spy on the outside world. If an accident occurs, he can know directly.


The war broke out in the seven realms and swept across the seven realms. Countless practitioners were involved in the battle of the seven realms, and no one can survive alone.

The army of the Demon Realm began a full-scale confrontation with the army of the Shenzhou, and the army of the Dark World and the Sky God Realm also broke out an all-out war with Buddhism.

On the mainland of the dark world, a monk stepped on the Hell Styx with his bare feet and walked forward step by step.

This dark world appears to be more peaceful at the moment. On the contrary, the Seven Realms are now transformed into hell.

The monk's precious appearance is solemn and sacred, with Buddha's light lingering on his body.

He walked on the Styx, step by step, he came to an island, which was extraordinarily quiet, as if incompetent with the world. The monk walked into the island with his bare feet, the light of the dark world. island.

There is no dispute, no hatred here.

Ye Futian had been here before, and the monk saw the saint on the island. She still quietly taught the children, as if the external disputes had nothing to do with her.

The children were a little curious when they saw a strange monk, and couldn't help but look at the monk. The monk looked at the woman quietly with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter with the master?" The woman finally couldn't help but looked at the monk and asked.

"The donor should know me." The monk put his hands together and bowed.

"The master is joking. I haven't seen it before, so how do I meet?" The woman responded calmly.

"Amitabha." The monk folded his hands together, UU reading said to the woman: "The donor wants a pure land with absolute light, but where there are people, there is destined to have disputes. Even the Buddhist sacred places cannot avoid disputes. How can there be absolute pure land."

"This is the Pure Land." The woman said.

"Why do the donors deceive themselves?" The monk said, waving his palm, and suddenly a picture appeared on the lake. These pictures are wars in all parts of the seven realms, and there are destructions everywhere. I don't know how many people died tragically.

"Destruction will only bring darkness, not light." The monk continued: "Is the situation in front of you really what the donor wants?"

"The master found the wrong person." The woman saw a wave of fluctuations in the calm eyes of those pictures.

"I can see the destiny of the donor." The monk suddenly said. The woman was taken aback and looked at the monk with some curiosity, and said, "Say."

"Death is salvation." The monk said.

"Redemption?" The woman looked at the monk and said: "I don't need redemption, the master should go elsewhere."

"Amitabha." The monk folded his hands together and bowed to the woman: "Even if you are the Lord of Darkness, you still have light in your heart. There is no absolute darkness or absolute light in this world, no matter how it is destroyed or reborn, The world is still that world, only order can change the world, not destruction and death."

The woman's pupils contracted, staring at the monk, and said: "Fate can really spy on the fate of the world?"

At this moment, her temperament suddenly became stalwart, containing an incomparably powerful majesty.

The monk in front of her is the Buddha of Destiny.

"The avenues are connected, and there is not much difference in the ways of the world." Buddha of Destiny said: "If your majesty wants to find someone who can lead your majesty into the darkness, the answer lies in the world."

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