MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2944 The final battle (2)

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Ye Futian's body was shaken back, and the horror fist was also shattered, the surrounding space crazily collapsed and shattered, and the terrifying space turbulence raged.

But neither Ye Futian nor Human Ancestor didn't care at all. With their current cultivation level, they were enough to travel in any space storm.

"The world's supernatural power?" Ye Futian looked at Ren Ancestor and said.

"Divine power is the rule and order, and now this seat represents the order of heaven, why care about divine power?" Renzu said, his voice oscillating between the vast world and earth, making the eardrums of many practitioners tremble.

He is the sky, representing the way of heaven, his random movement is order, and he himself is the embodiment of order.

Ye Futian agreed with the other party's words. After he created the world of heaven, his pupils transformed the sun and the moon, raising his hand was thunder, and they themselves were the embodiment of order, and their divine power was no longer important.

Ren Ancestor blasted out with a punch, like the power of a world smashed down, one can imagine how tyrannical it is.

A sacred halo enveloped Ye Futian's body. He was bathed in the halo, with visions of heaven and earth, surrounded by the sun, moon and stars, surrounded by countless streamers, like time and space changes, and the spear in his hand looked unreal, but he was vomiting. Unparalleled breath.

As soon as his mind moved, Ye Futian's body disappeared.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, his body was pierced into Ren Zu's huge body with a spear. Ren Zu's lofty body was pierced. Ye Futian went all the way in, only to find that he had entered a icy world. , Can make the space solidify, the human ancestor's physical body is a world, it seems that it doesn't make sense for him to enter it.


Ye Futian's body penetrated from the other side, and the broken body of the ancestor was instantly repaired, and it was intact as before, with no injuries at all. Ye Futian's attack seemed to be futile and meaningless.

"I turned into a **** of immortality, who could kill me?" The ancestor's voice was extremely overbearing. He was the sky and the way. With a mortal body, he eventually became an immortal god, supreme.

Now, he is immortal, and no one in the world can kill him.

"No one is immortal." Ye Futian responded that gods are also humans. Since they are humans, there is no absolute immortality.

His body once again disappeared in place. In a place where Human Ancestor's huge body was shot, a terrifying spear shot out, and a hole appeared in Human Ancestor's body. However, the divine light of space shot out from the hole, trying to imprison him in it.

But Ye Futian's body disappeared instantly and appeared in another place.

He turned into rays of light and shadows, and horrific attacks hit the body of the ancestor again and again, and saw that the body of the ancestor, like a star, continued to shatter and collapse, bursting everywhere, but as the other party said, he is immortal. His body, even this is not his body at all, it is just an incarnation, the heavenly light of the human world still spills on his body, and countless ruining tribulations descended from his broken body, shrouded in the boundless void, there is chaos reality Thunder, there is a catastrophe of destruction, there is a broken sword.

Ye Futian saw this scene where his body was suspended in the air, his pupils swept into the boundless space, and in an instant, everything he could see was shrouded in a field, and the attacks on all sides suddenly changed. Got slowly, then stopped.

Ren Zu looked at Ye Futian, and when he touched Ye Futian's eyes, his gaze also froze and seemed to be still there. Ye Futian's eyes can no longer be called eyes, they represent a piece of time and space.

Just as the human ancestors said, they created the world and transformed into the Tao of Heaven, and they have broken away from the realm of flesh and blood, and every part of their body is Tao.

Ye Futian looked at the still ancestor, his pupils turned into a path, and it was extremely terrifying. He looked at the chaotic real thunder, the catastrophe of destruction, the broken sword, everything was annihilated and broken, turned into nothingness, and was directly destroyed.

Ye Futian has always been pursuing the ultimate in spiritual practice. What is the ultimate?

How can we achieve the ultimate.

He has not been able to understand it, but he has taken at least a few steps on this road over the years. After his heavenly realm is perfected, he can create the space-time God Realm. In this space-time God Realm, the speed of time and space can be changed to the extreme. , Can slow down the space-time velocity by eighty-one times, and the difference of eighty-one times is close to prohibition.

Just this is not enough. Father East Phoenix cultivated the divine power of Apocalypse. The ultimate of Apocalypse is nothingness. He believes that nothingness is one of the end points of cultivation.

The ultimate of Buddhism is emptiness, everything is emptiness, whether emptiness and nothingness are similar.

In this way, Ye Futian realized the supreme way of destruction, the evolution of the way of time and space.

Time and space collapse!

He glanced at it, all matter in this space and time would collapse and be destroyed into nothingness. The chaos and real thunder and the catastrophe of destruction were all shattered in this way. Ye Futian looked at the huge and terrifying body of the ancestor. The divine body is also collapsing and shattering, and all matter will be destroyed and turned into nothingness.

The long spear in Ye Futian's hand is vomiting supreme power. UU read, his figure flashed, and a shot assassinated, hitting the huge and huge body of the ancestor, and the entire time and space quickly shrank and collapsed. Like a terrifying black hole, everything will be destroyed and buried.

The boundless giant body of Human Ancestor quickly became smaller, collapsed and shattered in a very short instant, turned into nothingness, and was swallowed in by the black hole storm. This was also the evolution of the emptiness of marksmanship, and it was an invincible shot.

Soon, the towering body standing in the boundless void disappeared and destroyed, as if buried in this shot, but Ye Futian did not relax at all. He still stared at the front. This war will be a war that determines the lives of all. He always wanted to wait until he realized the ultimate truth of cultivation. If it weren't for the survival crisis of the Seven Realms, he would still not take the initiative to attack.

In the surrounding battlefield, many people looked at where the ancestors were.

Ren Zu's towering body was blasted to death, and Ye Futian was blasted to death. Many of the emperor's hearts were beating, which was extremely shocking.

Today, I am afraid that the Six Emperors are no longer Ye Futian's opponents, and as for those ordinary emperors, they will not be Ye Futian's enemy with a single shot.

Renzu, is he dead?

A great emperor's battlefield even stopped, staring at Ye Futian's battlefield, if the ancestor was killed, then this battle would mean the end.

But, would Renzu die so easily?

That is just the incarnation of human ancestors.

In the upper air of the human world, the atmosphere of terror circulated, the infinite divine light fell, and an incomparable celestial might permeated, making the hearts of the strong people beat, and there was nothing wrong with the ancestors. Ye Futian killed them, only the ancestors. An incarnation, his spokesperson in the human world.

The real human ancestor body has never appeared before!

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