MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2958 wake

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The powers of the heavens and world came and occupied the ruins of the city. For a time, the three forces formed a great momentum in this cosmic world.

This time is different from before. The world of heavens has descended on countless powerhouses, and even an army of great emperors, led by the existence of the king of gods, they are waiting to call the gods to come to this world, rule this world, and make it a part of the world of heavens.

After that, forces such as the Tianyu Shenting, Donghuang Emperor Palace and the strong men who descended from the heavens continued to friction, and many battles broke out. On the side of the heavens, Ji Wudao had no new moves, concentrated on practicing, and did not deal with the sky. The forces such as the court of the gods.

After that, the three forces erupted in a long-term confrontational battle. This storm continued to all sides, and the practitioners of the entire world gradually learned about this mighty war and the current situation of the great world.

Five years later, Qingzhou City.

Since the New Era, the martial arts style has flourished, and the strength of the practitioners in Qingzhou City has long been different from what it used to be, and they know more and more.

At this moment, the teenagers are chatting in Qingzhou Academy.

"Ding Chen, what do you want to practice in the future?" a teenager asked.

"Sword." When Ding Chen was about fifteen years old, his eyes were extremely firm, and his eyes looked beyond the sky: "I also want to be like the three sword gods, killing all foreigners with one sword. The land of Nine Provinces is forbidden by gods and demons. "

Not long ago, extraordinary powerhouses invaded Kyushu. People were beheaded before they even entered. Later, more powerhouses entered and wanted to invade Kyushu, and three sword gods appeared.

On that day, the sword spirit covered Kyushu and killed all the people who came here. Since then, there have been countless people seeking swords in the land of Kyushu, and they want to cultivate swordsmanship.

That day, the sky above Qingzhou City, also felt that incomparable sword aura.

"I heard that the three sword gods guarding the land of Kyushu have something to do with our Qingzhou city." A teenager said.

"I have also heard that, the old man said, his ancestors mentioned that in the past, Qingzhou City had walked out of extremely powerful characters."

"Who knows, it's something that happened more than two hundred years ago, maybe it's spread, or maybe it's the old generation of our Qingzhou city who brag about themselves, doesn't Mr. Hua like to talk big."

The young people chatted and talked about it. Two hundred years ago, it was very far away for them. In their small town, what top people can really be?

For them, the gods are out of reach.

"Although Mr. Hua likes to brag, it is true that Yushu is in the breeze. When she was young, she must be a beautiful man. Look at Senior Sister Nianyu, she seems to be eternally youthful. After a few years, she has not changed at all. She is still beautiful."

Qingzhou Academy and even Qingzhou City, I don't know how many people admire Hua Nianyu's face.

"Don't dream, a bunch of little **** kids." A young girl sniffed: "Ding Chen wants to be a sword repairman, what about you?"

"I want to go to the heavens and worship under the gate of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. If one day I can worship and practice under the world's first strongest person, then I will have no regrets in this life." A person said idiotically.

The teenagers around all made chuckles. That was the strongest man in the world, unparalleled in the world. According to legend, when the world of the gods invaded the heavens, Ji Wudao fought the kings of the gods with his own power, killing all the way back, and slaying several people. The great emperor crushed the **** king and blasted them back to the city of relics. With the help of the power of the **** lord's coming, they blocked Ji Wudao. Since then, they dare not take the initiative to invade the heavens.

This is the demeanor of the world's number one powerhouse, magnificent, unparalleled in the world, and number one in the world!

"Sir." At this time, someone shouted, and the teenagers immediately got up and looked in one direction, saluted Hua Fengliu slightly, and then nodded slightly, and then stepped away from there.

"When was the sir?"

"I don't know, it seems to be here for a while, as if listening to us talking." The teenagers showed a panic, they mentioned Senior Sister Nianyu just now.

Hua Fengliu was walking in the Qingzhou Academy, looking up at the sky, a faint sense of sadness emerged in his heart.

The world only knows who is the number one in the world. As for who created the world today, who knows, even if they know, who will remember?

Humans are always forgetful!


Next to the academy, two big trees are lush and lush.

The sound of the piano was curled, and when the song ended, Hua Jieyu looked at the swaying leaves and whispered, "It's been more than five years!"

"The outside world has changed a lot in the past five years. Ji Wudao, he has returned and occupied the heavens. If there is no more life, I am afraid that no one can stop him. The previous outsiders have also invaded vigorously. They come from the heavens. The world, invaded our world, set off a war, and even spread to the land of Kyushu. The third brother let Lihen Sword Master, Yaya, and Wuchen return to guard the homeland of Kyushu. The third brother did not want anyone to disturb us."

Hua Jieyu seemed to be talking to herself, but she believed that he could hear her. Over the past few years, she had been with him here and could feel him by her side.

A gust of wind blew, the leaves made a rustle, swaying non-stop, above the two big trees, the breath of life was particularly strong.

The wind blew on Hua Jieyu’s body, twitching her long hair, and saw a gleam of light in those eyes. Looking at the two trees, the breath of life became stronger again, and the leaves she felt The weather became more and more intense.

"You will definitely come back, I'll wait for you." Hua Jieyu felt the crystal teardrops in her beautiful eyes. She has been waiting for more than five years, and she will wait longer and keep waiting.

She shed tears not because she couldn't wait, but because she was afraid that her expectations would fail and she would not be able to wait.

Hua Jieyu looked down at the guqin, sat cross-legged on the ground, and the sound of the piano sounded again, the moving notes sadness in tranquility.

With the sound of the piano, the old tree swayed non-stop, the leaves fell, flying all over the sky, and fell on Hua Jieyu's side.

Behind Hua Jieyu, a ray of light fell on the old tree, where it gathered into an illusory figure. After this figure appeared, she did not disturb Hua Jieyu's playing, listening quietly, with eyes in her eyes. Endless tenderness.

Hua Jieyu seemed to perceive something, she turned her head and glanced, her fingers that played the guqin suddenly froze there, never falling again, tears flowed down in her beautiful eyes, she stood up, Shaking and shaking his hands, he wanted to touch the figure that appeared, but he didn't touch it. The figure seemed illusory and difficult to touch.

"Is it an illusion?" Hua Jieyu murmured. She was afraid of disappointment. With her cultivation as the realm, how could she fall into the illusion, but she was still afraid, perhaps because she missed it too much. The illusion.

"No." A voice came out. For Hua Jieyu, the voice was like a natural sound. Hua Jieyu trembled and said, "Why can't I touch you."

"Back then, I left a hint of meaning here, but now what I have formed is just an incarnation." Ye Futian explained. He stretched out his hand as if he wanted to caress Hua Jieyu's long hair, with a bright smile in his eyes.

Now that he is back, he will return after all.

"En." Hua Jieyu nodded his head, Ye Futian looked to his side, and saw that another tree also transformed into a phantom. It was Xia Qingyu. Tears also flowed down her beautiful eyes, looking at Ye. Futian, speechless for a while.

Although Hua Jieyu was crying, the smile in her beautiful eyes became more and more brilliant. With a move of her mind, the divine power of the colorless realm immediately enveloped the entire Qingzhou city. From then on, Qingzhou city will cut off all divine thoughts!

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