MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 1434 Successive breakthroughs

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The date of this sermon again did not begin immediately, but was set ten days later.

One reason is because there are a lot of martial arts in the Western Wilderness or the Southern Region, which is too far away. If you do n’t have the time of ten days, you ca n’t even reach here, and the other reason is that Yunchuan has not been with Yunqing for a long time. When the children meet, they naturally have thousands of words.

Yun Qing'er's cultivation is now a strength. He has surpassed Qinglian Sword Master and Arakawa Supreme, etc., and it is only a final step to break through to the realm of true god. During this time when Yunchuan went to the Umbra, he was in charge of the Shenhai avatar. It is also mainly Yunqing'er. Under Yunqinger's control, the monsters coming from the outside world towards the heavenly universe have never really invaded. Those monsters refined by the sea of ​​divine power are all clouded. Chuan's origin is absorbed, and it also provides an endless stream of soul values ​​for Yunchuan's golden scrolls.

If there is no co-ordination of Yun Qinger, Yunchuan's progress in this period will definitely slow down a lot, and it is precisely because of Yun Qinger, supplemented by the existence of Arakawa Supreme and Qinglian Sword Master. Together, we can stabilize the rear and keep the rear from having problems.

I met Yun Qinger again, and after a long absence, the two were naturally gentle.

After ten days, it was time to preach the altar. Between these ten days, all the martial arts who had received the news had come out, waiting on the many floating islands of the sacred heaven, with a dense look Can't see the end.

Being able to come here in these ten days, one by one, the strength is at least the existence of Yuantai, and only the strength has reached the state of Yuantai, and there is a trek to come with strength, of course, this is also a screening Conditions, martial arts in Yuantai's realm have begun to touch the threshold of touching the power of Taoism. It is of great benefit to listen to the sermon. If the strength has not yet reached Yuantai's realm, it will naturally not be possible for Yun Chuan's sermon is comprehended.

Yunchuan appeared above the sacred city of the barren sky, and his body became extremely tall at this moment, just like a god-like man standing on his knees, looking around, as he looked around, there were many martial arts openings in all directions. The buzz of the time all subsided, and the crows and birds were silent, one by one looking towards Yunchuan with fanatical colors in their eyes.

After the noisy surrounding sounds had completely subsided, Yunchuan began to speak. However, although he said he was speaking, there was no sound coming out. Instead, he traced a line in the void, and the **** pattern brand.

Many martial arts in all directions showed an infatuated look on each face, and all their minds were immersed in it.

Yunchuan's preaching this time was not ordinary preaching. When he opened his mouth, he explained the sounds of heaven and earth. From shallow to deep, all the mysteries are included in it. Compared with the spread of sound, The influence of the doctrine is more in line with these martial arts insights.

Not long after he gave the lecture, Wu Xiu was already immersed in the atmosphere of realizing Taoism. On the first day, those Wu Xiu of the Yuantai Realm surged up and down from week to week, from many directions within reach. There is a lot of understanding in the **** pattern, and he touched the threshold of the state of His Holiness.

The martial arts practice of Yuantaijing was the lowest among the many martial arts to listen to the sermon this time, but correspondingly, the promotion was also the largest.

The existence of these meta-places, although it cannot be said to have much effect in high-level battles, is the largest number. Without so many meta-places of martial arts, they are distributed in all directions in the heavenly world. Those low-level monsters will also make Tianxuan world a mess.

Yunchuan's preaching this time can be said to be unreserved. All of them, from the realm of Yuantai to the realm of God, are manifested in all directions of the Taoist gods, not only most of them. The martial arts of the realm, even the semi-god peaks such as Arakawa Supreme, can only be promoted to the existence of the real divine realm, which also benefits a lot, and the faces have a great understanding.

Arakawa Supreme and others in Yunchuan's first enlightenment, because they are closest to Yunchuan, they also get the most benefits. One by one, they have found their own foundation for Tao, and when Yunchuan preached, part of it was also Coming to the point where they were confused.


Suddenly, there were strange waves in the distance. Not far from Yunchuan, Yun Qing'er's surroundings were filled with the words of God. Suddenly, he exuded an extremely arrogant breath, and the breath continued to grow. In a whole new situation.

She is like a goddess who walked down from the nine days and the moon, and her **** is lingering like a river, which makes her beautiful and unbelievable.

If her eyes were cut with water, she looked towards Yunchuan with a smile, her eyes cut with endless tenderness, and her love spread.

Yun Chuan smiled, and there was an irrepressible joy on his face. Amazingly, in this period of time, Yun Qinger had made a breakthrough in the first step, taking the most difficult step and achieving the real state of God.

The eyes of the two looked at each other, everything was in silence, Yunchuan was still preaching, the lotus bloomed, and the endless Tao spread the divine pattern, which filled the entire heavenly sacred religion in the sacred light .

Time passed another day, and Arakawa Supreme began to have endless Taoism shrouded in it, the breath continued to rise, although the Taoism **** pattern was not as good as the Taoism **** pattern displayed under Yunchuan preaching. , But it can also occupy a space.

There is another extremely sharp blue sword-mang lighted up, and there are also countless roads where the **** pattern spreads, forming a skyward sword. After half a column of incense after the **** Arakawa, the same is true of Qinglian sword It is the last step to become the true **** of Qinglian.


At this moment, the Kui Niu God ’s shrunken **** body suddenly appeared from the small world of Yunchuan. Then, it turned into the most quintessential elemental force and landed down like a heavy rain.

The enchantment contained in the original deity of Kui Niu God has been removed by Yunchuan for a long time, and the pouring rain transformed into the deity is the most exquisite divine power in the existence of God.

The true gods of Arakawa, the true **** of Qinglian, and Yunqinger successively broke into the real **** realm. From the semi-god realm to the real divine realm, they themselves need an immense and magnificent divine power to provide advancement. If this is the breakthrough stage Not enough elemental power has been absorbed in time, and it takes a long time to consolidate.