MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 1450 Mid-office

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The Master of Forgetfulness waved his hands and gathered up all the remaining black magic qi in all directions.

This mirror image, which is very similar to the Lord of Demon Emperor, has been discovered by Yunchuan in the Shenhai avatar and its confrontation. If it is only the magic gas mirror image formed by the magic path rules on the stunned star, it will never be possible for them The trio chased for so long that no clue was found.

The Lord of the Other Shore heard the words of the Lord of Forgotten Rivers, and also gathered up a part of the surrounding magical energy, and said a moment later: "It is indeed the case, it seems that the Lord Yi Yi this time has the blood, this The self-detonation of an incarnation, even if it is on the whole stunned disaster star, can be regarded as a considerable amount of consumption, and this kind of deliberate calculation can only count me waiting once, there is no second possibility at all. . "

Obviously, this time when he was calculated by the master, he was almost hit, which made the master of the other side more vigilant.

"I thought of a way to make this stunned cataclysm pull into the world from the previous overlapping voids. If I wait for the existence of a demon master again, with its self-destructive power, it contains Then the magic air path can break the rules of magic road on the stunned star. "

The Lord on the other side looked up and saw the star that had become extremely huge in the void at this moment, and spoke again.

"It is indeed the case. The power of the monsters born on these scourges can naturally restrain them. At that time, if there is a chance, they can catch the two latest awakened demons, the easy-to-displace master and the dead-devil master. Staying, letting a part of the magic path contained in its **** body completely collapse, can make the fascinating disaster star is no longer hidden in the layered void in the previous state, but completely exposed. "

Yunchuan heard the words of the Lord of the Other Shore, shook his head, and slowly said, "However, judging by the deceitfulness of these monsters, it can be said to be difficult, unless it is the case now , Otherwise it would be difficult to catch the other side alive. "

The Lord of the Other Shore's face turned red, and the strength of the Lord of the Dead, she and the Master of the Forgotten River could work together to suppress it completely, but the strength of the Evil Lord was judged from the previous breath induction, at least also It should be the late existence of God ’s realm. Even if her strength is different, but it is similar, fighting with such existence can make her defeat, but if she catches it, she will join forces with the Lord of Forgetfulness. There is not much confidence.

\ "It seems that the current master of Yi Yi Mo has already fled above the confusing stars. \"

Suddenly the look of the Lord of the other side changed, hurriedly said: \ "No, the Lord of the Heavenly Ghosts just heard the sound, the two main demons of the Demon Lord and the God Lord Kalele have already appeared in the Umbra, this is their attack on the west, I waited to be fooled! \ "

I saw that in front of the Lord on the other side, the figure of the Lord of the Ghosts had been transformed through jade simplification, and hurried to speak. Behind the Lord of the Ghosts, the sky of the Umbra could not see the original color, and replaced it with It was dark, and there were endless monsters spreading in it, raging towards the underworld and attacking.

And above the distant sky, the huge black faces of the two people, the Lord of the Dead and the God of God, were looming from the distant sky, with a smirk on their faces.

The two monsters that did not appear before are now appearing in the Umbra, and they are encircling the Umbrella in an endless way.

This situation immediately changed Yunchuan's complexion. He had previously heard the words of the Yiyi Demon Lord and thought that the two would come to invade the Tianxuan world, but now it seems that in Tian The mysterious world is just a cover here, and the invasion of the Umbra is true.

The Lord Lord Kalele previously swallowed the existence of the Lords of several other parties in one fell swoop. After the restoration of strength, according to the estimates of the former Lord Wangchuan, at least it should be the peak of the Lord's realm, even more than the Lord Wangchuan. In this case, with the Lord of the Dead, it is absolutely impossible to resist the siege of these two Lords by relying on the Lord of the Heavens alone.

Coupled with the previous disappearance of the Lord of Demon Emperor, he simply delayed the people of the Lord of Forgetfulness with a mirror image, and even Yunchuan now suspects that it is very likely that the Emperor of Demon Emperor has not escaped back to the stunned star. Instead, he went to the Umbra, preparing to attack the Lord of the Sky Ghosts who remained in the Umare.

The siege of Kalyle and the Lord of the Dead is enough to make the Lord of the Ghosts care for themselves. Once the change of the Lord of the Demon is added, the Lord of the Ghosts will not be a problem of self-care. Fell under the siege.

And the entire Umbra will also fall directly.

"Yunchuan, I'll wait one step ahead to assist the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, and you will heal in the heavenly world."

The Lord of Forgetfulness looked at Yunchuan's raging, unrecovered sea of ​​divine power, and he expressed concern on his face and said.

"Okay, the two older sisters hurried forward, and when my Shenhai avatar recovered, they went to meet as soon as possible!"

Yunchuan had no trace of muddy water and nodded in agreement, the Lord of Forgetting River and the Lord of the Other Shore were so anxious at this moment that they turned into streamers one by one, heading towards the nether world.

Yunchuan's current sea of ​​divine power is now being restored, and before it is restored, it will not be able to intervene again in the battle of God's homeland, otherwise his Shenhai avatar will be destroyed.

"With the return of the Lord of the Forgotten River and the Lord of the Other Shore, I believe that the crisis in the Umbra can be solved easily, and I hope that it will be too late."

Yunchuan murmured, and then, the sea of ​​divine power turned into a verdant green vine, entered his small world, and set off to return to the heavenly world.

Among the source roads, the Void Road turns into a chain, breaking through the overlapping voids.

Time passes like a wave of water, and the three mirrors that previously pursued the Lord of the Demon Lord have gone to an unusual void, and they are like a distorted space-time channel under the change of various Tao forces.

Suddenly, Yunchuan frowned. In this void, he had been traveling for half a column of incense, but he had never escaped from this overlapping void. The void in all directions was still one when he looked at it. Such a distorted appearance, the distant heaven and earth world is also hazy and unreal.

"what happened?"

Yunchuan stretched out his hand, and the power of the void circulated in the palm of his hand. The next moment he opened the void in front of him.