MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 1465 Yunkawa, God Lord!

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In this regard, the Lord of the Other Shore is the existence of God's territory, and it is natural to see it clearly, but also to know how terrible the appearance of this situation is.

The principle of God ’s realm is the foundation of a **** ’s existence and the existence of these demons is analyzed, which means that the power of all the doctrines exists in this demon ’s realm. They have to become untied, and the strength of 10% cannot reach 60% to 70%. Even the defects and deficiencies in these magic air passages will be noticed by Yunchuan Cave.

If Yunchuan's cultivation is strength and he is still in the real state of God, even if he knows the flaws and loopholes of these magic air passages, it will not cause too much damage to the existence of such real gods as the Demon Lord. Now, it is clear that Yunchuan is going to use the trauma to resolve the opportunities in this period of time, in order to make his true body truly break through to the realm of God.

Previously, his vine vine clone, although said to have the power of God's homeland, was more a kind of divine power. This kind of divine power also caused some distress to the existence of God's homeland at most, but it did not There was no real capital for a single hit, so Yunchuan at that time could at best be called a half-god.

But now, after Yunchuan ’s real body reaches the realm of the Lord, not only is the previous divine power raging, but his real body is under the blessing of Yuan Shidao, and it also has extremely terrifying power, plus From this injury at present, Yunchuan's origins have already controlled the doctrines of these monsters. Even if the Yichang Lord is the late existence of the Lord's realm, Yunchuan also threatened in the face of it. The ability of the other side.

What made the master of the other side think deeper was that she knew that each of these monsters born from the fascinating star disaster, the power of the Tao mastered by each monster was derived from the fundamental magic Tao The Tao that comes out can be said to be like a mother Tao, and the Tao mastered by Yi Yi Mo Zhu and others is one of them. If Yunchuan can put all the children on it, then If all were under control, then this magic road that has troubled them for a long time, I am afraid that they will not be as helpless as they are now.

"However, according to my previous understanding of these magic air passages, between each of the magic air passages, even the other Taoism can be assimilated into the magic air passages. Between the two, I do n’t know what Yunchuan ’s Yuan Shi Dao is even better, or this magic road rule is more terrifying! "


At this moment, the situation in the entire Tianxuan world was changing, and the horror sound like thunder was rumbling at this moment. Then, the real body of Yunchuan has now reached the peak of the real state of God, only If you miss the last step, you will be truly promoted to God's realm.

In this period of time, among the Shenhai avatars in Yunchuan, most of the previous road injuries have disappeared without a trace, leaving only the last part of the road injuries, which is also the most rooted and stubborn part. Road injury.

All the powers of the origin and the Tao, at this moment, rushed out from the huge sea of ​​God, and poured into this last part of the road injury, and this last part of the road injury must be completely expelled.


In this dark road injury, there are countless magic entanglements and cohesion suddenly. The divine power and imprints of those road injuries are suddenly branded and condensed, and they are combined and superimposed to form the body of the easy-to-demon master. The shape, like the black stone man's body, surging with surging magic, and his face is filled with deep anger.

Immediately after that, in the last road injury, the body of the Lord Lord Caleb, and the face of the Lord of the Dead, all appeared at this moment.

Tao injury is an alternative manifestation of the three Taoist gods. Now the three of them, although most of them have been broken by Yunchuan, are the most fundamental Taoist gods in this part. However, there are still a part of these three demon's soul marks. At the moment when the most fundamental Tao injury was broken, it was felt by the existence of these three demon's realms. Pattern, showing his avatar.

"Yunchuan, you are so brave!"

At the moment of the appearance of these three demons, the anger was revealed on their faces, and then the atmosphere around them began to become extremely unstable.

"Yi Yi Mo Zhu, you want to do the trick again, and asked me if I'd wait!"

Seeing this situation, suddenly not far away, the prepared Lord of Forgetting and others snorted loudly, one after another, the power of the body swelled and rumbled, and the sea-strength of the sea toward the gods The avatar's avatar dumped away.

At the moment when the avatars of the Easy Demon Lord appeared, they wanted to explode. If the Taos of the three demon lords existed, the avatars completely detonated. Yunchuan's situation and status of the main promotion of God, It will definitely be broken, and Yunchuan's promotion momentum will fall short.

Once this situation occurs, Yunchuan will definitely fall from the abyss again from heaven. In that case, the road injuries left by the existence of the three demon masters such as Yiyi Demon Lord will also become extremely solid, and nevertheless Unable to shake.

However, the former Lord of the Forgotten Rivers had already known about this situation. The emergence of this situation is also strictly guarded against death. Almost here, the demons of the easy-evil masters have just been separated. The moment it appeared, it was fully prepared.

The power of the three gods that exist in the main sea suddenly flooded into the sea of ​​Yunchuan, and the seawater in the sea of ​​Yunchuan suddenly surged. At this moment, the kung fu has been fully integrated with it. On the huge ocean of divine power, it also swept through a huge wave, roaring, and at a very fast speed, rolled towards the incarnations of the people of Yiyi Mozhu.

The existence of the God's realm is the spontaneous detonation of the avatar. The power is certainly amazing. Even the existence of the real lord of the realm can block for a period of time, like the blast of the two avatars of the master of the Forgotten River and the master of the sky ghost He stiffly resisted the existence of the three demon masters, such as Yi Yi Mo Zhu, for a while, and directly rewritten the previous war situation.

But that was achieved only in Yunchuan's unexpected situation, and now, the Taoist tribe, the demon master, and the Kali Lie are separated, but they appear in Yunchuan's full control. Within the Shenhai avatar.

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