MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 1508 World War I

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boom! boom! boom!

Successive attacks have caused Yunchuan ’s Shenhai divine avatar to continue to decay and die. Facing this situation, even Yunchuan has an extremely huge divine avatar, but it can only persist for a while. If it continues, absolutely It will be difficult to avoid the final death.

However, at this moment, the attack by the dark will on the stunned star is already its full strength, bringing together the dark forces in the entire universe, other worlds, and magic The nest, the magical energy has completely disappeared, and they are all absorbed into the stunned disaster star.

It is not only the thoughts of Yunchuan and others, but also the thoughts of the will of disasters. The power of both has been devoted to the disaster of stars, making this star of disasters the ultimate. battlefield.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

With the continuous transmission of a series of attacks, Yunchuan's Shenhai Divine Power avatar has already died for most of the time. When this Shenhai Divine Power avatar completely disappears, all the martial arts on the stunned disaster star are destroyed. No one will survive.

"Sacred Demon avatar, since I came here, how could I have thought of this for you!"

Yunchuan's blood and blood trembled, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. However, his eyes became brighter and clearer, and the power of the origins came out at this moment, all transformed into a force of time and space turbulence. Behind Yunchuan, a looming, seemingly imaginary passage appeared behind Yunchuan.

"Everyone, help me with your own blood!"

Yunchuan uttered a rumbling sound, spreading in all directions, and passed into the ears of the martial arts of the world who were trying to kill the monsters behind him.

After hearing Yunchuan's words, everyone didn't hesitate. Instead, they directly cut their wrists, and a stream of blood flowed out, all flowing into the looming behind Yunchuan, exuding a thick time. Among the passages.

With the influx of all this blood, the original faint channel of time suddenly suddenly became extremely solidified, and then, in this channel with time and void alternately, every figure began to appear looming.


Immediately afterwards, not far from Yunchuan, the phantom of the Umbrella Wheel gradually changed from nothing to reality, and began to roar. As the Umbrella Wheel turned, a force of reincarnation also poured into it. Among the figures at the end of the passage.

"Please seniors!"

Yunchuan yelled, and a blood spurted from his mouth, which was also integrated into the channel, so that those illusory figures became completely solidified.

Those are the figures that exude the weather, and they are no different from those of the Demon Realm who has stepped out of the darkness, even before. Headed by it, it is a huge giant hidden in the mist. On top of the monster, there was a figure floating in the air.

The two headed by Yunchuan knew that before that long time ago, that was almost the same as the creator of darkness, and after that, the figure exuding the horror was the same as Yunchuan in the long ago. Before time, on the day I saw the mysterious world, there were other top and most outstanding beings in the world fighting against the dark will.

"Who is calling us through the future, I feel that there are future times calling us to fight and fight ..."

Behind Yunchuan, in the channel formed by the twisted time, a personal figure looked up at the sky and said, "Yes, we have left the imprint of the **** pattern. If we have resisted this dark catastrophe, we can survive it. If we live, our future generations will resonate with us and so on, so that we can carry out this battle that spans time and space! "

The voice was low and there was a sense of unreality, but as its words came out, the worlds of the past Xuanxuan, the most top beings in other worlds, leapt out and greeted the emergence of the magic pit. The Dark Legion greeted the existence of that demon's realm!

"Damn, **** it! It's impossible, why have you left behind, a group of bones that have been decayed for countless years, still dead and not stiff!"

The moment these great shore figures emerged from the twisted channel stretched out by Yunchuan, the dark will of the stunned star was suddenly furious, and an incredible sound was revealed in the voice.

"There is nothing impossible. The predecessors and sages of a long time ago have already expected this situation today, and the various ways they have inherited are the gods, and they have already expected this situation today. For you In terms of them, they have indeed fallen for countless years, but for them, this is their stride across the past and the present, and from the past to the future! "

Yunchuan's voice Ruohong Zhongda Lu, rumbling openly, this scene right now is one of his biggest backhands.

Previously, the creators of darkness had wanted to borrow their own power in the past, but they were directly interrupted by Yunchuan, but they gave many inspirations to Yunchuan, and they were also incorporated into Yuanyuan Tao by Yunchuan.

But now, the twisted time channel summoned by Yunchuan is a fusion of the blood, time, and power of the heirs left by the predecessors of the major worlds. The power of reincarnation has formed such a special void. In this passage, as Yunchuan said to the Holy Demon avatar, these ancestors are no longer in their memory. Being dead and withering.

After Yunchuan's transformation, the space-time nodes of the two have already been transformed. They have been transferred from Yunchuan to the ancestors of the predecessors. If the predecessors of such a long time ago are powerful, they will just stay in Yunchuan's mind If a piece of memory in the middle of it is manifested by Yunchuan, it will not have much power.

However, after the transformation of this space-time node, the light node was transferred to these gods who lived a long time ago. It is these gods' realm that existed before they died. The time they watched and the future scenes they saw were Under the circumstances of life, one shot across the future, one life and death, one is a scene in memory, and the other is a shot across the future. The transition of time between the two is the power of these predecessors Yes, there is such a big difference.