MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 6 Big Chiba palm, perfection!

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Yun San's eyes widened suddenly, and the Chiba Palm's martial arts of lower grades is the beginning if he can cultivate ten palm images, and Yunchuan can already shoot hundreds of palm images now, there is no doubt Of the micro-realm.

The three clouds felt like they were hit by thousands of strong horses at the same time. The crackling of the bones came clearly. The whole arm was dripping with blood and pulled weakly. The bones were exposed. .

One of the reasons for this situation is that Yunchuan's timing of the shot was extremely accurate. He was aggressive and then declined, and then exhausted. Yunchuan's shot was precisely the third attack of Yunsan. The old When the power is exhausted, the new power is not born.

In addition, Yun San didn't expect it at all. Yunchuan actually had two martial arts practices in the realm of micro-awareness. Some caught off guard. For a boy with the same bloodline and a poor martial arts qualification, this is simply a Incredible things.

Yun San's hair was gray, his buns exploded, his hair was flared, and his steps kicked back to remove Yunchuan's strength. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in his back and directly hit a group of several people who were hugging wide. On the big tree, the huge force of the shock caused him to spit blood on the spot,

"Yun San, who should kneel to death now!"

The young man shouted, the white clothes fluttered, followed closely, and slammed into the palm again. The old tree behind Yun San exploded and turned into wood chips. The old man fell a few meters away like a disconnected kite, and the corners of his mouth kept overflowing. Blood, mixed with visceral fragments.

Yun San grinned, gray hair scattered, and the master's momentum in the middle of the quenched body was no longer, like a dying and dying, with continuous coughing blood in his mouth, saying: "Yunchuan, I still missed you and you actually hide It ’s so deep that you can perceive the two martial arts to the micro level in the early stages of the hardening. If you do not die, you will surely become a master ’s confidant in the future, but you are wrong to expose it too early and anger Yun Chengshao. Lord, you cannot live! "

Yunchuan shook his head and chuckled, showing pity in his eyes: "Yun San, you are loyal, but now that you are dead, why not hold on for a while, maybe it won't be long before your master comes down to accompany you."

Yun San's pale face suddenly flushed with a flush, and he no longer cared about Yun Chuan. He turned his whole shirt on, bowed in the direction of Yun Cheng Mansion, scratched his head, and said tragically, "Young master, old slave is incompetent and can't share your concerns. ! "

"It's a loyal slave, but unfortunately it's loyal."

There was a sigh of emotion in the young man's eyes. The breath on Yun San's body had dissipated. Without any breath, he had been shattered by Yun Chuan's internal organs. He just held his breath and returned to the light.

He was immersed in the golden scrolls, and looked at the original empty soul value, and the next moment his face showed joy.

"Yun San's death has contributed 300 soul points to me. I believe it can give Yun a big surprise, and it's worthy of being a loyal to Yun San."

Yunchuan's brows frowned slightly, and suddenly her eyes brightened, she murmured, "To achieve the perfection of Da Chiba Palm, you need two hundred soul points. The big Chiba Palm that is inferior to the yellow order, I have never heard of anyone practicing it. Perfection, I do n’t know how shocking it will be ... "

Seven days passed in a flash.

After using the soul value obtained by beheading Yunsan to raise Da Chiba Palm to perfection, Yunchuan's mind has a lot of insights about Da Chiba Palm. During these seven days, he has been converging through the previously obtained Comprehend, and strive to master the great Chiba of perfection.

"Counting time, the martial arts assessment in the family is about to begin."

Yunchuan looked at the sky, changed into a clean white coat, and headed for the military field of the Yun family.

The Yunjia martial arts ground covers a huge area, which is more than enough to accommodate thousands of people. It is not overcrowded at all. The Yunjia is one of the three great families in Luoyun City. Martial arts mind, ordinary martial arts are not qualified to come, but the other two families, the Gongsun family and the Zhao family, have elders from the clan leading the family children to watch.

When Yunchuan arrived, the empty martial arts field in the past was bustling today. At first glance, there were thousands of people. At another hour, the martial arts assessment would officially begin.

"Cousin Yunchuan, brother finally waits for you!"

Read The Duke's Passion