MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3330 Centaur

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Chapter 3330

Volume One, Chapter 294

Zhao Fu smiled slightly.

Xuewu said, "You are our not weak benefactor, and I will give you a good reward later."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The remuneration is unnecessary, I want to ask one thing."

Xuewu asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Fu asked, "When did your tribe get sick?"

Xuewu wanted to answer, "Twenty-five days ago!"

Zhao Fu nodded, and the time of onset decreased, indicating that Zhao Fu was getting closer and closer to the monster.

Zhao Fu looked at the four women with a smile, and said with a smile, "You follow me!"

The four girls nodded, they didn't dare to stay here, but Zhao Fu didn't take them away, but took them into the tent.

Their voices soon sounded in the tent.

Xuewu first rewarded those who had done the work this time to stabilize the situation. After everyone left, Xuewu looked at Xueli next to him, "Do you know who he is?"

Shirley blushed and shook her head, "I think he has a noble origin!"

Xuewu said, "I have this feeling too!"

Shirley said, "Will you let him leave like this? If he can stay in our tribe, it will be a lot of benefits to our tribe!"

Xuewu said, "I feel that we can't keep him,"

Shirley said, "Then try it too!"

Xuewu nodded.

The two also walked into the tent and looked at Xueling as Zhao Fu. The women saw Xuewu coming in and became a little nervous.

Xuewu pushed Xueling away.

A few hours later, Xue Wu leaned in Zhao Fu's arms and said, "I want you to stay in our tribe!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "No, I will continue to look for that monster. I will not take away the four of them. You will treat them better in the future."

Xuewu snorted, "You have all the benefits!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I also gave you a strength, which will be of great help to you."

An all-directional watermark immediately appeared on Xuewu's chest, and a powerful and pure force spread.

Shirley was surprised, "What kind of power is this?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "This is the power of the legendary Bafang Water World!"

Hearing this, the women all looked shocked, and did not expect to see this legendary power with their own eyes.

Xuewu also smiled satisfied.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Now there are no other requirements, right?"

Xuewu smiled and nodded.

Zhao Fu said, "Then I'm leaving!"

Shirley looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Will you come back after you leave?"

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "Maybe not, but you can go to the Water Purification Sect if you have something to do, where am I the Young Sect Master."

Shirley smiled and said, "Well, we know."

Zhao Fu left the tribe, looked at the water waiting outside, smiled and said, "Let's go!"

Sui asked, "How is it?"

Zhao Fu replied, "The time of onset here was twenty-five days ago. We are getting closer and closer to the monster, and we should find it soon."

Shui was also a little worried.

The two continued to search, and they met a group of people, also from the Seabass tribe, with a total of more than a dozen people. The leader was a handsome and sunny man. When they saw Zhao Fu and two outsiders, they immediately became alert.

Zhao Fu took out the jade card and smiled, "I'm not a bad person, I just came over to ask you have heard of strange things happening there? Or are the people there sick?"

When everyone saw Zhao Fu's token, their attitude changed a little. The handsome man said, "It seems that some people in our city are sick, but I don't know if it is the strange disease you mentioned."

Zhao Fu said in surprise, "Which city is there?"

The handsome man said, "It's called Xueshi City in the north. It is a gathering place for the various tribes of our Xueyu tribe."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You are also back to Xueshicheng? Why don't we go together."

The handsome man said, "No problem!"

A charming woman's voice sounded from the carriage, "Jun'er! Don't be with outsiders."

Hearing this, the handsome man looked at Zhao Fu and said, "I'm sorry, my mother said that I can't be with outsiders."

Zhao Fu said with an embarrassed face, "It's okay, then we go by ourselves."

Looking at the handsome young man with watery eyes, he said coldly, "Isn't it good for them to control them directly and let them take us to Xueshi City? Don't waste time looking for a city."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became vigilant.

The handsome man also looked at Zhao Fu and was ready to take action at any time.

A very enchanting beautiful woman wearing a purple dress with her hair curled up came out of it, looking at her eyes with a cold snort, "What a temper, I warn you that we belong to Xueshicheng Xuehu's family. people."

Shui also looked at the beautiful woman coldly, "But so, I'm still a disciple of the Purification Sect."

Hearing the name of the Water Purification Sect, everyone's complexion changed. As such a large sect, and the distance is not very far, they have all heard of it.

The enchanting beautiful woman named Xue Yao looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Who are you again?"

Shui said, "He is the young master of the Water Purification Sect."

Hearing that, everyone looked at Zhao Fu even more surprised, and didn't expect Zhao Fu to come so noble.

Xue Yao thought for a while and said with a smile, "I was a little offended just now, please forgive me, you come up and go to Xueshi City with us."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

The handsome man also breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that with Zhao Fu's strength, there was no difficulty in solving them.

Zhao Fu and Shui came to the carriage. UU reading

Xue Yao looked at Zhao Fu with beautiful eyes, with a feminine smile, while approaching Zhao Fu, he said, "I wonder what is the matter with the young master coming to us? Our family will definitely try to help you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I am looking for a monster!"

The Snow Demon was already leaning on Zhao Fu, reaching out his hand to tempt him, "What monster?"

Zhao Fu hugged the Snow Demon, "It's not important!"

Xue Yaojiao laughed, and took the initiative to serve Zhao Fu.

More than two hours later, a team of people came to a city, which was built with huge ice blocks and looked very spectacular.

The handsome man said, "We have arrived in Xueshi City!"

Xue Yao looked at Zhao Fu on him and signaled Zhao Fu to end soon.

The carriage continued to walk and came to the gate of a big mansion. The handsome man said, "Mother, we are home!"

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Xue Yao quickly cleaned up, and walked out ruddy, Zhao Fu and Shuihe also walked out.

Xue Yao said with a charming smile, "You will stay at our house first, and you will be inquiring about the news later. Of course, it will be easier for our house to collect news. Just say what you need."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, "Trouble!"

A group of people walked in, and a mature and gentle woman looked at the Xue Yao frowning, and beside her, there was a graceful and mature woman in a blue dress.

Wen Wanmei's name is Xue Li, the eldest wife of Xue Hu, and that steady woman is Xue Li's daughter, named Xue Luo, who is also the eldest lady of Xue Hu's family.

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