MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3381 System 1

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   Volume One, Chapter 345

   Zhao Fu chuckled, "I can agree to all of these. I don't want to care about your territory. You are still the king of the territory, and everything can remain unchanged."

   King Haiwu looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, "I don't know what you think!"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "No idea, as long as you surrender to me, by the way, have you heard about the Bafang Water World?"

   King Haiwu thought for a while and said, "No!"

  Zhao Fu said without accident in his heart, "Hmm!"

   King Haiwu looked at Zhao Fu, "Are you coming to the land of the sea monster to find the water world in all directions?"

   Zhao Fu nodded.

   King Haiwu said, "That thing is useless if you get it, even if it is powerful, what do you want it to do?"

   Zhao Fu sat on the throne and smiled slightly. Eleven water worlds appeared around him, emitting countless blue rays, and an aura of supreme aquatic spirit spread.

   King Haiwu and Haiyi were stunned, as if seeing the gods, there was a feeling of wanting to bow down and surrender in their hearts, and their minds went blank.

  Zhao Fu watched the two standing still, smiling and retracting the Bafang Water World.

   King Haiwu came back to their senses, looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, and said in shock, "Why do you have so many water worlds in all directions?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Come here and I will tell you!"

   King Haiwu gave Zhao Fu a blank look, "Don't you think I don't know what you want to do? I heard that you have taken all the women from other territories."

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Then would you like it?"

   King Haiwu snorted, anyway, I won't go there.

   Zhao Fu walked down with a smile, and reached out to hug King Haiwu and Haiyi into his arms.

   A few hours later, Zhao Fu sat on the throne, with King Haiwu and Haiyi sitting on either side. A smile appeared on King Haiwu's face, "Thank you!"

   King Haiwu felt the power of the water world left by Zhao Fu in her body, which was of great help to her.

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You're welcome!"

   King Haiwu smiled and said, "Now it seems that I surrender to you, it is a very wise choice."

   Zhao Fu smiled lightly, "I am worried that this is a trap, so the body has not come yet."

   King Haiwu said angrily, "Are you a clone now?"

   Zhao Fu nodded.

   Haiwu King snorted coldly, "You go now, and the main body comes over, I don't want to be with a clone."

   Zhao Fu helplessly said, "What's the difference? Isn't it all me?"

   Haiwu King said, "I just mind, if I know you are a clone, I won't give it to you."

   Zhao Fu said, "Okay! My body will come over immediately."

   After talking about Zhao Fu's clone disappeared, the body came into the palace.

   King Haiwu looked at Zhao Fu, still a little angry, Zhao Fu smiled and said, "What do you think of my body coming?"

   King Haiwu did not speak.

   Zhao Fu stepped forward to comfort.

   Finally, Zhao Fu returned to the inn, Hailiu looked at Zhao Fu with a smile and said, "The Xianggong resolved it so soon?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "This matter is more troublesome than I thought. It took so much time, so how fast?"

   Hailiu stepped forward, "Congratulations to Xianggong for becoming the strongest king in the land of the sea monster!"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You are the princess!"

Hai Wei next to    snorted softly.

   Zhao Fu also hugged Hai Wei and said with a smile, "You too!"

   Hailiu stood a little enviously, and wanted to fall into Zhao Fu's arms, but his man was watching, and her two daughters also looked enviously.

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I will take you to the palace!"

   Everyone smiled and nodded.

   In the palace hall, the King of Sea Fish looked at Zhao Fu and said, "You accepted the last King of Sea Fighter? Why haven't I heard the news yet?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I'll announce it later!"

   Sea Fish King said oh.

  Zhao Fu said, "You also help me with a message. From now on, the six territories of the Sea-Monster will be merged into one, and everyone else will be called. From now on, everyone will meet first as a family!"

   Sea Fish King smiled and nodded, "I'll do it right away!"

   The news spread, and it caused a huge sensation. Countless people were discussing enthusiastically, and they speculated about who has the ability to unify the six territories. This is a good thing for everyone, and there is no need to worry about the territorial conquest.

   Sea Fish King, Sea King, Sea Martial King The original three kings remained unchanged, while Hai Junru and Hai Ling became the new kings, and Zhao Fu, the territory of Sea Stone King, gave Hai Lip.

  The kings of the six territories all become women.

   The main hall is also in chaos now, with all the girls in it, Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You are all collecting news about the water world in all directions, how can you gain something?"

   Sea King blushed and said shyly, "Can you wait and ask!"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Okay!"

   One day later, Zhao Fu was sitting on the throne. There were women lying all around, blushing and contented. Zhao Fu embraced the sea king and said, "Now can you say it?"

   Sea King apologized, "I have sent people to collect it, but I still haven't collected it. I'm sorry."

   Sea Fish King said, "I haven't collected it either, there should be none here."

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Then I will leave the place where I need to go and look for it elsewhere."

   Sea King blushed, "Can you take me with you?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You are all here, I don't want to take other people away."

   Hailiu looked at Zhao Fu, and asked softly, "Sang Gong, you should be fine, right?"

   Zhao Fu nodded.

   Hailiu said, "Do you remember what you promised me?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Of course I know what you have to say, I will leave here when I am finished."

   Hailiu said with a smile, "I think you can help stabilize a piece of water near my hometown?"

   Zhao Fu said strangely, "Your hometown?"

Hailiu explained with a smile, UU Reading, "Msang Gong, I didn’t tell you, I have half of the siren bloodline, my hometown is south of the siren area, away from the land of the siren, and Some distance."

   The land of the siren occupies one percent of the siren area. Others come to explore and obtain treasures. They are to go to the siren area, not to the siren’s land. This siren’s land is like an inn, providing rest and supplies.

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, we will go back tomorrow."

   Haiwu King reminded, "Although we and the Sea-Monster clan are not invading each other, the Sea-Monster clan is very dangerous, and some of them are particularly cruel and cannibalistic."

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I know, you don't need to worry."

   Hai Wei said reluctantly, "You come back as soon as possible when you have time, I don't want to wait for you guys all the time."

   Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

   Hailiu looked at him and said softly, "I want to be your own woman. I hope you can give my husband some compensation, okay?"

   Zhao Fu chuckled, "Of course!"

   Hailiu smiled happily, she won't have to track in the future. The expressions of her two daughters are a bit complicated, they want to be with Zhao Fu at the same time they want their father.

   The next day, Zhao Fu followed Hailip to her hometown.


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