MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 4002 sensation

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   Volume One, Chapter 366

   Haichan nodded, and admitted generously, "Yes, I just want to be the king of the sea monster clan."

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well, I support you."

   Haichan looked at Zhao Fu with his eyes, "I also need your support, well, don't waste time, hurry up and refine the world of water in all directions."

   Zhao Fu let out a sigh of relief, "Got it!"

   sat cross-legged on the ground, took out the previous Octagonal Water World, and injected a force into it. The Octagonal Water World exudes a lot of light, and an illusory water world appears.

The women around    also stepped aside, looking at the scene in front of them with a surprised expression.

   Numerous phantoms continuously poured into Zhao Fu's body like flowing water. Zhao Fu's body emitted a strong blue light, and a powerful source of water spread out.

   Afterwards, the power and light radiating from Zhao Fu disappeared, but the eight directions of water world floated out of Zhao Fu's body, distributed around them, forming a circle, and a stable equilibrium point was reached between the two sides.


   There was a thunderous roar, and waves of huge blue power continued to flow out like waves.

   Although the girls were powerful, they were pushed back by this force, and their expressions became serious, because in this force, they seemed to be a small boat in the ocean.

   Zhao Fu's body also emitted a strong light, and the light became stronger and stronger, becoming dazzling.


   A louder roar sounded, and it resounded in all directions at that moment, causing the sea to tremble, and ripples appeared.

   A huge blue beam shot upwards, shot out of the water surface, hit the sky, forming a huge blue beam of light, and the sky was dyed blue at once, and an indescribable water power enveloped the world.

   At this moment, people from other major domains looked in this direction with shock.

   "What happened? Why did the waters fluctuate so much?"

   "This force is extremely pure, it should be the original hydraulic power of the water area, and the only thing that can produce such pure water power is the Bafang Water World."

   "The Bafang Water World is not looking for the lost parties. I haven't heard the relevant news for a long time. Is this really related to the Bafang Water World?"

   "This matter is indeed related to the Bafang Water World, but one Bafang Water World cannot cause such a big change. At least ten Bafang Water Worlds are possible."

   "Ten Octagonal Water World? Really? That is the treasure of the aquarium. It's good enough to get a lucky one. I have never heard who owns ten Octagonal Water Worlds. That person can have so many Octagonal Water Worlds?"

   "There is one person who can do it, and that is the Son of Apocalypse. I guess the Son of Apocalypse will awaken the last emperor star with the Octagonal Water World, and only his kind of fortune can collect so many Octagonal Water World.

   "Well, I think so too. It seems that we are going to Bafang Water World."

   "I want to go too. I want to see with my own eyes the scene of the eight major races descending together. That scene is absolutely nothing in the world."

   "If you say that, my heart is moved. I feel that all the emperor stars will come to great things. Maybe it will completely change the situation in the world of Apocalypse."

   "Such a big movement, I think the people in the card world and the alchemy world should also feel it, and I feel that they will do what they do."

   The people in the card world and the people in the alchemy world felt this powerful force, and their expressions became very solemn, especially the alchemy world experienced several changes caused by the children of the apocalypse, paying special attention to the affairs of the children of the apocalypse.

  The card world.

   "I didn't expect this son of apocalypse to have been in the waters for so long. We don't know if it wasn't for the change caused this time."

   "This kid loves to hide too much. We have been searching for so long and haven't found him. This time, we must not let him go."

   "Yes! I feel that his threat is too great, and it is the hope of the Apocalypse World. If we can kill him, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the Apocalypse World."

   "I think so too, this time we must disdain to kill him at all costs. If he is dead, we will be able to capture the world of Apocalypse more easily."

   "The matter has not been clarified yet, and not many of our people have entered the waters. Is it really sure that it was caused by the Son of Apocalypse?"

   "I must be him. There is absolutely no second person besides him. If there is a strain like this, no matter what the reason is, we should check it out."

   "The strong from all sides will also gather in the water. The situation may be very dangerous. Everyone must be careful."

   The world of alchemy.

   "What should I do now? Do you want to go to the water? I don't know why I have a kind of anxiety."

   "Well, I also have this feeling. Every time that Son of Apocalypse causes a change, it is not a good thing for us. The last time I remembered it."

   "The war against the world of Apocalypse, I think, should also be slowed down to avoid accidents."

   "I agree with this point. This place is no longer our alchemy world, but the apocalyptic world. If there is an accident, there is no way to escape."

   "Let's go to the waters too! If we can kill this child of the apocalypse, his hidden danger is too great, it makes people feel uneasy to think about it."

   "Well, we must kill him before we can attack the world of Apocalypse safely."

  The powerful people from all sides continue to gather to the water like a brings a powerful force that makes the world begin to change color, which makes people feel terrified.

  No hundreds of surnames are also discussing this matter. It can be said that this time Zhao Fu caused a huge sensation.

   The various forces in the waters, every face is solemn, they have also learned that countless powerful people gather like a tide, which will make the calm waters turbulent, they are in the center of turbulence, and they are in a very dangerous situation.

   The last emperor star of the Son of Heaven awakens in the waters, and the hearts of many aquatic people are also very complicated. They don't know whether to be happy or sad.

   Everyone didn't know what would happen when the last emperor star arrived, and there were some worries in their hearts. Coupled with the influx of powerful people from all sides, many forces decided to keep a low profile and be honest, and some even chose to close their doors.

  'S eyes turned to the sea monster waters once, and countless blue rays of light shone on the sea monster waters, making the water in the sea monster waters blue, emitting blue light, and the picture was beautiful.

   There are countless people in it, their bodies seem to be wrapped by a kind of gentle water power, their bodies feel comfortable and relaxed, and their hearts also feel very peaceful. Unknowingly, their bodies have undergone some changes, which is beneficial to them.

   Their blood and physique will be strengthened, and their strength will become more refined. This is an opportunity for them.


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL: