MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1299 Come over

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Jason became famous in the war. Everyone in the entire desert city was talking about the mysterious black-haired man who appeared in the Chamber of Commerce that day. After this battle, the Great Wilderness City seemed to calm down. ""

The battles of the major forces are no longer as fierce as before. Even if the news of the sword **** order is heard, it will not be directly killed as if it was in the beginning. After all, the death of the savage monarch night is given to the Great Desolation City. People are extremely shocked, and no one wants to be the second in the night. .

Everything is calm, Jason naturally does not care about the other, concentrate on practicing in his own room every day, and improve his strength.

From the starry gods to the Yuehui gods, the absorbed power is too large, even if Jason is so absorbed every day, it is only a drop in the bucket, and there is still a long way to go to achieve qualitative change.

It is the prestige of the Chamber of Commerce in the world. It spread out in the entire deserted city and the surrounding areas.

Longlin clearly can feel that the team of chambers of commerce that was occasionally attacked is now calm and calm, and it is not attacked at all. Even if it is to transport precious treasures, there will be no thieves who dare to take bold shots.

This is the power of a starry god, especially the strength of this starry god, but also far beyond the ordinary strong, even the killing of the magical night arrogant such a famous figure, are killed by the other side, who should dare to attack Is the team of the Chamber of Commerce in the world wanting to be destroyed?

Time is like running water, and it’s fleeting. In the blink of an eye, half a month’s time passes by, and the days when the swordsman’s sword is opened are finally coming.

"Predecessors, everything is careful."

In the world chamber of commerce, Long Lin and Long Haoyue are all concerned about sending off for Jason. Today, Jason is already everything in the Chamber of Commerce. Once Jason is degraded, the Chamber of Commerce will face enormous danger, and if it is Jie If Sen is alive, then it will be a powerful shock, and no one will dare to work on the Chamber of Commerce.

Jason nodded. Without speaking, the whole person rose to the sky and plundered away from the Great Wilderness.

Looking at the back of Jason's far away, underneath, Long Haoyue clenched his fists. I don't know why, when Jason left, there was an inexplicable affection in her heart. It is difficult for her to suppress herself.

"Predecessors. You must come back alive."

Long Haoyue shouted silently in his heart, his eyes were wet.

"call out!"

On the boundless black wilderness, Jason is flying through the lightning. Strong strength passed by and hunted his robes.

This trip of the sword **** sword is extremely important, if you can not find the top quality medicine here. Jason will face even more serious problems, so Jason also secretly prayed that everything went smoothly.

Of course, what he prayed was that there must be a superior medicine in the sword of the sword. As for the rest, he entered the swordsman with the sword, and thought of this, Jason’s lips could not help but tighten.

No one can stop his determination to save Blue Moon Gussen, no one can. God blocks the killing of God and the Buddha blocks the Buddha.

The ruins of the Jianshen Swordsman are located in a black mountain range thousands of miles away from the Great Wilderness City. There are no pedestrians here, but there is no pedestrian at all, but the birth of the sword **** sword is to make this barren region. Become a person coming and going. Crowded.

When Jason came to the open space outside the sword, a large number of strong people had arrived. They were divided into various camps, and they firmly held their own territory and watched each other with vigilance.

Some of these forces have swordsmanship orders. But most of the forces are not, at the last moment of the opening of the sword. There will be a fierce battle.

"Call!" Jason was alone in the sky and landed on the open space. His eyes glanced at the audience and finally headed for an open space near the swordsman.

The place where the swordsman swordsman has been explored has already been explored. Once the time is up, the sword gods can gather in order to enter, so the closer to the swords, the better the position, and the ability to stay in the sword. All have a compelling strength.

Jason’s arrival and actions suddenly attracted the attention of people at the venue.

"Who is this person, even if one person comes, dare to go so close, will not be a brain teasing?" In the crowd on the south side of the open space, a big man saw Jason, could not help but speak out.

The vast majority of the forces already on the open space have more than a dozen people, and even dozens of them, even if there are few, there are also a few people. Although the number of people entering the swordsmanship is limited, the guardian swords and the plundering The sword **** command, but the more people are more dominant, so like Jason, who came alone, is still the first one.

But at the moment when Dahan had just finished speaking, the scene that shocked him appeared. In the place where Jason passed, many forces retreated, and opened a road leading to the sword. No one dared to have it. Blocked in the slightest.

"Oh!" Then, a leader of the power of the great man had already gave him a slap in the face, and almost did not send him directly.

"Iron egg, this person is the mad **** demon of the Chamber of Commerce in the world, and then talk more, Lao Tzu kicks you back to the village." The head of a big man who is taller than a big man with a big bell-like eyes, a wicked road, and a trepidation Looking at Jason in the distance, he found that the other party did not look at the words of this kid, and he was secretly relieved.

"God devil?" The big man heard this, the body could not help but sigh.

The mad **** demon is the nickname of Jason after everyone in the war, and does not know where it came from first, but it quickly attracted the approval of many people.

Mad God, describing his unscrupulous, overbearing character, and the devil, naturally is Jason's heart-wrenching, unrelenting character.

When Jason heard the title for the first time, he couldn’t help but smile. But he didn’t say much. In places like the gods, weakness, it means being insulted, and the name of the devil, It is a reaction to people’s fear of him.

Jason sat quietly on the side of the plate, his eyes closed, not communicating with others, waiting for the opening of the sword.

As time passed, a group of strong players also rushed to gradually, gradually, the ranks of the team were divided, and they were able to get close to the swords and swords, and none of them had a team of strong stars.


Just then, a terrible breath came from, and a huge team appeared in the sky and landed in front of the sword.

Jason, who was originally closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

This is a team that exudes a terrible atmosphere. There are a total of twelve people, nine of whom are the upper spirits, the two are the strongest of the stars, the most leading one, the golden crown high wear, wearing a gold silk robe, waist hanging gold sheath sword, the whole human body . Like the emperor who walked down from the dragon. He is born.

This man's momentum is very similar to that of the original Sargentson. It is also the strongest of the gold system, the same kendo master. But the momentum of this person, in terms of strength, is that Pizza Genterson is more than a few times stronger.

This person is obviously a moon god.

If Saginsen is the first river to enter the moon, it is a river. Then this person is a big river, full of majestic momentum.

However, after Jason’s gaze passed through this strong man, he fell on one of the two stars of the gods behind the strong.

This man had to be white, and looked at Jason with a look of resentment. He turned out to be the master of Feilun in the Linglang Pavilion, and the nine upper spirits behind him, Jason was also seen in the Great Wilderness City. The nine upper spirits of the quaint court.

"It is the master of Feilun in Lingling Pavilion."

"Who is in front of him? The terrible momentum is actually the moon god."

"I know. The man is the Shurao at the headquarters of the Wild House, the high-ranking Shura Pavilion. It is said that the martial art is a heavenly martial art. It is one of the most talented figures of the Linguage Pavilion. ”

"What, is he? How does the Spiritual Pavilion send such a character? If so, what hope do we have in the sword?"

Many people are shocked and can't help but worry. There are such masters, then the real treasures in the swords and swords, I am afraid it will be difficult to fall into their own hands.

"The master of Shura, this is the man who killed my master Ling Tiange." Fei Lun saw Jason. Shout immediately.

His name is also attracting everyone's attention. Suddenly, many of the strong people who knew the Great Wall City battle had a schadenfreak in their hearts.

"When it is over, this mad **** demon is over, and Lingqin Pavilion has sent out Shura, who has a living path."

"It was not impossible to get the baby in the sword of the goddess with the strength of the mad **** demon. But now, I am afraid that it is difficult to enter the sword of the sword."

Everyone’s face is full of excitement, anticipation, and even a pity.

"Oh?" The man in the golden robe looked around and his eyes were filled with indifference. This is a kind of arrogance that arises from the inside out, and is born with a high standard.

"Is it Luo Tian who killed my spiritual house? I have no guilty sin, I will die, but I heard that you have a little strength. I will give you a chance to join my spiritual house and become my slave. I am I can spare you not to die."

The sound of indifference sounds clear.

Jason’s body sitting on his knees slowly stood up.

"Your Majesty!"

The master of Feilun suddenly shouted: "You killed me as a member of the Lingwu Pavilion. It must have died. Now that the Shura adults have spared you, you will not give me a sigh."

"Yes, Master Feilun said it was good. Originally, you were guilty of sin and death, but there is a lingering death, but the compassion of Shura’s heart is to see that you are a personal thing, and you are not willing to open a killing ring. Come and kneel down, honestly hand over everything to you, join me. Lingwei Pavilion, loyal to the Shura adults, will have your benefits in the future." Another star is also cold and shouting.

"Your Majesty!"

The nine top spirits are drinking together.

They know that Jason is a strong god, the gods of the gods level, have dignity, at least they have not been shackled, now see the torture of a master, insult his dignity, the heart is also very excited and distorted.

In an instant, some people in the place looked at Jason, and worried about him.

If it is such an insult, I can't stand it, but now the situation is compelling, see what this black-haired youth will do.


Recommend a book: "Forever Strong"


The appearance of x Link is like a three-legged thorn that breaks into the chrysanthemum, which makes the whole continent suffer.

Close to him, the best knight became a hooligan; the most kind soldier became a sinister black general; the most devout believer became a sinner of the gods; the most holy woman became a style Thousands of sluts.

Because of him, a military map is too lazy to mark the military station, become a sacred place for the mainland soldiers to worship; a nine-flow force that is self-destructive, has become a peerless strong soldier who created the great war myth; a land full of sin and taboos, becoming spring and boundless Happy country.

Standing on the top of the mainland, Link gently stroked the head of the pig around him, sighing: "The misunderstanding is too deep, I am really a good person! You see, I have no politicians treacherous, no pope hypocrisy, no dragon arrogance, No sand lascivious, no gnome cruel, no demon dark, no..."

The pig glanced at him contemptuously, and his wings fluttered into the air.

"Actually, you are a pig that only eats tigers!" it said. .

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