MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1328 Transmission array

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Welcome everyone to come to ---. "Haha." Seeing the nervous and worried look of the two men, Jason couldn't help but smile: "The five of them are indeed a few of them, but they are not what you want. I was caught by them."

Jason smiled and seemed to be reluctant to talk about this issue: "I am here to tell you something, I am leaving this wild land, so come here to see you."

"Predecessors, you have to leave the wild land?" Long Lin could not help but be surprised, but the dragon and the moon on the side was down, and suddenly felt a sigh.

"When did the seniors plan to come back?" Long Lin asked.

"I don't know." Jason shook his head. "Maybe it's a hundred years, maybe tens of thousands of years, maybe it won't come back, it's possible."

Before finding the saints and restoring the life of the Blue Moon Gusson, Jason knew that he might have to wander in the gods for countless years.

"Predecessors, can I go with you?" On the side, Long Haoyue suddenly raised his head and looked at Jason with a burning gaze.

"Long Haoyue, you..." Long Lin looked at his daughter with surprise and saw her expression, and could not help but tremble.

Long Haoyue’s face is slightly red and red: “Father, have you said that you have to grow up, and I want to grow up with the predecessors.”

Looking at the dragon and moon, it is clear, without a trace of impurities, but it is extremely firm, looking forward, Jason who understands her heart, but can not help but slowly shake his head: "Long Haoyue, my trip too It’s dangerous, so you can’t bring you.”

Today, Jason is no longer like when he was just born again. He knew nothing about his feelings. He couldn’t understand Long Haoyue’s feelings for himself. It’s just now, where is the mood and time. This aspect.

When he heard Jason's words, Long Haoyue suddenly silenced and stayed with Jason for so long, naturally knowing that Jason is a one-of-a-kind person.

"What happened to me? The seniors said yes, his strength is so strong, I follow him. It can only be cumbersome, but why, my heart will be so uncomfortable?" Long Haoyue lowered his head, his eyes suddenly red It’s up.

However, she did not insist on it again, but she quickly raised her head and the whole person recovered calm.

"Hey!" On the side, Long Lin saw this scene, and he could not help but sigh.

Next. Jason stayed in this small village for a full three days.

Three days later!

Long Lin is in the courtyard. The seven people are right each other. Long Lin and Long Haoyue looked at Jason, and their hearts were full of disappointment.

In these three days. Jason gave many of the help of the two people. It also raised the strength of Long Lin and Long Haoyue to the realm of Xing Yao Tian Shen, and also passed on to many powerful secrets and martial arts.

If you are not afraid of too much improvement, it will cause the two people to be unstable. It is not difficult to promote the strength of the two people to the peak of the moon and the gods with Jason's current strength.

However, before leaving, Jason gave the two people a one-of-a-kind chain of the same spirit, although after Jason's tempering and transformation, the talents of the two are no weaker than the vastness of the gods. Most people, but in order to prevent accidents, if they can only reach the peak of the starry gods in this life, they can't break through the words of the moon. You can also advance to the moon and the gods through the chain of refining laws.

In the past few days, Jason has been staying in the courtyard of Longlin. He has not been in contact with the rest of the world chambers. After all, people are unpredictable. Jason does not want to make any accidents. Today, he finally reached the date of separation.

"Goodbye two. I hope to see you later." Jason said.

next moment……

"Call!" A breeze blew, and the six Jasons who stood in the courtyard disappeared from the air.

"Predecessors, can you tell me your real name?" Long Haoyue looked up and hurriedly asked the vast sky.

Although they have been together for such a long time, they have not even known the real name of Jason until now.

"My name is Jason."

a long time. A slight voice rang in the minds of the two. Gradually dissipated.


Long Haoyue clasped his hands and looked up at the sky.

At that time, tomorrow is in the sky, the breeze blows the leaves, and the trees sway and the birds scream and scream, and Long Haoyue can no longer bear it, tears burst out. It is: "Autumn style is clear, autumn is clear; deciduous gatherings are still scattered, and the swallows are resurrected. The lovesickness meets each other, and it is difficult at this moment."

(Remarks: This is the last sentence of the goddess of the goddess Guo Guo and Yang Guo, the little teacher has always liked it, used here, hehe.)


"Adults, from here to the eastern continent, first need to cross the entire eastern part of the wild land, reach the sea of ​​thunder between the two continents, and then cross the sea of ​​thunder before they can arrive."

In the void above the wild land, Jason six people constantly shuttled and moved forward.

In order not to attract people's attention, Jason deliberately let everyone change their appearance. As a god-level powerhouse, they can usually change their appearance through divine power, but this change can only deceive some strength than themselves. Weak, if it is in front of some strong people who are stronger than themselves, it has no effect, and the power of the gods changes. It is just an ordinary appearance. The soul of each person is very unique. This cannot be changed. If you meet a familiar person, even if you change your appearance, you can recognize others through the soul and divine power.

However, with Jason's strength as a group of people, once they change their looks, I am afraid that even if they are invincible and powerful, they may not be able to see through them if they are not aware of them.

At the same time, in order not to attract people's attention, Jason changed the name of the five people of Akasaka from the owner to the adult.

In the void, everyone also talked to each other. These days, Jason also asked about the news of the saints in Akasaka and others. Unfortunately, the saints are too secret, even if they are Akasaka, they have never After hearing that Jason was going to go to the middle of another continent, everyone also discussed the route to the Central Plains.

The gods are vast, and there is a sea of ​​thunder between the two continents. From any place on the western continent, you can enter the sea of ​​thunder, but the different routes are very different, and the time spent is also A world apart.

Although in the Ares Tower, there are three top-grade medicinal herbs, Sword Grass, which provides the elixir essence to Blue Moon Gusson, at least for hundreds of years, but the gods are extremely dangerous and need time across the two continents. It is extremely long. If it is an accident, it is easy for people to get trapped for hundreds of years in a certain secret situation. This is not impossible, so everyone needs to agree on a route that consumes the shortest time.

Fortunately, with the strength of Jason and their six people, this day is dangerous, but most places can be safely taken without worry.

"We are still in the south of the wild, the nearest distance to the Thunder Sea, it should be directly to the east, but the sea is one of the most dangerous areas of the Thunder Sea, and few people will cross the Thunder Sea from where There are more than a dozen routes that are safer across the Thunder Sea, but most of these dozens of routes are located in the north and south of the Thunder Sea. The most recent one should be in our south, but that is the Eight Kings. The field of a beast god, the nearest to the north, is not close to us. If we fly past like us, it will take at least several decades."

Soros and others discussed and projected the general map of the gods and gods through the soul transmission in Jason's mind.

I saw that there were two continents, one left and one right, in the mind of Jason. The left and the right were big, and in the middle of the two continents, it was the vast sea of ​​thunder. Jason’s current position is on the left. The small continent is on the upper middle and upper sides.

When I heard the conversation of five people, Jason’s face was not to be laughed at. The gods and gods were incomparably vast. Every area under the control of the gods was boundless. Jason’s wild land where they are now is only the four gods of the dark gods. One of the barbaric territories, from the south of this wild land to the eastern border, requires the Japanese gods to shuttle through the void for decades, which shows its vastness.

"Adult, in fact, I have a way to save decades of effort." At this time, Akasaka is respectful to Jason.

The eyes of everyone suddenly looked at the past.

"Adults, in the gods and gods, most of the forces can only rely on flying to travel, but as the head of the local control, it is possible to use the transmission array set up by the king of God to transmit, we can go to the wild The central city in the south of the land is transmitted to the central city in the easternmost part of the wild land through the transmission array, and then to the sea of ​​Thunder, so that it takes only one year to reach the sea of ​​Thunder."

Akasaka smiled.

"Oh, this is a good idea, but the transmission array is controlled by the gods, will it be used for us?" Soros wondered.

"Soros, have you forgotten my identity?" Akasaka suddenly smiled.

Everyone sighed, and they couldn’t help but smile.

"Well, if that's the case, then I will send it from there." The crowd continued to agree on some details. In the end, Jason decided to make a decision, and the group immediately swept away toward the central city in the southern part of the wild land.

Three months later!

Thousands of miles outside the southern center of the wild land, it is a strange valley.

The Valley of the Wild is the location of the southern passage of the wild land.

Akasaka walked out of the void alone and flew toward the Valley of the Wild, and the five Jasons naturally stayed in the Tower of the God of War and were carried by Akasaka.

In the Valley of the Wild Gods, Akasaka is not the first time to come. There are a large number of patrols around the house. This transmission line is built in this barren hill. They are not afraid of people coming to attack. After all, they belong to the sacred temple. The core personnel who can control the transmission of the array, even if there is a strong person to come, even if it is rushed into the transmission array, it can not be started.

"There are people to stop." The appearance of Akasaka was suddenly seen by a team of patrolling soldiers, and far away was a loud voice.


I feel that the progress of the plot is a bit slow today, and I will speed up tomorrow!

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