MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1339 Amethyst Castle

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Jason and his party went to the island, and they caught their eyes with an obvious island-like view.

On the avenue outside the island's port, a piece of trees stands in it, row by row, like a waiter welcoming guests, not far from where there is a piece of sea view villa, full of exotic style, and Not far from everyone, it is the place where the city is located, and the bustling crowds enter and leave the island, which is very lively.

"Haha, there are so many people here, and it is really prosperous." As soon as they entered the city, everyone seemed to be in another country, and a large number of people walked on the streets. These pedestrians came from all regions, and they were bustling and bustling.

Among them are barbarian warriors with double-headed horns, sea hunters with hands on their faces, scales on their faces, and some poultry with two wings. Of course, most of them are the same people of Jason.

In fact, the strongest of these races can change the human form after reaching the level of God. It is no different from the normal human race. However, people of every race usually like to keep some of their own races, such as double angles and scales. Differentiate their respective races.

"Adult, do you want to find a place to live first, and then go shopping around this Thunder Island?" Akasaka proposed.

Jason nodded, and a group of people immediately stopped paying more attention to the shops on both sides of the street and walked straight toward the city.

In this Thunder Island, because there are many merchants and warriors, the most street shops are all kinds of shops, then various restaurants, and hotels for accommodation, but Jason has already asked Thomas about them before they arrived at Thunder Island. After that, I know that on this Thunder Island, there are only a few small things on the periphery, small restaurants, really prosperous places, inside, and the most prosperous, but in the inner city of the center of Thunder Island. It belongs to the most important trading castle of Thunder Island.

It is strictly forbidden to fight in the Thunder Island trading market. Once found, the punishment is extremely strict, and only the shops, almost 90% of the people who come to Thunder Island, will go to the inner city to see, in this inner city, all kinds of outside Treasures of exotic treasures can be found everywhere. Luxury is incomparable.

When you come to Thunder Island, you don’t go to the inner city. If you go out, you will be laughed at.

Jason and others naturally know the news, do not stop along the way, and quickly go to the inner city.

There is also a peculiar phenomenon in this Thunder Island, that is, the deeper the shops, restaurants, hotels, the higher the specifications, the more luxurious, and the closest to the inner city is the size of the gold, can be located here. Architecture, both are luxurious.

Far away, Jason saw a huge luxury building towering in the distance.

"Go. Adults, let's go to this hotel." Rontas pointed to a large area in the distance. The hotel is very romantic and full of excitement.

The hotel was incomparable at first sight. Jason and his entourage walked in, and the whole hall was shining. The paving slabs on the ground were extremely expensive, and there was a small fountain in the center of the hall. Splashes of water, there is a kind of fragrant fragrance, it is very comfortable to hear.

"The water in this fountain is not ordinary spring water. It is an elixir?" Jason was surprised.

“Several adults, should you be here for the first time? Our Hilayton Hotel is one of the most prestigious seven-star hotels on Thunder Island. The spring water in this pool is specially made by the master of the elixir Baalek. The holy water is prepared.” Jason, the six of them just came in, and a warm waiter came forward and respectfully explained.

"Haha, yes, good!" Rontas looked around and was very satisfied.

"How do you count this accommodation?" A group of people came to the front desk of the hall, and Rontas said awkwardly.

The beautiful woman with a golden smooth long hair and a squid scale in her eyebrows smiled and said: "Several adults, we have a bath of 500,000 stone in one standard room, two million stone in a suite, and a private villa. Ten million **** stones."

Jason, Akasaka and Rontas were surprised.

This is really not cheap. A star of the gods and gods is worth a million stones. Can you live here only once?

"Several adults, we have a stay here for one month, that is to say, no matter how long you live in a month, once, of course, if you live for a month or a day, the standard room is a million stone. "Beautiful woman with a sweet smile.

So, Jason’s heart was slightly relieved, this time for a month, not a day.

However, it is also a matter of fact that a god-like powerhouse has to spend at least a few months. If it is long here, who can afford it, Jason will take a boat from the wild land to the Thunder Island for twenty-five years. One person is also a million stone.

Like the strong star of the Starry God, it is considered to be a famous strongman in a small town. It is a two-month private villa here. I am afraid that it will be ruined.

"Several people, are you staying?" The beautiful woman looked forward to looking at a group of Jason: "If you are six people, you can actually choose a private villa and you can live well."

"Yes, then a private villa." Jason nodded.

If it is 10 million a day, Jason turns around and there is no money to spend, but 10 million a month, anyway, they are estimated to stay in this Thunder Island for a month, 10 million, whether it is for Jie Sen is still not a big deal for Akasaka, it is not trivial.

The beautiful women’s eyes suddenly lit up. Soon, they helped Jason to check in.

This private villa has only 20 sets of the entire Hillerton hotel, can live here, all of them are strong or noble. After all, 10 million gods a month, many Japanese gods are not willing to spend this Money to live.

10 million a month, 120 million a year, 1.2 billion in ten years, and 12 billion in a hundred years. For a god-level powerhouse with a long life, one hundred years It’s just over the corner.

After paying 10 million **** stones and leading a black brand, Jason walked to their residence under the leadership of the waiter.

The standard rooms and suites are located in a large building in front of the hotel, and behind the Hillerton Hotel, there is a fascinating vacant lot with lots of exotic trees, and twenty luxury villas are lined up here.

Jason walked into their residence and pushed open the courtyard door. In front of Jason, they were an elegant courtyard, in which the flower garden occupied one-third of the courtyard.

Behind it is a quaint three-storey villa.

"Yes, good." Rontas was very satisfied with their reading. In this villa, you can even see some buildings in the inner city. The key is that the privacy is very good, the environment is beautiful and quiet.

"Adult, you live on the second floor of the master bedroom, we live on the third floor and the first floor."

There were a lot of rooms in the villa. Soon everyone chose their own room. The second floor of the villa belongs to Jason. The first floor is occupied by the Emperor and Rontas and Soros. The third floor is Akasaka and Bashe. M.

"Adult, it's still early, let's go to the inner city." After choosing the room, Rontas exclaimed excitedly.

"Alright!" Jason nodded with a smile, and he was looking forward to the legendary inner city.

Not wasting time, Jason and the six of them immediately set off to the inner city!

As soon as he walked into the inner city, Jason clearly felt that it was different. It was very lively and extraordinary in the outer city, but after coming to the inner city, there was a serious atmosphere.

On the street, there are patrols in black, with armored warriors on the top of the road. These black armored warriors are obviously the army in the Thunder Island, indeed, as Thomas said. In that case, the weakest of them is the strongest of the moon and the gods. Some of them may be the captains of the captain. They are actually the strongest in the early days of the sun, and they are fearful.

In the inner city, it is not allowed to kill. Once found, it will face extremely serious consequences.

In the inner city, towering castles are towering. These castles are all trading castles. People come and go. Jason is unfamiliar with their lives. They directly find a purple-black castle. This purple-black castle is also unknown. What material composition, from afar, there is a kind of luxury, and Jason chose the castle because it has a purple flower mark above the castle called Amethyst Castle.

Jason also had the same mark on the Hillerton hotel where they lived, apparently belonging to the same force.

Jason and a group of people walked into the Amethyst Castle.

Because Thunder Island has a very low tax rate and is located in the center of the two continents, its geographical advantage is excellent, and countless gods and merchants gather here. There are countless guests who come to this Amethyst Castle every day.

The Amethyst Castle has eight floors, and the guests can enter the first six floors. As for the last two floors, they are not operating outside. When Jason enters the first floor, they are shocked by the person.

There are no restrictions on the inner city, so almost all visitors to the island of Thunder will come to the inner city. Even if they can't afford it, people will be curious to come in and visit, which naturally leads to a lot of people, and some merchants in the inner city castle want to win this. The guests are usually placed on this floor with some things that are not too expensive. Most of them are just below the 100,000 stone, and there are even thousands of stones. Even the middle spirit and the upper spirit. Come over and spend it.

"Adults, there are too many people here. I heard that the castle is generally the better the things are going up, the more expensive the price is, or do we go straight up?" Feel the crowd around, Ron Tas Can't help but frown.

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