MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1342 conflict

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Everyone is welcome to: "Bauhinia?" Jason thought of the flower that was printed on the top of the Hillerton Hotel and the Amethyst Castle. It was obviously what the Bauhinia was.

"How big is the three big families?" Jason couldn't help but be shocked. There are so many items in the entire Amethyst Castle. The wealth gathered is an incredible number. It is astronomical.

And the red robe woman also said that many of the property on the Thunder Island belong to the three major families. You must know that there are several castles in the inner city, and there are some fighting martial arts, auction sites, etc. on this Thunder Island. Places, like these truly core buildings, are obviously owned by the three major families and cannot be distributed to outsiders.

"It’s terrible. If most of the wealth in Thunder Island belongs to the three major families, then these three families may not be as low as the ones on the mainland." The sound of Akasaka’s dignity is also Jason’s ear rang.

"Yeah." Jason nodded. After the red robe woman couldn't ask for anything, Jason and his group turned and left the Amethyst Castle.

Next, Jason and they went to visit several other castles. Every time Jason went straight to the top floor, looking for the medicinal store to see if there was something about the saints. Unfortunately, it was found again. Did not find out.

"This blood-colored stem is quite well preserved and should have been obtained in these two hundred years. If you can hear from the Warren family where the blood stems got, you may be able to find the saints. The place is."

On the way back, Jason thought quietly in his heart, but he also knew that the news of the saints was invaluable. The other party can't easily say it. If you want to ask, you must have a good entry point.

It is a pity that the Volend family is too strong, if it is a general family, even if it is a family with the strongest of the sun and the gods. Jason can go directly to the other side to ask the other party, but the three families that control the Thunder Island are too terrible. Before they can find out the details of the other side, Jason can't act rashly.

"Adult, the restaurant in front is good. Do you want to go in and see?" Just as Jason was screaming, there was a scream from Rontas.

"Longtas, you know that you eat, don't you see adults thinking about things?" Akasaka could not help but shout.

Among the five people under Jason, since Akasaka first promoted to the peak of the Japanese god, he has been led by him. Beside Jason, Akasaka also plays the role of a housekeeper. Hearing his stern drink, Ronston did not speak.

“Restaurant?” Jason looked up and saw a beautifully decorated restaurant in front of him, and there was a Bauhinia on the restaurant sign. Obviously also the industry of the Volend family.

"It's rare to come to this Thunder Island. Since Ron Tas wants to eat, let's go in. If you pay for it, he will pay." Jason smiled.

"Haha, I am coming to me, everyone will be there despite the meeting. You are welcome." With Jason's instructions, Rontas's face suddenly smiled.

A group of people pushed the door in, when Jason and the six of them came in. Suddenly there was a waiter at the restaurant, and Jason saw the waiter. The waiter at the restaurant turned out to be a strong star.

The starry gods and gods come to be waiters, which is not easy to see elsewhere, but on Thunder Island, the starry gods are everywhere. It is no surprise that the waiter is a star god.

"Please come with me for six." The waiter smiled and walked with the six Jasons.

In the middle of the restaurant is a tall tree. The leaves are a little star-shaped, extremely beautiful, looking up along the branches. This restaurant is divided into two floors and three floors in addition to the first floor.

"Give us the best box and introduce us to some of your signature dishes." Rontas walked straight up the stairs, and the big door rang.

"Sorry for the six, our two and three storey boxes are full, only the first floor lobby has a location." The waiter's face showed a sorry look.

"What? Only the first floor lobby has a location?" Longtas's eyes suddenly rounded up: "Are you still afraid that we can't afford the money?"

"Not the six, it's just full... but you can rest assured that no matter where you sit, the dishes are the same," the waiter explained.

"No, no box, adults, let's go to the next one." Longtas shook his head.

"Lantas is forgetting, anyway, we are eating something, not looking at the environment." Jason said.

The waiter was about to lead the six Jasons to a window position, and Jason sat down. The waiter took out a book with a variety of foods. He smiled and put the book on the table. : "Six, you set the dishes, just call me."

Said the waiter will retreat to one side.

This menu naturally fell first in the hands of Jason.

"This is really expensive." Jason turned a few turns, and he saw several dishes with low prices. The cheapest ones were 10,000 stones, most of them in tens of thousands and tens of thousands. Even hundreds of thousands of gods, this is still relatively cheap, Jason then turned back, about halfway through, the price of the dishes immediately appeared in the millions, and on the last page, the price of a dish is actually as high Tens of millions.

"The shark's fin of the **** thunder shark!"

"The fish seed of the upper spirit **** level snowfish!"

Seeing these prices of ingredients, Jason can not help but feel that regardless of the level of the beast, as long as there is money to eat.

"Let's order, I am free."

After reading it, Jason shook his head and handed the menu directly to Ron Tas, who had long been looking forward to it.

"Haha, let me see, this Thunder Island dish, I haven't seen it yet." Rontas took it with excitement and shouted: "Wow, this is a seafood dinner."

"Come here, this one gives me a copy, and this one, this, all, um, oh, this is a good one, also come to a plate..."

Rontas turned over the recipe, and in the blink of an eye, he ordered seven or eight dishes. When he finished the recipes, almost thirty were already there.

"Well, I am finished, what do you want to eat, point yourself." Rontas handed the menu to Akasaka.

"Forget it, let's not order it." Akasaka, they looked at Rontas with a bitter smile. When Rontas casually ordered, there were already many customers around who couldn’t help but come over. For the guests who eat on the first floor, there are usually a few dishes to taste. After all, the price of the dishes here is still very expensive, and there is such a mess as Longtas.

"You're welcome, I am asking for this today." Rontas also yelled.

Soon, the waiter took the menu and went down.

Before the twenty-eight dishes of Rontas, plus three pots of wine, the price of a total of 20 million gods, so Jason can not help but swear, 20 million **** stone, which can be equal to two stars The law of the **** chain, ordinary people, even the strongest of the early days of the Japanese god, is also reluctant to spend this money to eat a meal, which can be seen from the envious eyes of the table people next to it.

Fortunately, Jason’s assets of the six of them are not much known, and naturally they don’t care much about this.

In a short while, some dishes came up, and Jason also enjoyed these fine dishes.

"Well, it's delicious, it's not bad." Rontas ate something and made a burst of enjoyment in his mouth.

"This Rondas..." Everyone was teased by his look and tone.

As the dishes came up, the table was filled with dishes, so Jason's six-person table was big enough to fit.

"I am afraid that at least tens of millions of dishes should be ordered by these people. It is a luxury..."

"Thousands of millions? Did you see that gold crab? Is there a golden crab and a million gods on the recipe, six is ​​six million, and tens of millions are enough!"

Many of the guests next to them were secretly looking at Jason's table, and Jason even heard several people whispering.

But at this time -


A huge roar sounded from the second floor of the restaurant, and everyone in the restaurant was shocked. Jason looked up and saw that in the box on the second floor, there was a huge roar again. Broken up, a figure flew out of it.

"Call!" Immediately after the figure, a big man wearing a black blood-stained armor rushed out, and the sword in his hand fell down like lightning.

"Hey!" The sound of the blade slammed, and the first figure fell heavily on the first floor, smashing a table, and the two guests who were eating at the table hurried away and were angry.

"Jimmy, you will die today." The snoring voice of the great man sounded, behind him, from the box, and a group of soldiers wearing black blood-stained armor.

"This is the patrol squad of Thunder Island!"

“How do you fight directly at this restaurant?”

"what happened?"

Many people were surprised to see the group of soldiers wearing black blood-stained armor, with a surprised face.

"Jimmy?" Jason had no one to move at the table, but his brow was wrinkled.

Previously, the first figure was shot down quickly, but Jason’s eyesight still saw it. The people who were shot down turned out to be their acquaintances. They took the Muya Chamber of Commerce and came to the Leibai Island’s blonde white youth Jimmy. .

"Bosak, I didn't expect you to be a warrior on the Thunder Island." In the gravel below the restaurant, a voice full of resentment sounded, Jimmy stood up, stunned, and a trace of blood slipped from his mouth. The robes on the body have long been ruined.

"Haha, if you don't come to this Thunder Island, it's okay, I didn't expect you to come to Thunder Island, but also happened to run into Laozi. It's really God's eyes. It seems that even God wants you to die." The building flew down, his face was full of excitement, and the seven or eight teammates behind him were so happy that he looked at his arms and smiled.

Jimmy bit his teeth, and there is a hint of hatred and despair in his eyes.

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